Tuesday, September 3, 2019

climate roundup: The UN and angry birds team up to brainwash kids into believing plant food is going to destroy the planet, Dr Tim Ball wins lawsuit against criminal Michael Mann

https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/33297-angry-birds-movie-2-global-warming-propaganda-for-tots The UN teamed up with angry birds to promote their man made climate change bullshit towards children and even created an ad to indoctrinate children into become social justice warriors and climate warriors for the UN and there is a video of the ad promoting their hysterical garbage with the actors from the movie telling kids the world is going to end because of non harmful Co2 which is plant food but don't tell the UN that since they are hell bent on controlling every aspect of our lives whether it is to shove veganism down our throats or to banning cars and etc.. even though real science shows us that temperatures drive Co2 levels and that the main driver of climate on earth is driven by the sun, the cosmic rays ocean cycles the earth's orbit around the sun to name some but these facts don't matter to the green left and the UN

in other news Dr Tim Ball was vindicated in the bogus lawsuit against him that was launched by the creator of the hockey stick graph hoax Michael Mannhttps://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/08/22/breaking-dr-tim-ball-wins-michaelemann-lawsuit-mann-has-to-pay/ it was a great victory and important in the fight against the man made climate change myth promoters since that fake graph has been used to justify carbon taxes especially here in Canada and also to justify the ruling class quest for world government as well so while this is good there is clearly still work to do to protect our way of life here in the west from the communist globalists