Friday, November 1, 2013

LAX shooting, one dead and several TSA agents injured will this be used to arm TSA agents

(Update: the media has flipped flopped in their reporting that the gunman was not a TSA employee which is odd because law enforcement officials said he was. Now this can be used as the perfect excuse to further TSA abuses of power which would not be possible if the shooter was a TSA agent )

(Disclaimer:  My heart goes out to the victims of this crime and despite whatever criticisms we have regarding the TSA, no one deserved to get shot but I all I wanted to do was illustrate how government can use these horrific tragedies to further their political agendas which is totally disrespectful to the victims and their families whether it was Sandy Hook or the Navy Yard shooting. And in this case they are doing the same thing again and that is something we should never tolerate that kind of bullshit ever)

The LA times reported that "a federal enforcement official said that the gunman was a ticketed passenger entering the airport. Officials don't believe the gunman has ever worked for the TSA. Law enforcement sources had told The Times earlier that the gunman was a TSA employee"

So what happened you ask?? well there was a shooting at LAX which happened today killing 1 and injuring several other Transportation Security Administration screeners which could again be used to arm TSA agents, a plan that has been in the works for a while

Several reports say that a man approached a document checker at Los Angeles International Airport, pulled out a rifle and opened fire on a security officer. Several people were injured during this incident which went on for about half an hour and injured a TSA agent who was shot in the leg. The LA times reported that "two or three TSA employees were hit by gunfire" and NBC news confirmed that one of the TSA agents was killed.

Suspect was described as a clean cut white man who fired an AR-15, you can see the gun in the images provided and it was also confirmed the cops killed the shooter as well

Then there are the other reports that this man was a off duty TSA agent suggesting he had a personal vendetta and not a political agenda and according to eyewitness accounts the gunman was clearly targeting TSA agents. One of the witnesses Nick Pugh said: "We were just standing there in line and somebody started shooting. Everyone dropped to the floor and started crawling along the ground, abandoning their suitcases"

Of course this will not doubt be used by the United States federal government and their lap dog media to justify further draconian TSA security policies and it could be used to arm the TSA as well since infowars reported earlier this year that the Department of Homeland Security has been hiring shooting ranges near airports in order to train TSA agents showing that arming the screeners with firearms has been in the works for quite sometime

And already there has been anti-second amendment propaganda in the wake of this shooting as Mother Jones sent a tweet saying "LAX Police Chief Gannon: Single Shooter entered, pulled an assault rifle, began shooting at checkpoint, went past & into terminal 3"

Note the word "Assault rifle" which is a favorite tool of emotional manipulation used by the gun grabbing crowd. Every weapon is "an assault rifle" but the these fake liberals will never tell you is that firearms are used for self defense

According to the Gun Owners of America from a report in 2008: "Guns used 2.5 million timers a year in self-defense. Law abiding citizens used guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year- or about 6,850 times a day. This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives"

So in essence the facts mean nothing to the gun grabbing tyrants because as I have said many times that any time through out history whether it was Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China they all took the guns and thus genocides occurred as a result. America don't let them take your damn guns like they did to us here in Canada and other places like the UK...