Friday, September 27, 2019

Dr Nir Shaviv article on the junk science of the man made climate fraud very good and interesting read and 7.1 billion dollars of Canadian Tax Payer money going to pay for abortions overseas Dr Nir Shaviv is an astrophysicist from Israel who put out a great article in the epoch times and was picked up by Marc morano’s climate depot exposing how the junk science of the man made climate change fraud has been accepted blindly without question and he points out how CO2 is not the control knob and points out the very strong correlation between the SUN and temperature which is totally ignored by the establishment and the UN because it would fly in the face of their vision of authoritarian control over the planet and if the fear mongers were right(they are not) how come they are not promoting nuclear power which is cheap and effective and also very clean and I highly suggest you share this link with your friends and family to get the word out and in other news Trudeau’s funding of abortions overseas will cost us Canadian tax payers by 2030 7.1 billion dollars yes you read that right 7.1 billion dollars of OUR MONEY GOING TO KILL BABIES IN ABORTIONS OVERSEAS!!!! That money could have easily gone to. Fix the water issues in our First Nations communities to help our veterans who are sick and disabled but no can’t do that have to murder children in other countries instead which is totally ridiculous and shows yet again trudeau and his elite gang have no respect for our tax dollars and would rather abuse them to promote the anti-human agenda of the globalists and the left instead with our money despicable