Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Environmental Fascism taking over America and United Nations to Takeover the Alamo


The environmental tyrants believe that if humans are allowed to have huge amounts of freedom and liberty that the planet is doomed. It sounds nuts but they believe in this nonsense. Left by ourselves, they are convinced that the debunked fraud that is man made climate change/Co2 myth is going to destroy the planet and make it a hellhole. So in their sick sociopathic minds, they think it is perfectly justifiable to control human behavior "for the good of the environment" never mind the real environmental issues we have like Smog, GMOs, toxic waste dumping in the ocean to name a few but no it is a life giving essential trace gas that humans breathe out and plants need to grow is the boogyman du jour

Every year, these control freaks get even tighter with their attempt to control our lives. They have banned light bulbs of a certain kind, they are putting mandatory "smart meters" into our houses and have all sorts of draconian bullshit about what you can do with your land. Now they want to put black boxes in the vehicles and move us into "stack and pack" housing with communal bathrooms and no elevators. It is no wonder we call them eco-fascists. The "true believers" of the environmental fascist movement believe they are "saving the world" by being complete control freak czars. They go around thinking they know better than us and they would kill to get into positions of political power so they can impose their crap on everyone.

These tyrants are constantly "pushing" the envelope and doing whatever they can with government power to impose their "rules" on the rest of us, Most take it without fighting back. For example, there was a car wash for a high school cheerleading squad and was shutdown because the cheerleaders were "in violation of water discharge laws" in San Jose:

"It's hard to wave your spirit fingers when the city shuts down the cheerleading squad's fundraising car wash to protect the environment. This is what happened to Lincoln High School cheerleaders trying to raise money to attend a national competition in April. The San Jose Mercury reports that local environmental officials warned the high school cheerleaders that their car wash violated the city's water discharge laws. "We had a visit from the city of San Jose Environmental Services Department who said that the car washes at Hoover [Middle School] are in violation of water discharge laws, therefore we had to cancel this and all future car washes" said an email that was sent out to neighborhood email lists on Oct.18"

However there are some who have fought back against eco-tyranny. A recent Business Week article highlighted this north Idaho couple that is standing up against the insane demands of the EPA here is that excerpt:

"Four years ago the Sacketts were filling their lot with dirt and rock, preparing to build a simple three-bedroom home in a neighborhood where other houses have stood for years. Then three federal officials showed up and demanded they stop construction. The agency claimed the .63 acre lot was a wetland, protected under the Clean Water Act.

The Sacketts say they were stunned. The owners of an excavation company, they had secured all the necessary local permits. And Chantell Sackett says that before work began, she drove two hours to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to consult with an Army Corps of Engineers official. She says the official told her orally, though not in writing, that she didn't need a federal permit. "We did all the right things"she says

The EPA issued an order requiring the Sacketts to put the land back the way it was, removing the piles of fill material and replanting vegetation they had cleared away. The property was to be fenced off and the Sacketts would be required to submit annual reports about its condition to the EPA. The agency threatened to fine them up to $32,500 a day until they complied"

It is clear the EPA is out of control and they seem to enjoy making life hell for farmers and private land owners and the article continues to show the lengths these sick tyrants are going to in attempting to have total domination over every single aspect of our lives including the number of kids we can have... This is United Nations Agenda 21 at work and we need to do everything we can to stand up for human freedom/liberty if they are going to be brought to their knees

Here is an example here in canada how we are being taken over too by these eco-fascist tyrants: (http://canadianawarness.org/2013/10/hamilton-bus-lanes-connected-to-agenda-21-and-to-a-bilderberg-member/)  You know the people who fought died for our respective countries in world war 2 for our supposed freedom would be outraged and disgusted by this highjacking of our countries by the elite scum who are running our planet with their corporate fascist takeover through fraud and using a life giving gas which is no toxin at all to take away our rights through another massive fraud known as man made climate change as well. Spread this around and rise up against these sick tyrants


San Antonio Texas Mayor Julian Castro is negotiating with the United Nations to make the Alamo a UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) World Hertiage Site, meaning that historic place of liberty will have UN blue flag over it once it is under UN control

UNESCO, an agency within the UN, created the World Heritage Site status out of this 1972 international agreement, which calls for nations to join together to manage historical sites through "collective assistance"

"San Antonio has the opportunity for its five Spanish Colonial Missions(including the Alamo) to be nominated to be the first UNESCO World Hertiage site in the State of Texas and the 22nd World Heritage designation in the United States" according to the October 2013 City of San Antonio newsletter reads

The Alamo consists of both the Alamo chapel and the surrounding compound known as the Alamo plaza. The Alamo chapel, which is what people call it when they here the name "Alamo" is managed by the Texas General Land Office and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.

The Alamo Plaza, where most of the fighting took place during the 1836 Battle of the Alamo, is administered by the City of San Antonio. During this fight, at least 189 Alamo defenders lost their lives and sacrificed them for liberty instead surrendering to the tyrannical mexican president Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna. The Alamo was a symbol as a scared shrine of individual freedom in the face of tyrannical evil.

Now it is about to be taken over by the collectivists at the United Nations whose policies fall right in line with Santa Anna's dictatorial rule than the values the people who fought and died for "in the name of Liberty, of patriotism and everything dear to the American character" as Alamo Commander William B. Travis wrote back in Feb. 1836

So you ask how does the UN takeover affect the Alamo???

Back in 2002, the UNESCO World Heritage Center wrote up this manual called "Managing Tourism at World Heritage Sites" which gives an outline of UN obligations that historic site managers are expected to follow. The manual illustrates that it is "the duty of the international community as a whole to cooperate" in managing World Hertiage sites, meaning some bureaucrat in China or France could oversee and even influence how the Alamo is operated and one of their so called obligations of a World Hertiage site is they have to use the "World Heritage" logo meaning the Alamo would have UN Flags placed upon it

It gets worse, the manual shows how to restrict public access to heritage sites due to "environmental concerns" under the guise of "sustainable tourism" borrowing from Agenda 21 key words

Some of have said that if the Alamo is designated a World Heritage site, which is expected to happen in 2015, the UN would not control it because the Alamo would "remain" under sovereign jurisdiction which is total BS because with Agenda 21, we see local governments adopting these "policies" of the UN is if they are the LAW!!!!

The UN's pressure has been felt in San Antonio after the city turned down a proposal for a hotel downtown because it would cost the Alamo a chance at becoming a World Heritage site and not mention businesses in the area would have worse fates because under the terms of the World Heritage Convention, the governments are expected to protect these sites beyond their borders which violates private property in every sense of the word

Back in 1995 globalist puppet US President Bill Clinton asked the UN to declare Yellowstone Park in Wyoming a "World Heritage Site in Danger" giving him so called "international obligation" to shut down a mine 3 miles away from the damn park though the mine was well over 150 years old!!!!

Sovereignty means nothing to these tyrants when government and UN are so well connected and just like the article regarding how the eco-tyrants are taking over this is a perfect example of using the environment as an excuse to power grab through fraud and is all connected to the CO2 burning the earth myth in every way that counts

So once again The Alamo is under attack from the elite scum 177 years later and there is a video of the Gun Rally at the Alamo of infowars.com and radio talk show host plus Texas native Alex Jones gave a riveting speech about standing up against these tyrants... it is a must watch... and also has his documentary America Destroyed by Design in the article too...

"Global Warming is  one of the greatest and  most successful pseudo-scientific fraud I have ever seen in my long life"- the late Harold Lewis, physicist