Thursday, September 5, 2019

Bernard the commie sanders calls for eugenics at CNN town hall and depopulation using abortion and other methods Bernard Sanders called for eugenics at a CNN town hall on the myth that is man made climate change and wants to use abortion to target all people including those who are black which you can learn more about at this wonderful website called black genocide which is linked in order to save the planet from non harmful CO2 which I posted recently that NASA had to admit the earth was greening as a result but the elites like Sanders don’t care about these facts since they have a deadly and sinister agenda to not only usurp our freedom and god given rights but to outright kill innocent people not just in the west but in the poorer parts of our world who don’t need forced sterilization or forced abortions ala communist China what they need is cheap reliable energy and modern agricultural practices combined with free market is what will improve their lives immensely  both videos are from challenging this and the bias towards free market capitalism but we can stop these eugenicists  like Sanders if we expose them and spread these links around to your friends and family it is crucial for freedom and innocent human life