Monday, October 7, 2013

BBC caught staging Syrian Chemical Weapons Propganda, Leader of Former Syrian Communist Party and Member of CIA controlled SNC Arrested

(Note: within 2 hours of this developing story, the BBC filed a copyright claim on Youtube to get the 45 second clip removed from the video site and illustrates how nervous they are regarding this information coming to light. News organizations like BBC have been caught before doing this by putting false copyright claims in order to censor these disgusting revelations and another site Liveleak picked up the video and is embedded within this article)

Another illustration of how corrupt the mainstream media has gotten. The BBC has been caught yet again in which a video they did with a doctor in the aftermath of the Syrian chemical weapons attacks appear to have been artificially dubbed to falsely make references to the incident being a "chemical weapons attack) this clip according to former UK Ambassador Craig Murray is "a stunning bit of fakery"

This report came out on August 29th, days prior to the attack in Syria seemed to be well on the horizon, and further demonstrated the narrative they were shoving down our throats that military action was justified because of the atrocities being committed by President Bashar Al-Assad's forces.

Here is an excerpt to illustrate this and the doctor is Dr. Rola Hallam, who is a British medic from Hand in Hand for Syria charity:

"... It's just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we've had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of, I'm not really sure, maybe napalm, something similar to that..."

In the 2nd clip though from the same interview shows her words being altered:

"... It's just absolute chaos and carnage here, erm we've had a massive influx of what looks like serious burns, er seems like it must be some sort of chemical weapon, I'm not really sure..."

The 2nd clip seems to have been altered to characterize the event as a "chemical weapon" attack rather than a bomb attack and Hallam's face is covered by a mask, making the dub impossible to hear without looking at the original clip to see this.

This has sparked analysis amongst numerous internet users who point to the background noise in the clip that uses "chemical weapon" to be different from the original clip. the BCC has been asked to explain this discrepancy but has not responded*(see note)

Hallam's bias in supporting military action while working for a charity in Syria and being linked to the FSA is even more suspicious and explains why the BBC has been so hell bent on pushing a military strike on Syria and is mere propaganda to influence the UK public into supporting this type of thing and her father is on the Syrian National Council as well

And this would not the first time war crimes have been staged in order to blame Assad's forces as well and it has been highlighted many times of videos showing the Western backed FSA staging fake injuries and deaths for mere propaganda

Al Arabyia, the Saudi owned tv station, is reporting that Faeq al-Mir, the leader of the Syrian People's Democratic Party, has been arrested in Syria.

The SDP is a former communist organization, the Syrian Communist Party. In 2006 it joined with the Communist Labor Party, who are a radical organization that espouses the Maoist and Trotskyite rhetoric. The SDP joined with the CIA controlled and Saudi funded Syrian National Council in 2011.

Last July, Daniel McAdam underscored a deeper and more sinister SNC connections in which the SNC is linked with the CIA's Ford Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers through Bassma Kodmani, a top level SNC functionary.

SNC operative Radwan Ziadeh is totally in bed with the US Institute for Peace, which is a Pentagon and NSC think tank that is riddled with CIA operatives. In 2012, Ziadeh signed a letter started by the neocon warmongers demanding that Obama send military forces to Syria and overthrow the government of President Bashar Al-Assad.

Ausama Monajed, who is really just a propaganda script reader for the Qatari propaganda news outlet al-Jazeera, is also tied to the SNC and in addition to blogging for the fake liberal corporate whore news outlets AOL-Huffpo, Monajed has rubbed elbows with Bush and his group of establishment neocon warmongers who have never seen a Middle East country they didn't want to invade and carpet bomb the hell out of and Monajed is also tied to the Democracy Council, which is a shady NGO linked to the Middle East Partnership Initiative, which is a United States State Department operation that has had ties to the color revolts and the CIA spin off the National Endowment for Democracy and the so called "independent federal government agency" USAID

The arrest of al-Mir is hardly momentous but it demonstrates the efforts to kick out Assad and the Syrian government is not going well for these pieces of sociopathic globalist elite scum. Syria is not Libya. Skull and Bones Secretary of State John Kerry's about Syria complying with disarming themselves of chemical weapons should be taking with a very tiny grain of salt.

the United States and their NATO partners and the Gulf Monarchies have not abandoned their goal of completely destroying the Middle East and reshape Syria into this state riven by violence al a Iraq style. Due to the SNC's military incompetence, the West is now relying on their creation Al-Qaeda and their brutal front group Al-Nusra Front, to wage war on Assad while Kerry dances politely with Russia who represent the incredible obstacle to taking down the Syrian government and their military forces once and for all..