"a foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth"-Albert Einstein
Monday, December 8, 2014
Thank you 2014
Hi everyone I know I haven't blogged much I apologize for that I want to thank you all for your support and standing up for freedom and human rights along with me and even though there are bad things going on like the eric garner killing the riots in ferguson and while I think brown's case should have gone to trial so the facts could be separated from fiction the rioting going was not good and solved nothing and in both cases it has nothing to do with race but the issue of police abusing their power now I know their are good cops out there that do their jobs right but the ones abusing their power need to to be held accountable and the ongoing Eco fascism tyranny where they are still trying to ram a treaty down our throats in Peru but thankfully the public is growing wise to their fear mongering and propaganda and you can follow this on climatedepot.com but I have hope that despite all this people are waking up and that is a good thing and together we can take the globalists down and restore freedom worldwide so merry Christmas and have a fantastic new year
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Doctors: UN vaccines in Kenya used to sterilize women
[disclaimer: I am not anti vaccine and support preventing illnesses like measles but in this case here it is clear abuse of the tetanus shot to force sterilize women since it had the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in it which caused these women to miscarry their unborn babies and this should not be tolerated and this needs to be investigated]
Less than a year after the United Nations unveiled their sinister population control plot at reducing the number of people in Kenya a supposed "UN vaccine program" is under fire by doctors and catholic bishops for deliberately sterilizing millions of women. The explosive revelations were released after medical researchers and the Catholic Church found a sterilizing agent in tetanus inoculations being foisted on Kenyan women by two UN agencies in cooperation with the national government. This is not the first time that international vaccine campaigns by the UN targeting third world populations have been exposed as covert sterilizations and eugenics programs. Some referred to the latest plot as race based genocide. In a statement released by the Kenyan Catholic Doctos Association said it ordered lab tests of the tetanus vaccine being used by the World Health Organization(WHO) and the UN's Children's Fund(UNICEF)"The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with [sterilizing agent human chorionic gonadtropin] HCG just like the ones used in South American cases*(* similar experiments took place in Mexico and Nicaragua in the 1990s which you can look up) Dr. Wahone Ngare said in a statement for the Catholic Doctors group who exposed this and when the trusts came back positive . "Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccine were informed of the contraceptive effect" According to the organization and other medical experts, the HCG found in the tetanus vaccine causes women's bodies to develop an immune response to attack the hormone which is essential for pregnancy so when a woman who received the UN shots gets pregnant her body fights it and results in the death of her unborn child. The article goes on to explain how this was not about preventing tetanus but forced population comtrol and also shows despite this the catholic bishops do support vaccines but also described being "shocked at the level of dishonesty by the Kenyan government" and the Bishops also applauded the medical experts who stood up and exposed the truth and Dr Ngare in the article encouraged Kenyans to educate themselves and be activated in light of this horrific atrocity. Also this comes on the heels of that study I reported on about the to,Iqbal one child policy not being enough for this sick pigs to recue human numbers under the fraud of overpopulation. This needs to be investigated and the people behind this need to be punished for their crimes against humanity.
Update: UN denies secretly sterilizing women http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/un-denies-secretly-sterilizing-kenyan-women... Article has link to 1992 WHO document on fertility regulating vaccines which is linked in this article and is 60 pages long so they can deny all they want but the documents don't lie and is clear they have had involvement sterilizations
[disclaimer: I am not anti vaccine and support preventing illnesses like measles but in this case here it is clear abuse of the tetanus shot to force sterilize women since it had the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in it which caused these women to miscarry their unborn babies and this should not be tolerated and this needs to be investigated]
Less than a year after the United Nations unveiled their sinister population control plot at reducing the number of people in Kenya a supposed "UN vaccine program" is under fire by doctors and catholic bishops for deliberately sterilizing millions of women. The explosive revelations were released after medical researchers and the Catholic Church found a sterilizing agent in tetanus inoculations being foisted on Kenyan women by two UN agencies in cooperation with the national government. This is not the first time that international vaccine campaigns by the UN targeting third world populations have been exposed as covert sterilizations and eugenics programs. Some referred to the latest plot as race based genocide. In a statement released by the Kenyan Catholic Doctos Association said it ordered lab tests of the tetanus vaccine being used by the World Health Organization(WHO) and the UN's Children's Fund(UNICEF)"The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with [sterilizing agent human chorionic gonadtropin] HCG just like the ones used in South American cases*(* similar experiments took place in Mexico and Nicaragua in the 1990s which you can look up) Dr. Wahone Ngare said in a statement for the Catholic Doctors group who exposed this and when the trusts came back positive . "Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccine were informed of the contraceptive effect" According to the organization and other medical experts, the HCG found in the tetanus vaccine causes women's bodies to develop an immune response to attack the hormone which is essential for pregnancy so when a woman who received the UN shots gets pregnant her body fights it and results in the death of her unborn child. The article goes on to explain how this was not about preventing tetanus but forced population comtrol and also shows despite this the catholic bishops do support vaccines but also described being "shocked at the level of dishonesty by the Kenyan government" and the Bishops also applauded the medical experts who stood up and exposed the truth and Dr Ngare in the article encouraged Kenyans to educate themselves and be activated in light of this horrific atrocity. Also this comes on the heels of that study I reported on about the to,Iqbal one child policy not being enough for this sick pigs to recue human numbers under the fraud of overpopulation. This needs to be investigated and the people behind this need to be punished for their crimes against humanity.
Update: UN denies secretly sterilizing women http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/un-denies-secretly-sterilizing-kenyan-women... Article has link to 1992 WHO document on fertility regulating vaccines which is linked in this article and is 60 pages long so they can deny all they want but the documents don't lie and is clear they have had involvement sterilizations
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Study:Global one child policy not enough for so called sustainability
A team of environmental "scientists" have published a new study in. U.S government linked journal claiming that Communist China's one child policy will not save the world from "overpopulation" According tomAustralian researchers even with massive reductions in population via war would not be enough to save Earth from humans. To deal with their "crisis" the authors propose encouraging- more like brainwashing and coercion- women into having less babies while rationing resources for humans who escape the population control regime. Thankfully for us, the fringe movement of population controllers who are really eugenicists lurking behind this bogus study and have made ridiculous claims since the days of Malthus in the 1700s have been proven to be wrong on every level possible. Indeed the latest editor of this paper is no other than Paul Ehrlich himself, an Eco fascist nutcase and crackpot for eugenics is widely ridiculed for good reasons. Despite him and his fellow merry band wagoners he has been an advocate of barbaric draconian population controls to stave off this non existent fake crisis. The paper entitled "Human population reduction is not quick fix for environmental problems" examines various scenarios and potential "interventions" surrounding human population numbers- including mass death and drastically reducing birth rates. It's conclusions:" no matter what population controllers do to slash populations, there will still be too many people" so of course you have to control the global economy: "even one child policies imposed worldwide and catastrophic mortality events would still likely result in 5-10 billion by 2100" the summary assumes that 5-10 billion is too much. "Because this demographic momentum, there are no easy ways to change the broad trends of human population size this century" Badically these authors are arguing that population growth "is rapidly eroding Earth's life support system" as they claim there are "frequent calls" to address the issue by calling for steeper declines in newer humans being allowed to exist and it goes on with this doomsday bullshit illustrated by their claims that even killing 2 billion over 5 yrs. would leave 8.5 billion and of course targets Africa and Asian countries and etc.. This "study" was published on Oct. 27 on the heels of the Obama administration and the UN population control freaks coming out of the woodwork. For example Obama's ebola czarist in 2008 said that " growing population" in Africa of course was a "leadership issue" not tyranny, genocide, poverty, disease and etc.. But the number of people and we cannot forget John Holdren, who is. Obama's "science" czarist proposed in the past for things like forced ablutions and forced sterilizations through these water supply via a "planetary regime" with a "global police force" but again these preachers have been discredited Meanwhile the UN has unveiled a plot to further slash populations in Africa with a report calling for global abortion and demand more population control and ,measures to promote so called sustainability http://www.pop.org/content/un-continues-push-
radical-abortion-agenda which involves central power controlling humanity, the environment and resources and the UN has been at the forefront for pushing to reduce human population in recent years the UN's population control agency, UNFPA, was exposed for unlawfully using American taxpayer dollars to help the communist Chinese enforce its own brutal genocidal one child policy through forced abortions and sterilizations. The latest call to reduce population like so many others are based on false assumptions and premises. The 800 lb gorilla is the lack of understanding of economics 101 for example if a non renewable resource was becoming scarce, the laws of supply and de,and would jack up the price and that would lead to increased reliance on substitutes as consumers reduced the quantity they demand. If a a no good substitute exists, higher and higher prices for dwindling recourse would d&r I've investment towards discovering or recovering previously used by recycling market forces that would be at work barring government would stay out. These "peak oil" people and the so called environmental scientists and ecologists never consider these things if rarely and perhaps they should be taught this when taking their courses. Ehrlich who worked at Stamford University has put out kooky forecasts sucks as the article shows from the UK being a small group of impoverished islands by the year 2000 back in 1971 to when he, his wife Ann and Holdren wrote their cookbook for genocide Ec-science back in 1977 and was part of the global cooling fraud
The authors of this study Professors Corey Bradshaw and Barry Broom at the university of Adelaide in Australia are merely continuing this totally discredited fraud of "overpopulation" being a threat to "Mother Earth" shows what a death cult this is and despite no warming for 18 years, record sea ice and failure of UN computer models involved in promoting the man made climate change myth and the hysteria along with the myth and this is a favourite tool of these sick people. In reality we face too few people giving our rapidly aging populations and experts have warned what too few births will do and not what Ehrlich and his merry followers imagine. Human numbers are expected to decline based on current trends and the current population could live on a land mass the size do the state of Texas(not saying move there) with each family having a home and a yard and the world produces more food to sustain mankind the reasons for hunger are tyranny and corrupt and oppressive government not lack of resources. Though theses pseudo scientist criminals and crackpot Malthusians have been discredited they have a great deal of powd in government and international organizations across the world considering their horrifying proposals and embarrassing track record these people should be kicked out and fired from their jobs as their genocidal policies have caused untold human rights abuses and suffering and the endless butchery of women in places like China
A team of environmental "scientists" have published a new study in. U.S government linked journal claiming that Communist China's one child policy will not save the world from "overpopulation" According tomAustralian researchers even with massive reductions in population via war would not be enough to save Earth from humans. To deal with their "crisis" the authors propose encouraging- more like brainwashing and coercion- women into having less babies while rationing resources for humans who escape the population control regime. Thankfully for us, the fringe movement of population controllers who are really eugenicists lurking behind this bogus study and have made ridiculous claims since the days of Malthus in the 1700s have been proven to be wrong on every level possible. Indeed the latest editor of this paper is no other than Paul Ehrlich himself, an Eco fascist nutcase and crackpot for eugenics is widely ridiculed for good reasons. Despite him and his fellow merry band wagoners he has been an advocate of barbaric draconian population controls to stave off this non existent fake crisis. The paper entitled "Human population reduction is not quick fix for environmental problems" examines various scenarios and potential "interventions" surrounding human population numbers- including mass death and drastically reducing birth rates. It's conclusions:" no matter what population controllers do to slash populations, there will still be too many people" so of course you have to control the global economy: "even one child policies imposed worldwide and catastrophic mortality events would still likely result in 5-10 billion by 2100" the summary assumes that 5-10 billion is too much. "Because this demographic momentum, there are no easy ways to change the broad trends of human population size this century" Badically these authors are arguing that population growth "is rapidly eroding Earth's life support system" as they claim there are "frequent calls" to address the issue by calling for steeper declines in newer humans being allowed to exist and it goes on with this doomsday bullshit illustrated by their claims that even killing 2 billion over 5 yrs. would leave 8.5 billion and of course targets Africa and Asian countries and etc.. This "study" was published on Oct. 27 on the heels of the Obama administration and the UN population control freaks coming out of the woodwork. For example Obama's ebola czarist in 2008 said that " growing population" in Africa of course was a "leadership issue" not tyranny, genocide, poverty, disease and etc.. But the number of people and we cannot forget John Holdren, who is. Obama's "science" czarist proposed in the past for things like forced ablutions and forced sterilizations through these water supply via a "planetary regime" with a "global police force" but again these preachers have been discredited Meanwhile the UN has unveiled a plot to further slash populations in Africa with a report calling for global abortion and demand more population control and ,measures to promote so called sustainability http://www.pop.org/content/un-continues-push-
radical-abortion-agenda which involves central power controlling humanity, the environment and resources and the UN has been at the forefront for pushing to reduce human population in recent years the UN's population control agency, UNFPA, was exposed for unlawfully using American taxpayer dollars to help the communist Chinese enforce its own brutal genocidal one child policy through forced abortions and sterilizations. The latest call to reduce population like so many others are based on false assumptions and premises. The 800 lb gorilla is the lack of understanding of economics 101 for example if a non renewable resource was becoming scarce, the laws of supply and de,and would jack up the price and that would lead to increased reliance on substitutes as consumers reduced the quantity they demand. If a a no good substitute exists, higher and higher prices for dwindling recourse would d&r I've investment towards discovering or recovering previously used by recycling market forces that would be at work barring government would stay out. These "peak oil" people and the so called environmental scientists and ecologists never consider these things if rarely and perhaps they should be taught this when taking their courses. Ehrlich who worked at Stamford University has put out kooky forecasts sucks as the article shows from the UK being a small group of impoverished islands by the year 2000 back in 1971 to when he, his wife Ann and Holdren wrote their cookbook for genocide Ec-science back in 1977 and was part of the global cooling fraud
The authors of this study Professors Corey Bradshaw and Barry Broom at the university of Adelaide in Australia are merely continuing this totally discredited fraud of "overpopulation" being a threat to "Mother Earth" shows what a death cult this is and despite no warming for 18 years, record sea ice and failure of UN computer models involved in promoting the man made climate change myth and the hysteria along with the myth and this is a favourite tool of these sick people. In reality we face too few people giving our rapidly aging populations and experts have warned what too few births will do and not what Ehrlich and his merry followers imagine. Human numbers are expected to decline based on current trends and the current population could live on a land mass the size do the state of Texas(not saying move there) with each family having a home and a yard and the world produces more food to sustain mankind the reasons for hunger are tyranny and corrupt and oppressive government not lack of resources. Though theses pseudo scientist criminals and crackpot Malthusians have been discredited they have a great deal of powd in government and international organizations across the world considering their horrifying proposals and embarrassing track record these people should be kicked out and fired from their jobs as their genocidal policies have caused untold human rights abuses and suffering and the endless butchery of women in places like China
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Canadian authorities ran war games drills depicting ISIS attack scenario
Joshua Blakeney has pointed out to Adrienne Arsenault of the CBC reported on October 23rd (which was Thursday) in the weeks leading up to the two so called "terror" incidents that took place this week in Quebec and Ottawa Canadian authorities had been running war game excercises depicting such attacks(video in article and clip starts at 1:52 but I will give you a transcript right here) According to Arsenault: "They [Canadian authorities] may have been surprised by the actual incidents but not by the concept of them. Within the last month we know that CSIS, the RCMP and the National Sexurity Task Force ran a scenario that's akin to a war games excercise if you will where they actually imagined literally an attack in Quebec followed by an attack in another city followed by a tip that 'hey some foreign fighters are coming back from Syria' so they were imagining a worst case scenario. We're seeing elements of that happening right now...[Canadian authorities] may talk today about being surprised that this precise scenario has been keeping them up at night for awhile"
That is one hell of an amazing coincidence that Canadian intelligence rana drill envisioning an attack first in Quebec, then another city. On Monday October 20, A man identified as Martin Rouleau supposedly ran over two Canadian solider so with his car in a mall parking lot in the city of Saint-Jean-Sur-Richeleau in Quebec. And Wednesday of this past week where one solider was gunned down in Ottawa followed by a siege on the parliament itself. Authority and media claim both suspects were converts tomIslam who had become "radicalized". What are the chances that these mock terror drills are just a coincidence? In almost every major terror incident here in the West it has come out that intelligence services were conducting war games excercises kicking the very events that came to follow. On the day of the 7/7 bombings in London,UKBritish authorities ran drills depicting the exact attack scenario that transpired that day. On 9/11 US agencies were also running drills simulating hijacking a and now we have Canadian intelligence doing the same damn thing. It was also revealed and I reported it with the article on Gladio that these two suspects in the two incidents this week were being monitored by both US and Canadian intelligence for some time prior to these two incidents this week.
Joshua Blakeney has pointed out to Adrienne Arsenault of the CBC reported on October 23rd (which was Thursday) in the weeks leading up to the two so called "terror" incidents that took place this week in Quebec and Ottawa Canadian authorities had been running war game excercises depicting such attacks(video in article and clip starts at 1:52 but I will give you a transcript right here) According to Arsenault: "They [Canadian authorities] may have been surprised by the actual incidents but not by the concept of them. Within the last month we know that CSIS, the RCMP and the National Sexurity Task Force ran a scenario that's akin to a war games excercise if you will where they actually imagined literally an attack in Quebec followed by an attack in another city followed by a tip that 'hey some foreign fighters are coming back from Syria' so they were imagining a worst case scenario. We're seeing elements of that happening right now...[Canadian authorities] may talk today about being surprised that this precise scenario has been keeping them up at night for awhile"
That is one hell of an amazing coincidence that Canadian intelligence rana drill envisioning an attack first in Quebec, then another city. On Monday October 20, A man identified as Martin Rouleau supposedly ran over two Canadian solider so with his car in a mall parking lot in the city of Saint-Jean-Sur-Richeleau in Quebec. And Wednesday of this past week where one solider was gunned down in Ottawa followed by a siege on the parliament itself. Authority and media claim both suspects were converts tomIslam who had become "radicalized". What are the chances that these mock terror drills are just a coincidence? In almost every major terror incident here in the West it has come out that intelligence services were conducting war games excercises kicking the very events that came to follow. On the day of the 7/7 bombings in London,UKBritish authorities ran drills depicting the exact attack scenario that transpired that day. On 9/11 US agencies were also running drills simulating hijacking a and now we have Canadian intelligence doing the same damn thing. It was also revealed and I reported it with the article on Gladio that these two suspects in the two incidents this week were being monitored by both US and Canadian intelligence for some time prior to these two incidents this week.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Canada terror wave modern day gladio
http://infowars.com/canada-terror-wave-a-modern-day-gladio/ (disclaimer: this article shows the history of false flag terrorism and gives some food for thought and the media has already declared this to be an act of terrorism without evidence to show however regardless this will be used to erode civil liberties and justify bombing the Middle East and it is funny I had a strange feeling something was going to happen give all the ISIS war propaganda that was spewing over all the corporate press here in Canada and the reason I posted this is because the only people who benefit from something like this is the state only but I will keep you all posted if new information comes out)
As warned after multiple staged incidents used to ratchet fear and paranoia in the build up to the US and it's allies military intervention into Syria and Iraq at least 2 attacks have been carried out in Canada as predicted. The first attack as you are aware involved a deadly hit-and-run that left one Canadian solider dead. AP( Associated Press) would report in its article "Terrorist ideology blamed in Canada car attack" that: "A young convert to Islam who killed a Canadian solider in a hit-and-run had been on the radar of federal investigators, who feared he had jihadist ambitions and seized his passport when he tried to travel to Turkey, authorities said Tuesday" the second one which happened yesterday with the shooting in Ottawa which injured several and killed a second Canadian solider. RT( Russia Today) in its article "Ottawa gunmen 'identified' as recent Muslim convert "high risk traveller" would report that: " While the name of the gunman is yet to be announced, a number of officials told numerous media that the shooter is believed to be Michael Zehaf-Bineau, recent Muslim convert, allegedly designated as a high risk traveller. Michael Zehaf Bineau was born in Quebec as Michael Joesph Hall north of Montreal, two US officials told Reuters claiming that American law enforcement agencies have been advised that the attacker recently converted to Islam AP sources also identified the man to be Zehaf-Bineau. A twitter account associated with the. Islamic State militants tweeted a photo they identified as the Ottawa shooter. The Globe and Mail reports the shooter was designated a "high risk traveller" by Canadian Authorities with his passport seized" It is clear that both suspects were under watch from not only Canadian authorities but a also by the US investigators way before these attacks took place!
Canada"s Attacks were predictable-Western Agencies Prime Suspects: It was warned last month after security agencies staged scares in both the US and Australia that suspects under investigation, being walked through planned terrorist attacks part of "sting operations" would be in invetiably be switched to live terrorist attacks. In mid-September, a Rochester ,an, Mufid A. Elfgeeh was accused by the FBI of attempting to provide material support to ISIS(undercover FBI agents) attempting to kill US soldiers and possession of firearms and silencers(provided to him by the FBI). The FBI's own press release stated:"According to court records, Elfgeeh attempted to provide material support to ISIS in the form of personnel, namely three individuals, two of who, were cooperating with the FBI. Elfgheeh attempted to assist all three individuals in travelling to Syria to join and fight on behalf of ISIS. Elfgeeh also plotted to shoot and kill members of the United States military who had returned from Iraq as part of the plan to kill soldiers, Elfgeeh purchased two handguns equipped with firearms silencers and ammunition from a confidential source. The handguns were made inoperable by the FBI before the confidential source gave them to Elfgeeh." It was warned that only an inoperable firearm stood between Elfgeeh's arrest and his successful execution of deadly plans hatched by him and his undercover FBI handlers. This is the script, written by the FBI to entrap Elfgeeh, would be followed to the near letter I. The live attacks that were carried out here in Canada resulting in the deaths of two canadian soldiers. Both suspects are dead an there is little chance that remains of ascertains of the truth of who they were in contact with and how they carried out theses awful atrocities. With. Oth suspects being.watched byUS and Canadian authorities it seems plausible that there were undercover agents that were involved in either one or both of the cases. While many other possibilities exist, I myself would put the Western security agents at the top of the suspect list as potential collaborators
Modern Day Gladio-Inducing fear, obedience and control: Before Eldgeeh's arrest and later live attacks in Canada, US policymakers and pundits had already begun their ramping up of eventual staged events. With the serial be headings failing to raise Western public support for justification of carpet bombing Syria. Setting the stage, A CBS/ Associated Press story titled: "Former Deputy CIA Director: 'I would not be surprised' if ISIS member shows up at US mall tomorrow with AK-47' would claim after the initial James Foley ISIS execution video that: " The short term concern is that Americans that have gone to fight with ISIS and the West Eurpeans that have gone to fight with ISIS could be trained and directed by ISIS to come to the United States to conduct small scale attacks" Morell stated. " If an ISIS member showed up at a mall in the United States with an AK-47 and killed a number of Americans, Imwould not be surprised. Morell warned that over the long term the extremist group could be planning for a 9/11 style attack that thousands of Americans" The FBI has a long history of foiled terror plots of their own creation. More disturbing are plots they concieved but "accidentally" allowed to "go live" one knight recall the 1993 World Trade Center bombing where FBI agents according to the NY times, were indeed overseeing the bombers that detonated a device that killed 6 and wounded many more at the WTC and the article goes on to show the NY times report exposing how the FBI oversaw the construction and deployment of the bomb hat took six lives that the FBI can create or design incomptence or turn on their entrapment cases into an actual attack one ca only guess how many similar FBI operations are taking place involving ISIS sympathizes-anyone ca turn into a live attack just like 1993 and it is likely these attacks in Canada probably had an "informant" working for the FBI and etc.. Anything from mass shootings to Operation Northwoods style false flags involving aircraft could give the Wall st. And London financier oligarchs the support they need to regime change and reordering Syria and across the Iranian arc of the influence. Article links to the ABC news report talking about Operation Northwoods(and you can look up the documents online as well) Also remember NATO's operation Gladio and its larger " stay behind" networks established after WWII across Europe and at the center of multiple grisly assassinations, mass shootings and terrorist bombings designed to demonize the former Soviet Unjon as well as criminalize and crush support for left leaning political parties growing in popularity in Westen Europe. It would be determined that NATO's own covert militants were killing innocent Western Europeans in order to effect a "strategy of tension" used to instil fear, obedience and control over Western populations. That the FBI and Australian authorities had coordinated staged security operations in tandem on opposite ends of the globe to terrify the hell out of populations into line behind and impending war with Syria and now we have two suspicious attacks using the same goddamn script Western Security agencies were using kt lead suspects through "sting operations" suggests "Operation Northwoods" or "Operation Gladio" of sorts being executed. Staged executions on cue from CIA-British-Israeli intelligence with funding from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait created ISIS in the Middle East of American and British citizens is perfectly timed by the West to try and sell intervention at home and abroad now with live shootings in time to bring a "strategy of tension" reek of staged mayhem for provoking wat. Could there be more of this? Well you if you read the ABC report on Operation Northwoods and watch the Military Channel's documentary on Gladio (which is linked in the article and there is a video of it) There is no damn line the West is not willing to cross and given the West trying to claim ISIS has a "global reach" The US and Co. attempts to obfuscate the clear state run sponorship it is getting is proven to be difficult and the FBI on record creating patsies who could be given weapons and sent on shooting and bombing sprees clearly shows that the real enemies to Canada, Australia, The United States and Australia are not in Syria but right here at home at the hands of Western power and these incidents in Canada will no doubt also be used to further erode our rights and be used to push for more gun control which we all know doesn't work and only goes after law abiding responsible gun owners
As warned after multiple staged incidents used to ratchet fear and paranoia in the build up to the US and it's allies military intervention into Syria and Iraq at least 2 attacks have been carried out in Canada as predicted. The first attack as you are aware involved a deadly hit-and-run that left one Canadian solider dead. AP( Associated Press) would report in its article "Terrorist ideology blamed in Canada car attack" that: "A young convert to Islam who killed a Canadian solider in a hit-and-run had been on the radar of federal investigators, who feared he had jihadist ambitions and seized his passport when he tried to travel to Turkey, authorities said Tuesday" the second one which happened yesterday with the shooting in Ottawa which injured several and killed a second Canadian solider. RT( Russia Today) in its article "Ottawa gunmen 'identified' as recent Muslim convert "high risk traveller" would report that: " While the name of the gunman is yet to be announced, a number of officials told numerous media that the shooter is believed to be Michael Zehaf-Bineau, recent Muslim convert, allegedly designated as a high risk traveller. Michael Zehaf Bineau was born in Quebec as Michael Joesph Hall north of Montreal, two US officials told Reuters claiming that American law enforcement agencies have been advised that the attacker recently converted to Islam AP sources also identified the man to be Zehaf-Bineau. A twitter account associated with the. Islamic State militants tweeted a photo they identified as the Ottawa shooter. The Globe and Mail reports the shooter was designated a "high risk traveller" by Canadian Authorities with his passport seized" It is clear that both suspects were under watch from not only Canadian authorities but a also by the US investigators way before these attacks took place!
Canada"s Attacks were predictable-Western Agencies Prime Suspects: It was warned last month after security agencies staged scares in both the US and Australia that suspects under investigation, being walked through planned terrorist attacks part of "sting operations" would be in invetiably be switched to live terrorist attacks. In mid-September, a Rochester ,an, Mufid A. Elfgeeh was accused by the FBI of attempting to provide material support to ISIS(undercover FBI agents) attempting to kill US soldiers and possession of firearms and silencers(provided to him by the FBI). The FBI's own press release stated:"According to court records, Elfgeeh attempted to provide material support to ISIS in the form of personnel, namely three individuals, two of who, were cooperating with the FBI. Elfgheeh attempted to assist all three individuals in travelling to Syria to join and fight on behalf of ISIS. Elfgeeh also plotted to shoot and kill members of the United States military who had returned from Iraq as part of the plan to kill soldiers, Elfgeeh purchased two handguns equipped with firearms silencers and ammunition from a confidential source. The handguns were made inoperable by the FBI before the confidential source gave them to Elfgeeh." It was warned that only an inoperable firearm stood between Elfgeeh's arrest and his successful execution of deadly plans hatched by him and his undercover FBI handlers. This is the script, written by the FBI to entrap Elfgeeh, would be followed to the near letter I. The live attacks that were carried out here in Canada resulting in the deaths of two canadian soldiers. Both suspects are dead an there is little chance that remains of ascertains of the truth of who they were in contact with and how they carried out theses awful atrocities. With. Oth suspects being.watched byUS and Canadian authorities it seems plausible that there were undercover agents that were involved in either one or both of the cases. While many other possibilities exist, I myself would put the Western security agents at the top of the suspect list as potential collaborators
Modern Day Gladio-Inducing fear, obedience and control: Before Eldgeeh's arrest and later live attacks in Canada, US policymakers and pundits had already begun their ramping up of eventual staged events. With the serial be headings failing to raise Western public support for justification of carpet bombing Syria. Setting the stage, A CBS/ Associated Press story titled: "Former Deputy CIA Director: 'I would not be surprised' if ISIS member shows up at US mall tomorrow with AK-47' would claim after the initial James Foley ISIS execution video that: " The short term concern is that Americans that have gone to fight with ISIS and the West Eurpeans that have gone to fight with ISIS could be trained and directed by ISIS to come to the United States to conduct small scale attacks" Morell stated. " If an ISIS member showed up at a mall in the United States with an AK-47 and killed a number of Americans, Imwould not be surprised. Morell warned that over the long term the extremist group could be planning for a 9/11 style attack that thousands of Americans" The FBI has a long history of foiled terror plots of their own creation. More disturbing are plots they concieved but "accidentally" allowed to "go live" one knight recall the 1993 World Trade Center bombing where FBI agents according to the NY times, were indeed overseeing the bombers that detonated a device that killed 6 and wounded many more at the WTC and the article goes on to show the NY times report exposing how the FBI oversaw the construction and deployment of the bomb hat took six lives that the FBI can create or design incomptence or turn on their entrapment cases into an actual attack one ca only guess how many similar FBI operations are taking place involving ISIS sympathizes-anyone ca turn into a live attack just like 1993 and it is likely these attacks in Canada probably had an "informant" working for the FBI and etc.. Anything from mass shootings to Operation Northwoods style false flags involving aircraft could give the Wall st. And London financier oligarchs the support they need to regime change and reordering Syria and across the Iranian arc of the influence. Article links to the ABC news report talking about Operation Northwoods(and you can look up the documents online as well) Also remember NATO's operation Gladio and its larger " stay behind" networks established after WWII across Europe and at the center of multiple grisly assassinations, mass shootings and terrorist bombings designed to demonize the former Soviet Unjon as well as criminalize and crush support for left leaning political parties growing in popularity in Westen Europe. It would be determined that NATO's own covert militants were killing innocent Western Europeans in order to effect a "strategy of tension" used to instil fear, obedience and control over Western populations. That the FBI and Australian authorities had coordinated staged security operations in tandem on opposite ends of the globe to terrify the hell out of populations into line behind and impending war with Syria and now we have two suspicious attacks using the same goddamn script Western Security agencies were using kt lead suspects through "sting operations" suggests "Operation Northwoods" or "Operation Gladio" of sorts being executed. Staged executions on cue from CIA-British-Israeli intelligence with funding from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait created ISIS in the Middle East of American and British citizens is perfectly timed by the West to try and sell intervention at home and abroad now with live shootings in time to bring a "strategy of tension" reek of staged mayhem for provoking wat. Could there be more of this? Well you if you read the ABC report on Operation Northwoods and watch the Military Channel's documentary on Gladio (which is linked in the article and there is a video of it) There is no damn line the West is not willing to cross and given the West trying to claim ISIS has a "global reach" The US and Co. attempts to obfuscate the clear state run sponorship it is getting is proven to be difficult and the FBI on record creating patsies who could be given weapons and sent on shooting and bombing sprees clearly shows that the real enemies to Canada, Australia, The United States and Australia are not in Syria but right here at home at the hands of Western power and these incidents in Canada will no doubt also be used to further erode our rights and be used to push for more gun control which we all know doesn't work and only goes after law abiding responsible gun owners
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Canadian PM draws fire for drinking wine during Ottawa shooting
(First of all my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of today's shooting in Ottawa today)
Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is taking heat for reportedly drinking on the job during a briefing on the Ottawa shooting which is not behaviour typical from a head of state during a crisis and there is a photo that shows this in the article with a glass of wine.
While others might not think this is a big deal, it is because this is not behaviour of a leader of a country during a mass shooting and adds further scrutiny to the Canadian government's response to the shooting at the Parliment which took the life of a Canadian solider also the RCMP told the public to not share any photos or videos relating to the shooting raising concerns that officials were trying to clamp down on the details of the shooting available to the press "Members of the public are asked not to post videos or photos of the on going incident to ensure the safety of the first responders and the public " the RCMP said via twitter
But considering that videos and photos shot by the public during the Ferguson, Mo protests exposed government wrongdoing and the fact that the press uses social media as a source of news it is not a stretch to suggest that the RCMP were trying to creat e a media blackout also cops pointed guns at journalists not long after the shooting
" Police have locked down Parliment of Ottawa and Ottawa Police tactical officers have arrived pointing guns at journalists and ordering them to the ground" the Globe and Mail's Josh Wingrove reported. "Journalists were put into lockdown in the foyer of the House of Commona" Also checkpoints have been set up on Ottawa bridges and now drivers Fe subject to mandatory vehicle searches http://infowars.com/drivers-subject-to-manadtory-vehicle-searches-following...
(First of all my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of today's shooting in Ottawa today)
Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is taking heat for reportedly drinking on the job during a briefing on the Ottawa shooting which is not behaviour typical from a head of state during a crisis and there is a photo that shows this in the article with a glass of wine.
While others might not think this is a big deal, it is because this is not behaviour of a leader of a country during a mass shooting and adds further scrutiny to the Canadian government's response to the shooting at the Parliment which took the life of a Canadian solider also the RCMP told the public to not share any photos or videos relating to the shooting raising concerns that officials were trying to clamp down on the details of the shooting available to the press "Members of the public are asked not to post videos or photos of the on going incident to ensure the safety of the first responders and the public " the RCMP said via twitter
But considering that videos and photos shot by the public during the Ferguson, Mo protests exposed government wrongdoing and the fact that the press uses social media as a source of news it is not a stretch to suggest that the RCMP were trying to creat e a media blackout also cops pointed guns at journalists not long after the shooting
" Police have locked down Parliment of Ottawa and Ottawa Police tactical officers have arrived pointing guns at journalists and ordering them to the ground" the Globe and Mail's Josh Wingrove reported. "Journalists were put into lockdown in the foyer of the House of Commona" Also checkpoints have been set up on Ottawa bridges and now drivers Fe subject to mandatory vehicle searches http://infowars.com/drivers-subject-to-manadtory-vehicle-searches-following...
Madsen:Ebola Epidemic linked to CIA
Investigative journalist and former NSA contractor Wayne Madsen told Press TV on Monday that the latest ebola epidemic in Africa may be a resurfacing of an earlier infection linked to the CIA
"We see a year [1976] when the US was violating a senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan civil war and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of ebola in Zaire. The same year George H.W. Bush was the director of the CIA" Madsen said
"In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating" he said and continues here: I think what we need is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has it Sierra Leone and other countries is the Zaire strain of ebola" Madsen also said that the militarization of the U.S. Ebola effort in West Africa is suspicious. "It's very peculiar that the US is sending the military in when obviously health workers, doctors, and other health care professionals are needed" he said CIA and U.S. ,I litany involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented in the 1970s, evidence was revealed by the. Church Committee. " Although such military research was highly classified by 1975 concerns over revelations of myriad intelligence abuses led to a comphrenaive investigation by the U.S Senate's Church Committe, which published a CIA memorandum listing the deadly chemical agents and toxins then stockpiled at Fort Detrick included anthrax, encephalitis, tuberculosis,lethal snake venom, shellfish toxin and half a dozen lethal food poisons, some of which, the committee
Earned had been shipped in the early 1960s to Congo and to Cuba in unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Patrice Lumumba and Fidel Castro" Ellen Ray and William H Schaap write in Bioterror manufacturing wars the American Way. Citing the Tuskegee syphilis experiment and the 1978 hepatitis B&b experiment as a precedent, researchers also believe the CIA is behind the AIDS epidemic in West- Central Africa. Many prominent Africans including former president of South Africa Thabo Mbeki and Wangani Mathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner believe the CIA is responsible. In the 1980s, JohnStockwell, a former CIA paramilitary intelligence case officer stationed in Angola, said there is circumstantial evidence that the CIA was involved in spreading the deadly virus. Stockwell suggested that the origins of AIDS may be linked to small pox inoculation by the WHO( World Health Organization) and that the disease was used intentionally by the agency to target gay men and iv drug users.
MY take: If this is correct and the WHO abused the small pox vaccine to inject AIDS into unsuspecting gay men and iv drug users then they should be held accountable and tried for genocide and the body of evidence with the church committee in regards to the CIA and bio weapons illustrates just how these criminal elements within this organization are clearly sociopathic and have no regard for human life. Now this is not to say that I don't support vaccines I do since there are illnesses like polio that do need vaccinations but abusing something that is supposed to save people is spine chilling and makes me sick since I had an uncle die from the horrificness of AIDS.
Investigative journalist and former NSA contractor Wayne Madsen told Press TV on Monday that the latest ebola epidemic in Africa may be a resurfacing of an earlier infection linked to the CIA
"We see a year [1976] when the US was violating a senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan civil war and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of ebola in Zaire. The same year George H.W. Bush was the director of the CIA" Madsen said
"In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating" he said and continues here: I think what we need is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has it Sierra Leone and other countries is the Zaire strain of ebola" Madsen also said that the militarization of the U.S. Ebola effort in West Africa is suspicious. "It's very peculiar that the US is sending the military in when obviously health workers, doctors, and other health care professionals are needed" he said CIA and U.S. ,I litany involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented in the 1970s, evidence was revealed by the. Church Committee. " Although such military research was highly classified by 1975 concerns over revelations of myriad intelligence abuses led to a comphrenaive investigation by the U.S Senate's Church Committe, which published a CIA memorandum listing the deadly chemical agents and toxins then stockpiled at Fort Detrick included anthrax, encephalitis, tuberculosis,lethal snake venom, shellfish toxin and half a dozen lethal food poisons, some of which, the committee
Earned had been shipped in the early 1960s to Congo and to Cuba in unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Patrice Lumumba and Fidel Castro" Ellen Ray and William H Schaap write in Bioterror manufacturing wars the American Way. Citing the Tuskegee syphilis experiment and the 1978 hepatitis B&b experiment as a precedent, researchers also believe the CIA is behind the AIDS epidemic in West- Central Africa. Many prominent Africans including former president of South Africa Thabo Mbeki and Wangani Mathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner believe the CIA is responsible. In the 1980s, JohnStockwell, a former CIA paramilitary intelligence case officer stationed in Angola, said there is circumstantial evidence that the CIA was involved in spreading the deadly virus. Stockwell suggested that the origins of AIDS may be linked to small pox inoculation by the WHO( World Health Organization) and that the disease was used intentionally by the agency to target gay men and iv drug users.
MY take: If this is correct and the WHO abused the small pox vaccine to inject AIDS into unsuspecting gay men and iv drug users then they should be held accountable and tried for genocide and the body of evidence with the church committee in regards to the CIA and bio weapons illustrates just how these criminal elements within this organization are clearly sociopathic and have no regard for human life. Now this is not to say that I don't support vaccines I do since there are illnesses like polio that do need vaccinations but abusing something that is supposed to save people is spine chilling and makes me sick since I had an uncle die from the horrificness of AIDS.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
6 reasons UN should not intervene on fossil fuels( response to misguided people's climate march)
Thousands have gathered today in New York to tell the UN to encourage draconian cuts to fossil fuels. They think they are being moral in telling the UN to oppose oil,coal and natural gas. In fact they are supporting genocidal policies that would kill billions. Here are six facts that Mr Epstein excellently put together.
Fact 1: The use of cheap reliable energy from fossil fuels is increasing life expectancy and prosperity to the underdeveloped world. In the 1970s and 1980s like today, so called environmentalists said we had to reduce use of fossil fuels or face disaster. Professor Paul Erlich, Eco-fascist and mentor to fellow Eco- fascist and Malthusian eugenicist John P. Holdren, Obama's science advisor, said in 1974: "America's economic joyride is coming to an end. There will be no more cheap, abundant energy no more cheap food" instead as the graphs in the article will show you, the world doubled the use of fossil fuels since 1980 and life expectancy in places like China( though they still have their bRbaric one child policy) and India who increased their fossil fuel use by a factor of 5. If we end their use we will see a genocide worse than Hitler, Mao and Stalin combined.
Fact 2: There is no modern economy in the world that is powered by solar and wind because they don't work and are inefficient and unreliable. Yet our Ontario government embraced this with open arms and we pay the highest electricity rates in Canada because they bought into the CO2 burning the earth mythology and Germany is paying the price as well since they spent tens of billions to subsidize wind power and solar panels also fossil fuel capacity especially coal has not shut down, it has
increased. If they and the rest of the world were starved of fossil fuels and forced to use wind and solar it would be a disaster yet that is what you are told is a "moral" goal to protest for.
Fact 3: Our climate has never been more livable. On the "People's Climate" March page it shows pictures of drowning poor people all thanks to the behaviour of rich people, part of their propaganda campaign that fossil fuels are making pur climate dangerous and volatile. As we use these fossil fuels what happens to the livability of our planet? Here are the facts. One of the key stats here that is never mentioned is "climate related" deaths which tracks changes in how many people die from climate related causes including droughts, floods,storms and extreme temperatures. The data is collected by the non partisan International Disaster Database EM-DAT. Decades before, leafing so called
environmentalists claims that yesterday's fossil fuel use would be a disaster. Eco-fascist Bill Mckibben wrote in 1989: "the choice of doing nothing-of continuing to burn more oil and coal- is not a choice. It will lead us,if not, straight to hell, them straight back to a place with a similar temperature" Eco-Fascist Malthusian Rosseauvian collectivist John Holdren said in the mid 1980s
predicted that fossil fuel use would kill a billion people. What has actually happened? The trends are ahocking- the climate is far for more livable than before (see graphs in article) Last 80 years as CO2 emissions have gone up the annual rate of climate related deaths fell world wide by a rate of a whopping 98% which means the incidence of deaths related to climate is 50 times lower than 80 years ago. Truth: climate is always volatile and dangerous and will always change. The key to climate livability is building a durable, dynamic civilization that is resilient to extreme heat, extreme cold,
floods, storms and etc.. Using fossil fuels doesn't take a safe climate and make it dangerous, it takes a
dangerous climate and makes it safe. If we want to protect the underdeveloped world from climate danger let them touch their coal,oil and gas. Don't march for genocidal policies that will bring them and early death!!!!!
Fact 4: Air pollution keeps decreasing. Air quality has steadily improved in countries that use the most fossil fuels. Take the Unite States for example. Since 1970 the US use of fossil fuels has increased 25% and yet according to the out of control EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) the graphs show in the article of the top 6 pollutants going down from 1970-2010. The main cause here is anti-pollution technology that can produce energy from coal,oil and gas more cleanly. As this is used in places like China and India, their pollution problems will go down and not up and billions of people can use these fuels to replace wood and dung, which cause indoor air pollution but if the UN goes forward and the Eco fascists get their way and ban fossil fuels they will continue to have indoor
air pollution problems that have lead to respitorary illnesses to go up.
Fact 5: Supply of clean water keeps increasing. Water quality has improved around the world. One of the most important environmental indicators is "Acess to improved water sources" which measures
access to clean water. And we are told that fossil fuel usage fouls up water, access to clean water has gone up in the last 25 years as countries have used fossil fuels(see graphs in article show this well) Nature doesn't give us ample clean water. We need cheap reliable energy to power machines that clean up nautre's health hazards like water purification plants. Using fossil fuels supplies it. If you want to see clean water numbers go down then march for less energy.
Fact 6: Proposed bans in fossil fuels would make billions of lives shorter, less prosperous and worse environments. For decades, leading so called environmentalists have called for bans on fossil fuels in the 1970s Erlich wrote: " Except in special circumstances, all construction of power generating
facilities should cease immediately and power companies should be forbidden to encourage people to use more power. Power is too cheap. It should be more expensive and perhaps rationed to reduce it's frivolous use" in 1998 Eco-fascist Bill McKibben endorsed a similar scenario outlawing 60% of
present fossil fuel use to slow " catastrophic climate change" even though in his own words would mean: " each human being would get to produce 1.69 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually- which would allow you to drive your American care nine miles a day. The population increased 8.5 billion in about 2025, you would be down to six miles a day. If you carpooled, you would have three pounds of CO2 left in your daily ration- enough to power your highly efficient refrigerator. Forget your computer, your tv, your stereo, your stove, your dishwasher, your water heater, your microwave, your water pump, your clock. Forget your light bulbs compact fluorescent or not" All these " thinkers" still push for similar draconian policies today. In fact in his 2010 book People's Climate March leader Bill Mckibben endorses a 95% ban on fossil fuel use. 8 times as severe as the scenario described!! This is the leader of the People's Climate March for god's sake is this something you want to be a part of?
Mckibben and his Eco-fascists minions have stated their goal is not about human prosperity but reduced human development a " humbler planet" with fewer humans and not concerned with prosperity and happiness and just illustrates how anti-human they are and it makes me sick to know we have sociopaths like McKibben out there and why we need to resist their hellish thirst for tyranny. Cfact.orb has put out an excellent must read report on their lies and fraud and you can read it right here http://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Climate-Hype-exposed.pdf
Thousands have gathered today in New York to tell the UN to encourage draconian cuts to fossil fuels. They think they are being moral in telling the UN to oppose oil,coal and natural gas. In fact they are supporting genocidal policies that would kill billions. Here are six facts that Mr Epstein excellently put together.
Fact 1: The use of cheap reliable energy from fossil fuels is increasing life expectancy and prosperity to the underdeveloped world. In the 1970s and 1980s like today, so called environmentalists said we had to reduce use of fossil fuels or face disaster. Professor Paul Erlich, Eco-fascist and mentor to fellow Eco- fascist and Malthusian eugenicist John P. Holdren, Obama's science advisor, said in 1974: "America's economic joyride is coming to an end. There will be no more cheap, abundant energy no more cheap food" instead as the graphs in the article will show you, the world doubled the use of fossil fuels since 1980 and life expectancy in places like China( though they still have their bRbaric one child policy) and India who increased their fossil fuel use by a factor of 5. If we end their use we will see a genocide worse than Hitler, Mao and Stalin combined.
Fact 2: There is no modern economy in the world that is powered by solar and wind because they don't work and are inefficient and unreliable. Yet our Ontario government embraced this with open arms and we pay the highest electricity rates in Canada because they bought into the CO2 burning the earth mythology and Germany is paying the price as well since they spent tens of billions to subsidize wind power and solar panels also fossil fuel capacity especially coal has not shut down, it has
increased. If they and the rest of the world were starved of fossil fuels and forced to use wind and solar it would be a disaster yet that is what you are told is a "moral" goal to protest for.
Fact 3: Our climate has never been more livable. On the "People's Climate" March page it shows pictures of drowning poor people all thanks to the behaviour of rich people, part of their propaganda campaign that fossil fuels are making pur climate dangerous and volatile. As we use these fossil fuels what happens to the livability of our planet? Here are the facts. One of the key stats here that is never mentioned is "climate related" deaths which tracks changes in how many people die from climate related causes including droughts, floods,storms and extreme temperatures. The data is collected by the non partisan International Disaster Database EM-DAT. Decades before, leafing so called
environmentalists claims that yesterday's fossil fuel use would be a disaster. Eco-fascist Bill Mckibben wrote in 1989: "the choice of doing nothing-of continuing to burn more oil and coal- is not a choice. It will lead us,if not, straight to hell, them straight back to a place with a similar temperature" Eco-Fascist Malthusian Rosseauvian collectivist John Holdren said in the mid 1980s
predicted that fossil fuel use would kill a billion people. What has actually happened? The trends are ahocking- the climate is far for more livable than before (see graphs in article) Last 80 years as CO2 emissions have gone up the annual rate of climate related deaths fell world wide by a rate of a whopping 98% which means the incidence of deaths related to climate is 50 times lower than 80 years ago. Truth: climate is always volatile and dangerous and will always change. The key to climate livability is building a durable, dynamic civilization that is resilient to extreme heat, extreme cold,
floods, storms and etc.. Using fossil fuels doesn't take a safe climate and make it dangerous, it takes a
dangerous climate and makes it safe. If we want to protect the underdeveloped world from climate danger let them touch their coal,oil and gas. Don't march for genocidal policies that will bring them and early death!!!!!
Fact 4: Air pollution keeps decreasing. Air quality has steadily improved in countries that use the most fossil fuels. Take the Unite States for example. Since 1970 the US use of fossil fuels has increased 25% and yet according to the out of control EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) the graphs show in the article of the top 6 pollutants going down from 1970-2010. The main cause here is anti-pollution technology that can produce energy from coal,oil and gas more cleanly. As this is used in places like China and India, their pollution problems will go down and not up and billions of people can use these fuels to replace wood and dung, which cause indoor air pollution but if the UN goes forward and the Eco fascists get their way and ban fossil fuels they will continue to have indoor
air pollution problems that have lead to respitorary illnesses to go up.
Fact 5: Supply of clean water keeps increasing. Water quality has improved around the world. One of the most important environmental indicators is "Acess to improved water sources" which measures
access to clean water. And we are told that fossil fuel usage fouls up water, access to clean water has gone up in the last 25 years as countries have used fossil fuels(see graphs in article show this well) Nature doesn't give us ample clean water. We need cheap reliable energy to power machines that clean up nautre's health hazards like water purification plants. Using fossil fuels supplies it. If you want to see clean water numbers go down then march for less energy.
Fact 6: Proposed bans in fossil fuels would make billions of lives shorter, less prosperous and worse environments. For decades, leading so called environmentalists have called for bans on fossil fuels in the 1970s Erlich wrote: " Except in special circumstances, all construction of power generating
facilities should cease immediately and power companies should be forbidden to encourage people to use more power. Power is too cheap. It should be more expensive and perhaps rationed to reduce it's frivolous use" in 1998 Eco-fascist Bill McKibben endorsed a similar scenario outlawing 60% of
present fossil fuel use to slow " catastrophic climate change" even though in his own words would mean: " each human being would get to produce 1.69 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually- which would allow you to drive your American care nine miles a day. The population increased 8.5 billion in about 2025, you would be down to six miles a day. If you carpooled, you would have three pounds of CO2 left in your daily ration- enough to power your highly efficient refrigerator. Forget your computer, your tv, your stereo, your stove, your dishwasher, your water heater, your microwave, your water pump, your clock. Forget your light bulbs compact fluorescent or not" All these " thinkers" still push for similar draconian policies today. In fact in his 2010 book People's Climate March leader Bill Mckibben endorses a 95% ban on fossil fuel use. 8 times as severe as the scenario described!! This is the leader of the People's Climate March for god's sake is this something you want to be a part of?
Mckibben and his Eco-fascists minions have stated their goal is not about human prosperity but reduced human development a " humbler planet" with fewer humans and not concerned with prosperity and happiness and just illustrates how anti-human they are and it makes me sick to know we have sociopaths like McKibben out there and why we need to resist their hellish thirst for tyranny. Cfact.orb has put out an excellent must read report on their lies and fraud and you can read it right here http://www.cfact.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Climate-Hype-exposed.pdf
Thursday, September 11, 2014
9/11 13 years later
First of all my heart goes out to 3000 people who died that day and their families. I was 15 years old when this happened on that Tuesday morning. Through the years based on my research I know we were lied to about 9/11 and that the three buildings that fell that morning were due to thermite explosives and that there was no way a plane hit the pentagon given the fact the hole was too small and if there was a plane that hit it, we would have seen debris everywhere, luggage all over the place, wings broken, fuel spillage on the lawn but we did not see that at all. Both Bush and Obama regimes have carpet bombed Muslims in 7 countries and none has anything to do with 9/11. As a result of 9/11 we have seen the rise of the police state, the NSA illegally spying on not only Americans but Canadians and Europeans and also we have seen many first responders die because the EPA lied and said that the air quality was good when it was not and therefore some of them ended up with rare cancers and other respitorary diseases. The article I linked to which was written by Paul Craig Roberts shows how the whitehouse waited a year to meet the 9/11 families demand for an investigation and finally politicians got together and others to get this all written down but the chairman, vice chairman and other members of the 9/11 commission have said that information was withheld and it was "set up to fail" and hence the birth of the police state as Washington passed that draconian PATRIOT act which basically destroyed the United Stares Constitution and Bill of Rights. As we know Osama Bin Laden, who was a cia asset dying from kidney failure, was blamed despite him saying he had nothing to do with it and was the perfect bogeyman that allowed the US to go and kill all these Muslims and on May 2 2011 Obama claimed he was killed by SEAL Team 6 in Pakistan and bin laden became the first person to survivor dialysis for ten years and there was no dialysis machine in the so called hiding place he was in and the numerous death notices went down the drain and weeks later the SEAL team died in a mysterious helicopter crash in Afghanistan and the thousands of sailors on an aircraft carrier from which Bin Laden was said to have been dumped in the Indian Ocean for burial never happened and so hence the fairy tale of Bin Laden's murder was born and the article goes into great detail of this and more. There is no doubt there was a massive coverup that day and this allowed the neocons to further drive for endless war and innocent people in not only America paid the price but people in the Middle East have paid for a crime they never committed and this why we need a new investigation so we can bring the real conspirators to justice for their heinous and disgusting acts of genocide and also bring the people who helped in the cover up to justice for their heinous and despicable acts
First of all my heart goes out to 3000 people who died that day and their families. I was 15 years old when this happened on that Tuesday morning. Through the years based on my research I know we were lied to about 9/11 and that the three buildings that fell that morning were due to thermite explosives and that there was no way a plane hit the pentagon given the fact the hole was too small and if there was a plane that hit it, we would have seen debris everywhere, luggage all over the place, wings broken, fuel spillage on the lawn but we did not see that at all. Both Bush and Obama regimes have carpet bombed Muslims in 7 countries and none has anything to do with 9/11. As a result of 9/11 we have seen the rise of the police state, the NSA illegally spying on not only Americans but Canadians and Europeans and also we have seen many first responders die because the EPA lied and said that the air quality was good when it was not and therefore some of them ended up with rare cancers and other respitorary diseases. The article I linked to which was written by Paul Craig Roberts shows how the whitehouse waited a year to meet the 9/11 families demand for an investigation and finally politicians got together and others to get this all written down but the chairman, vice chairman and other members of the 9/11 commission have said that information was withheld and it was "set up to fail" and hence the birth of the police state as Washington passed that draconian PATRIOT act which basically destroyed the United Stares Constitution and Bill of Rights. As we know Osama Bin Laden, who was a cia asset dying from kidney failure, was blamed despite him saying he had nothing to do with it and was the perfect bogeyman that allowed the US to go and kill all these Muslims and on May 2 2011 Obama claimed he was killed by SEAL Team 6 in Pakistan and bin laden became the first person to survivor dialysis for ten years and there was no dialysis machine in the so called hiding place he was in and the numerous death notices went down the drain and weeks later the SEAL team died in a mysterious helicopter crash in Afghanistan and the thousands of sailors on an aircraft carrier from which Bin Laden was said to have been dumped in the Indian Ocean for burial never happened and so hence the fairy tale of Bin Laden's murder was born and the article goes into great detail of this and more. There is no doubt there was a massive coverup that day and this allowed the neocons to further drive for endless war and innocent people in not only America paid the price but people in the Middle East have paid for a crime they never committed and this why we need a new investigation so we can bring the real conspirators to justice for their heinous and disgusting acts of genocide and also bring the people who helped in the cover up to justice for their heinous and despicable acts
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Ebola news: Obama brings in ebola virus after signing executive order to detain sick Americans, Ebola: covert op in hypnotized world and Western Drug firms block treatments for ebola
Despite the fact doctors in Africa cannot control the deadly Ebola virus from spreading, The United States officials brought in an infected patient only days after President Obama signed an executive order to detain Americans showing signs of "respiratory illness"
The first know ebola patient on US soil, Dr. Kent Brantly, was flown into Emery University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia today after contracting the virus in Liberia during the latest outbreak in West Africa which has taken close to 700 lives
"Video from Emory showed someone wearing a white, full-body protective suit helping a similarly clad person emerge from the ambulance and walk into the hospital early Saturday afternoon" CNN reported
This has stoked concerns among the American public that Ebola could spread inside the US, since it has been hard to contain in Africa
"It sounds like the perfect script for a horror movie: a virus with no vaccine and no cure kills hundreds of people, despite containment efforts, it keeps spreading, but it's all to real in West Africa, where doctors have said Ebola is now 'out of control'" wrote Sheila M. Eldred for Discovery News
Hospitals in America may not even fare any better since back in 2001 antibiotic resistent bacteria spread from one medical facility to another from 2001 to 46 states in 2013
"Allegedly the Ebola carriers will be quarantined in special rooms, but we already know that American hospitals cannot even contain staph infections" wrote columnist Paul Craig Roberts, "What happens to the utensils, plates, cups, and glasses with which the ebola infected persons eat and drink and who gets to clean the bed pans. One slip-up by one person, one tear in a rubber glove, and the virus is loose"
This shows just how insane and reckless the globalist and government officials are for allowing someone into the country with the damn virus which has no vaccine or cure and has a kill rate of 90%
Similarly, state funded universities and other facilities across the US are maintaing weaponized viruses for so called "bio-defense" under the Project Bio Shield Act which was passed by Congress in 2004 but these places have only moderate security and there is a real chance those viruses could get loose and create a outbreak on the same level that took out 80% of the Native Americans back in the 19th century
The National Research Council found that these labs in Kansas, for a example, has a 70% chance a virus would spread from its lab in the next 50 years despite the fact it is labeled as "maximum security"
It should be noted that this is just one lab out of many that have even less security.
There is no doubt that even an accidental or intentional release of a virus from one of these labs could result in millions of deaths and lead to draconian government response including martial law through the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act drafted in 2001 and President Obama's latest executive order to detain any American just showing a sign of cough
Instead of preventing Ebola and other viruses from spreading within the US, the Obama administration will no doubt use this to power grab if such outbreaks occur
Also the London Independent reports how Western drug firms have not even tried to find a Vaccine because "it only affects Africans" http://www.infowars.com/ebola-outbreak-western-drug-firms-have-not-tried-to-find... as one of Britains top doctors John Ashton of the UK Facility of Public Health in the report has slammed the failure of these firms to find a vaccine against this horrible disease by calling it "morally bankrupt" because it so far has only affected West Africa and that the West should treat it like if it were ravaging the city of London rather than countries like Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia
He compared to the early days of the AIDS epidemic where the international response to Ebola is of that to AIDS which was killing Africans before treatments were developed in the United States and the UK once it spread there and I think it is outrageous and don't disagree with the doctor. It shows to me complete lack of compassion and arrogance and is a slap in the face to those who are suffering from the virus
Also Jon Rappoport in this article shows how Ebola is being used to fear monger http://www.infowars.com/ebola-covert-op-in-a-hypnotized-world/ as there is massive campaign to believe ebola will strike any minute and how people are falling for the hysteria. He shows how this is preventing a hard look at the nations like Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea the three African nations who are living in misery because of poverty
He points out how the command structure in those places don't do a damn thing to solve these problems like not having clean water, stealing people's land so they can grow food and get decent nutrition, don't solve the over-crowding issue which is a problem created by poor city planning and not the myth of overpopulation, not installing sanitation systems and etc.. and therefore their immune systems get low and viruses like this can spread easily and one of the leading causes of death as he shows us in the third world is diarrhea which can be cured for pennies a day but the elites and the radical environmentalists do not want that because of their eugencist mindset and can also cause bleeding as well
so there is some food for thought there and I can totally see this being used to fear monger and create hype and viruses like these according to Dr. Gorski of Respectful Insolence wrote the other day http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2014/08/01/homeopaths-and-ebola-virus-hemorrhage... in his article that a virus as fatal as Ebola cannot spread very far because it burns itself out can't come within contact with enough people to allow it to spread like a wild fire. However again it is not to say Ebola is not a threat it can be but it is all about perspective.
And this fear mongering is the perfect weapon of the elites so they can use it as an excuse for control as well so stay tuned folks and stay healthy
Despite the fact doctors in Africa cannot control the deadly Ebola virus from spreading, The United States officials brought in an infected patient only days after President Obama signed an executive order to detain Americans showing signs of "respiratory illness"
The first know ebola patient on US soil, Dr. Kent Brantly, was flown into Emery University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia today after contracting the virus in Liberia during the latest outbreak in West Africa which has taken close to 700 lives
"Video from Emory showed someone wearing a white, full-body protective suit helping a similarly clad person emerge from the ambulance and walk into the hospital early Saturday afternoon" CNN reported
This has stoked concerns among the American public that Ebola could spread inside the US, since it has been hard to contain in Africa
"It sounds like the perfect script for a horror movie: a virus with no vaccine and no cure kills hundreds of people, despite containment efforts, it keeps spreading, but it's all to real in West Africa, where doctors have said Ebola is now 'out of control'" wrote Sheila M. Eldred for Discovery News
Hospitals in America may not even fare any better since back in 2001 antibiotic resistent bacteria spread from one medical facility to another from 2001 to 46 states in 2013
"Allegedly the Ebola carriers will be quarantined in special rooms, but we already know that American hospitals cannot even contain staph infections" wrote columnist Paul Craig Roberts, "What happens to the utensils, plates, cups, and glasses with which the ebola infected persons eat and drink and who gets to clean the bed pans. One slip-up by one person, one tear in a rubber glove, and the virus is loose"
This shows just how insane and reckless the globalist and government officials are for allowing someone into the country with the damn virus which has no vaccine or cure and has a kill rate of 90%
Similarly, state funded universities and other facilities across the US are maintaing weaponized viruses for so called "bio-defense" under the Project Bio Shield Act which was passed by Congress in 2004 but these places have only moderate security and there is a real chance those viruses could get loose and create a outbreak on the same level that took out 80% of the Native Americans back in the 19th century
The National Research Council found that these labs in Kansas, for a example, has a 70% chance a virus would spread from its lab in the next 50 years despite the fact it is labeled as "maximum security"
It should be noted that this is just one lab out of many that have even less security.
There is no doubt that even an accidental or intentional release of a virus from one of these labs could result in millions of deaths and lead to draconian government response including martial law through the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act drafted in 2001 and President Obama's latest executive order to detain any American just showing a sign of cough
Instead of preventing Ebola and other viruses from spreading within the US, the Obama administration will no doubt use this to power grab if such outbreaks occur
Also the London Independent reports how Western drug firms have not even tried to find a Vaccine because "it only affects Africans" http://www.infowars.com/ebola-outbreak-western-drug-firms-have-not-tried-to-find... as one of Britains top doctors John Ashton of the UK Facility of Public Health in the report has slammed the failure of these firms to find a vaccine against this horrible disease by calling it "morally bankrupt" because it so far has only affected West Africa and that the West should treat it like if it were ravaging the city of London rather than countries like Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia
He compared to the early days of the AIDS epidemic where the international response to Ebola is of that to AIDS which was killing Africans before treatments were developed in the United States and the UK once it spread there and I think it is outrageous and don't disagree with the doctor. It shows to me complete lack of compassion and arrogance and is a slap in the face to those who are suffering from the virus
Also Jon Rappoport in this article shows how Ebola is being used to fear monger http://www.infowars.com/ebola-covert-op-in-a-hypnotized-world/ as there is massive campaign to believe ebola will strike any minute and how people are falling for the hysteria. He shows how this is preventing a hard look at the nations like Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea the three African nations who are living in misery because of poverty
He points out how the command structure in those places don't do a damn thing to solve these problems like not having clean water, stealing people's land so they can grow food and get decent nutrition, don't solve the over-crowding issue which is a problem created by poor city planning and not the myth of overpopulation, not installing sanitation systems and etc.. and therefore their immune systems get low and viruses like this can spread easily and one of the leading causes of death as he shows us in the third world is diarrhea which can be cured for pennies a day but the elites and the radical environmentalists do not want that because of their eugencist mindset and can also cause bleeding as well
so there is some food for thought there and I can totally see this being used to fear monger and create hype and viruses like these according to Dr. Gorski of Respectful Insolence wrote the other day http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2014/08/01/homeopaths-and-ebola-virus-hemorrhage... in his article that a virus as fatal as Ebola cannot spread very far because it burns itself out can't come within contact with enough people to allow it to spread like a wild fire. However again it is not to say Ebola is not a threat it can be but it is all about perspective.
And this fear mongering is the perfect weapon of the elites so they can use it as an excuse for control as well so stay tuned folks and stay healthy
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
My take on the Malaysia plane being shot down and revelations that the US evidence on MH17 was based on youtube and social media posts
As you know Malaysian Airlines MH17 was shot down last week killing close to 300 people including very prominent AIDS researchers and even someone who was working on anti-cancer drugs which was reported in various media including the CBC http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/malaysia-airlines-flight-mh17-aids-scientists-jeop-lange... and my sympathies to their families
I saw reports that the Ukraine Air Traffic control told them to fly lower http://www.prisonplanet.com/ukraine-air-traffic-controllers-instructed-mh17-to-fly-lower... as Malaysia Airlines in this reprot was told to fly at 33,000 ft just skimming 1000 ft above the restricted air altitude
and the report shows how they requested 35,000 ft and has raised questions as to why they were told to do this and it makes no sense to me either why you would tell them to fly at that height but also why were they diverted over a war zone in the first place when reports show that the FAA months back told US bound planes not to fly over Ukraine
But what is also interesting is how quickly the US blamed Russia despite their evidence being from youtube and social media http://www.infowars.com/u-s-admits-mh17-evidence-is-based-on-youtube-clips... which in the video you will see an intense exchange with AP reporter Matt Lee and US State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf Lee who basically cornered Harf into admitting their so called evidence presented by the United States to blame Russian backed rebels for the shoot down of MH17 was all based on youtube clips and social media posts
The reporter begins by asking how the US planned on showing their "forensic evidence" proving it was Russian backed rebels to which she reeled off talking points and later stated "we know, we saw in social media afterwards...of the pro-Russian separatists bragging about shooting down an aircraft"
and so on and so forth I have to give Lee credit for doing his job and asking the tough questions given that challenging the official narrative behind the MH17 shootdown is really backed up by nothing more than flimsy evidence and has been demonized as "Russian propaganda" just like when the chemical attacks in Syria last year were falsely blamed on the Assad regime when it was the western backed rebels in Syria that launched those chemical attacks
And the youtube video showing of a conversation between a separatist leader and a Russian Military commander which purported to show that it was the rebels who were responsible according to audio experts was an outright fraud
Even while Russia has provided evidence from actual radar and satellite evidence to show that Ukrainian fighter jets were following the doomed plane
Kiev and Washington blamed it on Russian separatists with flimsy evidence from youtube and social media while Russia seems to be the only ones who have provided something concrete and also the article shows how Kiev failed to release the air traffic control recordings because they were confiscated by Ukrainian security forces and this could have offered insight into what the hell really happened but it is clear they have something to hide and that should disturbs us all
My own take is based on all of this I think that this plane was a target given the high level aids researchers and the fact the recordings were confiscated illustrates to me that they are trying to cover up that evidence and that is just wrong and only fuels my own suspicions that there is more than what they are telling us
I saw reports that the Ukraine Air Traffic control told them to fly lower http://www.prisonplanet.com/ukraine-air-traffic-controllers-instructed-mh17-to-fly-lower... as Malaysia Airlines in this reprot was told to fly at 33,000 ft just skimming 1000 ft above the restricted air altitude
and the report shows how they requested 35,000 ft and has raised questions as to why they were told to do this and it makes no sense to me either why you would tell them to fly at that height but also why were they diverted over a war zone in the first place when reports show that the FAA months back told US bound planes not to fly over Ukraine
But what is also interesting is how quickly the US blamed Russia despite their evidence being from youtube and social media http://www.infowars.com/u-s-admits-mh17-evidence-is-based-on-youtube-clips... which in the video you will see an intense exchange with AP reporter Matt Lee and US State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf Lee who basically cornered Harf into admitting their so called evidence presented by the United States to blame Russian backed rebels for the shoot down of MH17 was all based on youtube clips and social media posts
The reporter begins by asking how the US planned on showing their "forensic evidence" proving it was Russian backed rebels to which she reeled off talking points and later stated "we know, we saw in social media afterwards...of the pro-Russian separatists bragging about shooting down an aircraft"
and so on and so forth I have to give Lee credit for doing his job and asking the tough questions given that challenging the official narrative behind the MH17 shootdown is really backed up by nothing more than flimsy evidence and has been demonized as "Russian propaganda" just like when the chemical attacks in Syria last year were falsely blamed on the Assad regime when it was the western backed rebels in Syria that launched those chemical attacks
And the youtube video showing of a conversation between a separatist leader and a Russian Military commander which purported to show that it was the rebels who were responsible according to audio experts was an outright fraud
Even while Russia has provided evidence from actual radar and satellite evidence to show that Ukrainian fighter jets were following the doomed plane
Kiev and Washington blamed it on Russian separatists with flimsy evidence from youtube and social media while Russia seems to be the only ones who have provided something concrete and also the article shows how Kiev failed to release the air traffic control recordings because they were confiscated by Ukrainian security forces and this could have offered insight into what the hell really happened but it is clear they have something to hide and that should disturbs us all
My own take is based on all of this I think that this plane was a target given the high level aids researchers and the fact the recordings were confiscated illustrates to me that they are trying to cover up that evidence and that is just wrong and only fuels my own suspicions that there is more than what they are telling us
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
IS energy starvation from the movie Planet of the Apes the kind of future the "green" movement wants??
(disclaimer: sorry for the long break I needed it and plus I had relatives come visit this past week but I am back in action now)
For those who haven't seen the latest movie "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" it portrays a future of a small colony of humans fighting to survive against an earth ruled by monkeys, guerillas and other simians
What mankind needs to live and survive is of course electricity and without it we have no way to travel except walk, no computers, no heat, no stoves and etc.. and the apes in the movie want to keep humans poor, disoriented and in hopeless state
But the turning point is when humans return electric power through a damn and the city lights up again which now we wonder if the movie is really a metaphor for what the globalist elite want for us and their eco-fascists tyrants want in our real lives is a future without cheap reliable energy
Is this where the radical green movement is guiding us with rolling brownouts in and even complete blackouts in the years ahead thanks to the Sierra Club, billionaire Tom Steyer and the Obama administrations war on coal and hell even here in Ontario where our own government who the sheep voted back in the criminals again have shut down at least 11 of our 19 coal plants including west of Thunder Bay, Ontario where I reside
The whole man made climate change myth had nothing to do with the weather or the environment and ignores real problems we have like smog, toxic waste dumping in the ocean for example no it is about control and sending us all back in the stone age
And this article shows what is going on state side with the out of control EPA and their draconian policies on this evil life giving gas known as CO2 and the existing rules according to Mike Duncan of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity has estimated that existing regulations are "closing about 20% of the coal plants" and he estimated that there could be "an addition of 20% coal plants"getting shutdown
the Article also highlights how Colorado passed draconian renewable energy standards for power production, keeping coal plants alive will prevent brownouts on hot days and during winter storms
California has experienced this all thanks to them getting on board with the green energy scam and will get worse as tighter regulations take hold like wildfire
However America has been in a natural gas boom and has become another cheap reliable source of energy and have better more efficient ways of drilling it with the newer technologies but of course the eco-fascists are going around spreading fear mongering and lies about natural gas because they hate it and if you want more information a great documentary called Fracknation is now available on amazon or you can download it off Itunes where it exposes their lies about fracking and presents the real truth about fracking and it has been featured on Sun News here in Canada as well
So in essence the eco-fascists are against all forms of energy including nuclear power as the article shows and are against dams because of god damn snail darters and other fish!!! all thanks to making power more expensive which is a sure way to hurt the poor and kill our economies through Agenda 21 of course
And this is not science fiction folks this is reality and it is not good at all which is why it is important to expose the man made climate change myth for what it is a total fraud and a huge scam
I also want you to read this very good article by Paul Driessen of CFACT exposing the Big Green's lethal agenda in where they want to limit energy and reduce our standards of living and keep the world's poor still poor http://www.cfact.org/2014/07/11/big-greens-lethal-agenda/ and was a speech he did at the International Conference on Climate Change the 9th one in Las Vegas, Nevada where they expose the eco-fascists lies about the climate and also exposes their anti-human agenda as well
It is well worth the read folks
For those who haven't seen the latest movie "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" it portrays a future of a small colony of humans fighting to survive against an earth ruled by monkeys, guerillas and other simians
What mankind needs to live and survive is of course electricity and without it we have no way to travel except walk, no computers, no heat, no stoves and etc.. and the apes in the movie want to keep humans poor, disoriented and in hopeless state
But the turning point is when humans return electric power through a damn and the city lights up again which now we wonder if the movie is really a metaphor for what the globalist elite want for us and their eco-fascists tyrants want in our real lives is a future without cheap reliable energy
Is this where the radical green movement is guiding us with rolling brownouts in and even complete blackouts in the years ahead thanks to the Sierra Club, billionaire Tom Steyer and the Obama administrations war on coal and hell even here in Ontario where our own government who the sheep voted back in the criminals again have shut down at least 11 of our 19 coal plants including west of Thunder Bay, Ontario where I reside
The whole man made climate change myth had nothing to do with the weather or the environment and ignores real problems we have like smog, toxic waste dumping in the ocean for example no it is about control and sending us all back in the stone age
And this article shows what is going on state side with the out of control EPA and their draconian policies on this evil life giving gas known as CO2 and the existing rules according to Mike Duncan of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity has estimated that existing regulations are "closing about 20% of the coal plants" and he estimated that there could be "an addition of 20% coal plants"getting shutdown
the Article also highlights how Colorado passed draconian renewable energy standards for power production, keeping coal plants alive will prevent brownouts on hot days and during winter storms
California has experienced this all thanks to them getting on board with the green energy scam and will get worse as tighter regulations take hold like wildfire
However America has been in a natural gas boom and has become another cheap reliable source of energy and have better more efficient ways of drilling it with the newer technologies but of course the eco-fascists are going around spreading fear mongering and lies about natural gas because they hate it and if you want more information a great documentary called Fracknation is now available on amazon or you can download it off Itunes where it exposes their lies about fracking and presents the real truth about fracking and it has been featured on Sun News here in Canada as well
So in essence the eco-fascists are against all forms of energy including nuclear power as the article shows and are against dams because of god damn snail darters and other fish!!! all thanks to making power more expensive which is a sure way to hurt the poor and kill our economies through Agenda 21 of course
And this is not science fiction folks this is reality and it is not good at all which is why it is important to expose the man made climate change myth for what it is a total fraud and a huge scam
I also want you to read this very good article by Paul Driessen of CFACT exposing the Big Green's lethal agenda in where they want to limit energy and reduce our standards of living and keep the world's poor still poor http://www.cfact.org/2014/07/11/big-greens-lethal-agenda/ and was a speech he did at the International Conference on Climate Change the 9th one in Las Vegas, Nevada where they expose the eco-fascists lies about the climate and also exposes their anti-human agenda as well
It is well worth the read folks
Friday, June 20, 2014
US Backed Terror INC.
Infowars.com reporter Joe Biggs breaks down in the video provided in the article how the US government and military have supported terrorism and drug dealing around the world
Recent revelations reported by alternative news networks like Infowars.com show how the US and its CIA operate as Terror Inc. the largest most ruthless mafia terrorism group in the world
The Mockingbird establishment media-long ago converted into the mighty propaganda machine thanks to the CIA's Frank Wisner who was a Wall St. Lawyer- continues to report on the over the top ISIS and Al-Qaeda while ignoring these facts that both these organizations are creations spawned by the CIA and the Pentagon along with their allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey
And Biggs highlights previous operations- from the US trained Zetas in Mexico to the authoritarian regimes in Central America and their School of Americas trained death sqauds in his report and talks about another topic the establishment media never talks about is the CIA's opium operation protected by the US troops in Afghanistan
and there is a whole list of great articles that are must read that are linked in the article and I will link to one by alternet.org about how the US in 35 countries have supported fascists,druglords and etc.. and this too is a must read
Infowars.com reporter Joe Biggs breaks down in the video provided in the article how the US government and military have supported terrorism and drug dealing around the world
Recent revelations reported by alternative news networks like Infowars.com show how the US and its CIA operate as Terror Inc. the largest most ruthless mafia terrorism group in the world
The Mockingbird establishment media-long ago converted into the mighty propaganda machine thanks to the CIA's Frank Wisner who was a Wall St. Lawyer- continues to report on the over the top ISIS and Al-Qaeda while ignoring these facts that both these organizations are creations spawned by the CIA and the Pentagon along with their allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey
And Biggs highlights previous operations- from the US trained Zetas in Mexico to the authoritarian regimes in Central America and their School of Americas trained death sqauds in his report and talks about another topic the establishment media never talks about is the CIA's opium operation protected by the US troops in Afghanistan
and there is a whole list of great articles that are must read that are linked in the article and I will link to one by alternet.org about how the US in 35 countries have supported fascists,druglords and etc.. and this too is a must read
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Vermont being sued by Food Trade Groups over GMO labeling law and How Ben and Jerry's ice cream is joining Vermont's fight
RT.com reported on June 15 that 4 national grade organizations are suing the State of Vermont over their GMO-labeling law which goes into effect July 2016 and they claim the requirement is unconstitutional
The Grocery Manufacturers(the same ones that got caught violating Washington State election laws, GMA) The Snack Food Association(SFA), International Dairy Foods Manufacturers(IDFA) and the National Association of Manufacturers(NAM) say that food made with genetically modified organisms or GMOs are safe and do not need to be labeled. This Vermont legislation passed in April with Gov. Peter Shumlin(D-Vt) signed into law at the beginning of May
"I am proud of Vermont for being the first state in the nation to ensure that Vermonters will know what is in their food. The Legislature has spoken loud and clear through its passage of this bill" he said in a statement after the bill was passed
Legislators knew they were being threatened with a lawsuit by the major food corporations such as Monsanto, Du Pont-who are on the leaders of producing GMO crops- as mentioned before and the Attorney General William Sorrell said he advised the lawmakers while they deliberated the bill that would it lead to a lawsuit from the affected companies "and it would be a heck of a fight, but we would zealously defend the law"-he noted last Thursday in the Burlington Free Press
To defend this, Vermont put aside $1.5 million dollars for legal defense in the measure to be paid with settlements won by the state. However this amount might not be enough to cover the state's legal bills
The groups involved in the lawsuit called the labeling "a costly and misguided measure that will set the nation on a path toward a 50-state patchwork of GMO labeling policies that do nothing to advance the health and safety of consumers"-GMA said in a statement
"With zero justification in health, safety or science, the State of Vermont has imposed a burdensome mandate on manufacturers that unconstitutionally compels speech and interferes with interstate commerce"-said NAM in their own statement
The US Food and Drug Administration ruled in 1994(20 years ago) that food from genetically modified plants is not materially different than from other food. However, critics of GMOs consider them a threat to the environment and a potential health threat. Labeling supporters say the law would give consumers more information about their food than before
"The people of Vermont have said loud and clear they have a right to know what is in their food" said Falko Schilling, a consumer protection advocate with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, according to the Free Press. "Putting labels on is a reasonable and prudent thing so people can decide for themselves"
BIO, another trade group that includes major GMO producing companies, told Reuters that mandatory labeling laws would make costs go to well over $400 dollars a year for the average household income. The plaintiffs went on to detail about where the costs would come from and how the law would affect interstate commerce.
"They must revise hundreds of thousands of product packages, from the small to the super-sized"-the lawsuit said. "Then, they must establish Vermont-only distribution channels to ensure that the speech Vermont is forcing them to say, or not say, is conveyed in that state"
The Green Mountain State's law does not cover meat, eggs or dairy animals who were fed genetically modified gains, according to the Organic Authority. Restaurants are also exempt. In the court filing, the plaintiffs say that the law's exemptions create big gaps in information, the Free Press reported
The trade groups also took on the state's legal defense funding in the complaint, which requires private money to be used before the state's $1.5 million. "The State's unwillingness to use its own funds to administer and defend Act 120 is express confirmation that Vermont doesn't have a 'state' interest in the survival of the law"- the lawsuit said
But the attorney general disputes the interpretation as did the governor
"We have been gearing up"Sorrell told the Free Press over the phone Thursday
"Now, as we expected all along, the fight will head to the courts" Shumlin said to the Associated Press
Vermont was the first state in the country to pass a "trigger-clause free" GMO labeling law, While Maine and Connecticut passed legislation that included triggers. In the case of the Nutmeg State, four other states, one of which must border with Connecticut, must pass labeling laws as well before its law goes into effect
And Ben and Jerry's is now joining Vermont's fight for GMO labeling:http://rt.com/usa/166607-ben-jerry-vermont-gmo-fight/ by creating a new flavor of ice cream called "Food Fight! Fudge Brownie" in order to raise money to help Vermont fight the lawsuit launched by the GMA and others and they have been making the change of their entire ice cream flavors into non-GMO products and every dollar during the month of July from their purchases at its Burlington and Waterbury ships to help Vermont's legal fund and Jerry Greenfield who is the co-founder of the ice cream company, said in a statement: "This is a pretty simple issue. Vermonter's want the right to know what's in their food, and apparently a bunch of out of state companies don't want us to tell us"and the company has decided to go GMO-free and support Vermont's law
This is about to get interesting folks and something that I will be watching and good for Ben and Jerry's to support the state law as well that took a lot of courage and I am sure consumers of their ice cream will appreciate their efforts
RT.com reported on June 15 that 4 national grade organizations are suing the State of Vermont over their GMO-labeling law which goes into effect July 2016 and they claim the requirement is unconstitutional
The Grocery Manufacturers(the same ones that got caught violating Washington State election laws, GMA) The Snack Food Association(SFA), International Dairy Foods Manufacturers(IDFA) and the National Association of Manufacturers(NAM) say that food made with genetically modified organisms or GMOs are safe and do not need to be labeled. This Vermont legislation passed in April with Gov. Peter Shumlin(D-Vt) signed into law at the beginning of May
"I am proud of Vermont for being the first state in the nation to ensure that Vermonters will know what is in their food. The Legislature has spoken loud and clear through its passage of this bill" he said in a statement after the bill was passed
Legislators knew they were being threatened with a lawsuit by the major food corporations such as Monsanto, Du Pont-who are on the leaders of producing GMO crops- as mentioned before and the Attorney General William Sorrell said he advised the lawmakers while they deliberated the bill that would it lead to a lawsuit from the affected companies "and it would be a heck of a fight, but we would zealously defend the law"-he noted last Thursday in the Burlington Free Press
To defend this, Vermont put aside $1.5 million dollars for legal defense in the measure to be paid with settlements won by the state. However this amount might not be enough to cover the state's legal bills
The groups involved in the lawsuit called the labeling "a costly and misguided measure that will set the nation on a path toward a 50-state patchwork of GMO labeling policies that do nothing to advance the health and safety of consumers"-GMA said in a statement
"With zero justification in health, safety or science, the State of Vermont has imposed a burdensome mandate on manufacturers that unconstitutionally compels speech and interferes with interstate commerce"-said NAM in their own statement
The US Food and Drug Administration ruled in 1994(20 years ago) that food from genetically modified plants is not materially different than from other food. However, critics of GMOs consider them a threat to the environment and a potential health threat. Labeling supporters say the law would give consumers more information about their food than before
"The people of Vermont have said loud and clear they have a right to know what is in their food" said Falko Schilling, a consumer protection advocate with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, according to the Free Press. "Putting labels on is a reasonable and prudent thing so people can decide for themselves"
BIO, another trade group that includes major GMO producing companies, told Reuters that mandatory labeling laws would make costs go to well over $400 dollars a year for the average household income. The plaintiffs went on to detail about where the costs would come from and how the law would affect interstate commerce.
"They must revise hundreds of thousands of product packages, from the small to the super-sized"-the lawsuit said. "Then, they must establish Vermont-only distribution channels to ensure that the speech Vermont is forcing them to say, or not say, is conveyed in that state"
The Green Mountain State's law does not cover meat, eggs or dairy animals who were fed genetically modified gains, according to the Organic Authority. Restaurants are also exempt. In the court filing, the plaintiffs say that the law's exemptions create big gaps in information, the Free Press reported
The trade groups also took on the state's legal defense funding in the complaint, which requires private money to be used before the state's $1.5 million. "The State's unwillingness to use its own funds to administer and defend Act 120 is express confirmation that Vermont doesn't have a 'state' interest in the survival of the law"- the lawsuit said
But the attorney general disputes the interpretation as did the governor
"We have been gearing up"Sorrell told the Free Press over the phone Thursday
"Now, as we expected all along, the fight will head to the courts" Shumlin said to the Associated Press
Vermont was the first state in the country to pass a "trigger-clause free" GMO labeling law, While Maine and Connecticut passed legislation that included triggers. In the case of the Nutmeg State, four other states, one of which must border with Connecticut, must pass labeling laws as well before its law goes into effect
And Ben and Jerry's is now joining Vermont's fight for GMO labeling:http://rt.com/usa/166607-ben-jerry-vermont-gmo-fight/ by creating a new flavor of ice cream called "Food Fight! Fudge Brownie" in order to raise money to help Vermont fight the lawsuit launched by the GMA and others and they have been making the change of their entire ice cream flavors into non-GMO products and every dollar during the month of July from their purchases at its Burlington and Waterbury ships to help Vermont's legal fund and Jerry Greenfield who is the co-founder of the ice cream company, said in a statement: "This is a pretty simple issue. Vermonter's want the right to know what's in their food, and apparently a bunch of out of state companies don't want us to tell us"and the company has decided to go GMO-free and support Vermont's law
This is about to get interesting folks and something that I will be watching and good for Ben and Jerry's to support the state law as well that took a lot of courage and I am sure consumers of their ice cream will appreciate their efforts
Friday, June 13, 2014
Saudi Arabia, Sunni Caliphate, NATO Run Secret Terror army in Iraq and Syria and Establishment Media ramps up war propaganda in Iraq plus and update regarding Canada and Iraq and more as the situation continues
The Salafist horde currently making its way to Baghdad from Northern Iraq is a secret and specialized army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, the Sunni Caliphate of Iraq and the Levant and NATO
Otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant(ISIL), the caliphate and its partners in Riyadh and Doha have transplanted tens of thousands of murderous paramilitary jihadists from the battlefields of Syria to the killing fields of Iraq. For the fossilized monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar the objective is to spread a pernicious verison of Sunni Islam and thus defeat their longtime Shia Islam rivals, while the Western financial and globalist elite are playing a long running game of divide and conquer, technique used by the British Empire
F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire was so ruthless when they conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort that was spawned when it realized oil would takeover coal as one of the dominant sources of energy in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, The British worked with the French, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region from the Ottoman Turks, who had control that was not even challenged for centuries
In this interesting report by Infowars.com reporter Kurt Nimmo and with infowars.com radio host Alex Jones, illustrate how the borders imposed after the war happened it created artificial states of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Kuwait. The British had created and also directed the revolt against the Ottomans during the war. One of the leaders was selected by the Brits was Ibn Said, who was the leader of the tribal Wahhabi sect in central Arabia who bought the support of the Bedouins with British money. In 1925, with the British blessing and money, Saud overthrew the ruling Prince Hijaz and by 1932 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established. Following the Second World War and a massive influx of money from the Western oil corporations, the House of Said began to proselytize and export Wahhabism, an austere and puritanical version of Sunni Islam founded by Ibn Abd al-Wahhabism. BY 2013, governments around the world including the European Parliament, considered Wahhabism the primary source of Islamic terrorism
The British and the globalist elite knew very well how Islam could be used to exploit Muslims. "Al political leadership of the time depended on Islam for legitimacy and all political leaders were pro-British. Islam was a tool to legitimize the rule, tyranny and corruption of Arab leaders. To the West, Islam was acceptable; it could be and was used" writes Said K Aburish who wrote the book A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite.
Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda:
By the 1970s, following an effort to crush Arab nationalism in response to European colonization, the United States, working with the Pakistani military and intelligence-with the bankster front, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, working in the shadows- Sunni radicals to eject the Soviet Union from Afghanistan. "Today it is generally understood that radical Islam received its biggest boost as a result of the mujahedin's successful jihad against Soviet forces, and when the Soviets retreated from Afghan territory in early 1989 the country was left with tens of thousands of unemployed Islamic mercenaries who then turned their attention to the west"writes Peter D. Goodgame in his book The Globalists and the Islamists: Fomenting the "Clash of Civilizations" for a New World Order
The CIA, in bed with the Pakistan ISI, organized the Afghan Mujahideen, a loose coalition of tribal fighters, to go up against the Soviets. The "Afghan Arabs" and Osama Bin Laden were instrumental in this effort. Following the ejection of the Soviets from Afghanistan, Bin Laden and "al-Qaeda" the terror group named after a database of Mujahideen mercenaries, would establish a foothold in Afghanistan and declare jihad against the Great Satan, the United States. Along with al-Qaeda, the CIA-ISI collabration that created the Taliban, a group consisting of Afghan civil war vets who embraced a regional version of Wahhabism imported by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
As Infowars.com has documented over the last decade, the US and its European NATO partner have used Al-Qaeda for a number of political objectives, most notably overthrowing unfavorable governments and destabilizing Islamic states along the former Soviet periphery, the most notable being Chechnya.
The article goes on to show how during the US occupation of Iraq various Al-Qaeda aligned and inspired groups contributed the excuse for US involvement and the establishment of military bases and facilities and the United States and British collaboration in the "insurgency" led by Al-Qaeda and other Sunni groups became clear when British soldiers got caught posing as Arabs shooting at Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in Southern Iraq back in 2005 and goes on to explain how the US and NATO in the effort to overthrow Mummar Gaddafi in 2011 were supporting, funding and arming paramilitaries swearing allegiance to Al-Qaeda and the radical Wahhabist agenda of sharia Law when CIA officer Clare Lopez told the Daily Mail 3 years later: "The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provisions of weapons known to Al-Qaeda militias and figures" and know Libya is a failed state as a result
And they also get into the Benghazi Scandal with how the US was clearly collaborating with their creation Al-Qaeda which we all know but is the best kept secret is the fact that it was a CIA gun running scam they were running out of Behnghazi, Libya to the CIA's latest al-Qaeda affliates fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria as well
So long story short we all know what their goal is at the end of the day: One World Government and dividing and conquering through failed states such as Libya by taking everyone down in their goal for total control
Here is a related article that shows how the establishment is ramping up more war propaganda for the situation in Iraq: http://www.infowars.com/establishment-media-ramps-up-iraq-intervention/ after the success of a former Al-Qaeda affliate in taking over the northwest part of Iraq and now the establishment media is calling for another intervention over there again to support the neocon thirst for more war... truly disgusting
Update June 14 2014: Just found an article from Press for Truth asking the question whether Canada will be involved with Iraq http://www.pressfortruth.ca/will-canada-invade-iraq/ because if you recall back in 2003 the Liberals said no but the Conservatives were for it and even on the PM's website it mentioned that Harper and Obama met about Iraq and the situation in the Ukraine. Now while the report does not say whether Harper will send military support but PFT is predicting they will because Canadian forces will be involved either way whether directly or not but the Wikipedia article listed shows how the Canadian Governor General did order Canadian forces to go over to Iraq because in the March 31st issue of Macleans magazine reported that in the previous month Canadian forces, aboard three frigates and a destroyer, had been placed in command of the multinational naval Task Force 151 which patrolled the Persian Gulf region and 30 Canadians worked at the US Central Command in Qatar and 150 soldiers were on exchange with US and British forces in proximity to the combat going on. So in reality we were sucked in to 2 illegal wars thanks to the false flag operation that was 9/11 and why we need to get a new investigation but that is another story and given the news that I posted here yesterday regarding the new situation in Iraq.
Stephen Harper is the Canadian version of George W. Bush given he is also a neocon but he is being billed as on as it is the establishment's best interest to demonize him and bring in their puppet Justin Trudeau as our version of puppet president currently in the US Obama and Harper's foreign policy is aggressive and of course the Left win establishment media has been whining over Canada's tarnished reputation as a leader in "democracy" "human rights" "peacekeeping" and "humanitarian aid"
But this aggressive foreign policy did not come from Harper or even start with him. It is part of the globalist agenda to bring us all under a totalitarian world government
Stay tuned folks...
Update June 16th 2014: Now the Corporate establishment media is now turbo-charging War on Terror
As they ramp up more war propaganda following the remarks of neocon fascist from South Carolina Lindsay Graham, that the United States faces another 9/11 at the hands of the well armed and organized CIA/Saudi Arabia run ISIS terror group and CBS News asks if they will plan a "9/11 style" attack on the United States
"The Seeds of 9/11 are being planted all over Iraq and Syria"Graham warned on Face the Nation. "They want an Islamic caliphate that tuns through Syria and Iraq... and they plan to drive us out of the Mideast by attacking us here at home"
"You've got motivation mixed with opportunity, ideology and foreign fighters and all of that looks like a very extreme version of Afghanistan in the '90s, plus what was happening in Iraq after the Iraq war" said CBS News National Security Analyst Juan Zarate. "This is a cauldron of future terrorist threats to the west"
IF we look at this commentary, we need to look at Zarate's background given He runs the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank rife of insiders including globalist minion Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, necon Michael Ledeen, Admiral Thomas Moorer, and others . It is funded in part by the billionaire heir to the Mellon family, Richard Scaife, who has very shady ties with the CIA. Zarate's organization also is connected to the Ford Foundation as infowars.com reporter Kurt Nimmo writes in this report and is pretty much a branch of the CIA
Also it should not be surprise to anyone that CBS-who have been key in the Operation Mockingbird which was the CIA's takeover of the corporate press more than 60 years ago- has trotted out their "anaylst" du jour warning of scary attacks on the homeland
Another mockingbird alphabet network known as ABC News, recently had on Ret. Gen. Peter Chiarelli who said "all Americans should be concerned" by ISIS in Iraq
On the "right" side of the establishment media, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers took to Fox News and warned America again about ISIS bad guys. "I guarantee you this: this is a problem that we will have to face and we're either going to face it in New York City or we're going to face it here"-he said in attempt to sound prophetic
"These are not monkey bar terrorists out in the desert somewhere planning some very low level attacks. These are sophisticated, command and controlled, seasoned combat veterans who understand the value of terrorism operations external to the region, meaning Europe and the United States. That is about as dangerous as a recipe you can put together"-he added
And the article features even more examples of this from CNN and etc...
Basically it boils down to this latest phase in the never ending manufactured war on terror is anything but "turbo-charged" and has been designed to level nations through "creative destruction" and to further the high tech police state at home
ISIS, as we know, were created by the CIA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey and was based on the same basis used in Afghanistan to take down the Soviet Union back in the 1980s
Even globalist operative Zbigniew Brezinski has even admitted. the Afghan Mujahideen became the Taliban and al-Qaeda over the last two years Al-Qaeda has become more ominous and dark menace operating strategically in the Middle East, Asia and Africa
ISIS, al-Shabaab, al-Nusra, Boko Haram and etc. are no formed terror groups. They are the troops for the globalist elite and the New World Order
The Salafist horde currently making its way to Baghdad from Northern Iraq is a secret and specialized army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, the Sunni Caliphate of Iraq and the Levant and NATO
Otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant(ISIL), the caliphate and its partners in Riyadh and Doha have transplanted tens of thousands of murderous paramilitary jihadists from the battlefields of Syria to the killing fields of Iraq. For the fossilized monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar the objective is to spread a pernicious verison of Sunni Islam and thus defeat their longtime Shia Islam rivals, while the Western financial and globalist elite are playing a long running game of divide and conquer, technique used by the British Empire
F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire was so ruthless when they conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort that was spawned when it realized oil would takeover coal as one of the dominant sources of energy in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, The British worked with the French, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region from the Ottoman Turks, who had control that was not even challenged for centuries
In this interesting report by Infowars.com reporter Kurt Nimmo and with infowars.com radio host Alex Jones, illustrate how the borders imposed after the war happened it created artificial states of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Kuwait. The British had created and also directed the revolt against the Ottomans during the war. One of the leaders was selected by the Brits was Ibn Said, who was the leader of the tribal Wahhabi sect in central Arabia who bought the support of the Bedouins with British money. In 1925, with the British blessing and money, Saud overthrew the ruling Prince Hijaz and by 1932 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established. Following the Second World War and a massive influx of money from the Western oil corporations, the House of Said began to proselytize and export Wahhabism, an austere and puritanical version of Sunni Islam founded by Ibn Abd al-Wahhabism. BY 2013, governments around the world including the European Parliament, considered Wahhabism the primary source of Islamic terrorism
The British and the globalist elite knew very well how Islam could be used to exploit Muslims. "Al political leadership of the time depended on Islam for legitimacy and all political leaders were pro-British. Islam was a tool to legitimize the rule, tyranny and corruption of Arab leaders. To the West, Islam was acceptable; it could be and was used" writes Said K Aburish who wrote the book A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite.
Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda:
By the 1970s, following an effort to crush Arab nationalism in response to European colonization, the United States, working with the Pakistani military and intelligence-with the bankster front, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, working in the shadows- Sunni radicals to eject the Soviet Union from Afghanistan. "Today it is generally understood that radical Islam received its biggest boost as a result of the mujahedin's successful jihad against Soviet forces, and when the Soviets retreated from Afghan territory in early 1989 the country was left with tens of thousands of unemployed Islamic mercenaries who then turned their attention to the west"writes Peter D. Goodgame in his book The Globalists and the Islamists: Fomenting the "Clash of Civilizations" for a New World Order
The CIA, in bed with the Pakistan ISI, organized the Afghan Mujahideen, a loose coalition of tribal fighters, to go up against the Soviets. The "Afghan Arabs" and Osama Bin Laden were instrumental in this effort. Following the ejection of the Soviets from Afghanistan, Bin Laden and "al-Qaeda" the terror group named after a database of Mujahideen mercenaries, would establish a foothold in Afghanistan and declare jihad against the Great Satan, the United States. Along with al-Qaeda, the CIA-ISI collabration that created the Taliban, a group consisting of Afghan civil war vets who embraced a regional version of Wahhabism imported by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
As Infowars.com has documented over the last decade, the US and its European NATO partner have used Al-Qaeda for a number of political objectives, most notably overthrowing unfavorable governments and destabilizing Islamic states along the former Soviet periphery, the most notable being Chechnya.
The article goes on to show how during the US occupation of Iraq various Al-Qaeda aligned and inspired groups contributed the excuse for US involvement and the establishment of military bases and facilities and the United States and British collaboration in the "insurgency" led by Al-Qaeda and other Sunni groups became clear when British soldiers got caught posing as Arabs shooting at Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in Southern Iraq back in 2005 and goes on to explain how the US and NATO in the effort to overthrow Mummar Gaddafi in 2011 were supporting, funding and arming paramilitaries swearing allegiance to Al-Qaeda and the radical Wahhabist agenda of sharia Law when CIA officer Clare Lopez told the Daily Mail 3 years later: "The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provisions of weapons known to Al-Qaeda militias and figures" and know Libya is a failed state as a result
And they also get into the Benghazi Scandal with how the US was clearly collaborating with their creation Al-Qaeda which we all know but is the best kept secret is the fact that it was a CIA gun running scam they were running out of Behnghazi, Libya to the CIA's latest al-Qaeda affliates fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria as well
So long story short we all know what their goal is at the end of the day: One World Government and dividing and conquering through failed states such as Libya by taking everyone down in their goal for total control
Here is a related article that shows how the establishment is ramping up more war propaganda for the situation in Iraq: http://www.infowars.com/establishment-media-ramps-up-iraq-intervention/ after the success of a former Al-Qaeda affliate in taking over the northwest part of Iraq and now the establishment media is calling for another intervention over there again to support the neocon thirst for more war... truly disgusting
Update June 14 2014: Just found an article from Press for Truth asking the question whether Canada will be involved with Iraq http://www.pressfortruth.ca/will-canada-invade-iraq/ because if you recall back in 2003 the Liberals said no but the Conservatives were for it and even on the PM's website it mentioned that Harper and Obama met about Iraq and the situation in the Ukraine. Now while the report does not say whether Harper will send military support but PFT is predicting they will because Canadian forces will be involved either way whether directly or not but the Wikipedia article listed shows how the Canadian Governor General did order Canadian forces to go over to Iraq because in the March 31st issue of Macleans magazine reported that in the previous month Canadian forces, aboard three frigates and a destroyer, had been placed in command of the multinational naval Task Force 151 which patrolled the Persian Gulf region and 30 Canadians worked at the US Central Command in Qatar and 150 soldiers were on exchange with US and British forces in proximity to the combat going on. So in reality we were sucked in to 2 illegal wars thanks to the false flag operation that was 9/11 and why we need to get a new investigation but that is another story and given the news that I posted here yesterday regarding the new situation in Iraq.
Stephen Harper is the Canadian version of George W. Bush given he is also a neocon but he is being billed as on as it is the establishment's best interest to demonize him and bring in their puppet Justin Trudeau as our version of puppet president currently in the US Obama and Harper's foreign policy is aggressive and of course the Left win establishment media has been whining over Canada's tarnished reputation as a leader in "democracy" "human rights" "peacekeeping" and "humanitarian aid"
But this aggressive foreign policy did not come from Harper or even start with him. It is part of the globalist agenda to bring us all under a totalitarian world government
Stay tuned folks...
Update June 16th 2014: Now the Corporate establishment media is now turbo-charging War on Terror
As they ramp up more war propaganda following the remarks of neocon fascist from South Carolina Lindsay Graham, that the United States faces another 9/11 at the hands of the well armed and organized CIA/Saudi Arabia run ISIS terror group and CBS News asks if they will plan a "9/11 style" attack on the United States
"The Seeds of 9/11 are being planted all over Iraq and Syria"Graham warned on Face the Nation. "They want an Islamic caliphate that tuns through Syria and Iraq... and they plan to drive us out of the Mideast by attacking us here at home"
"You've got motivation mixed with opportunity, ideology and foreign fighters and all of that looks like a very extreme version of Afghanistan in the '90s, plus what was happening in Iraq after the Iraq war" said CBS News National Security Analyst Juan Zarate. "This is a cauldron of future terrorist threats to the west"
IF we look at this commentary, we need to look at Zarate's background given He runs the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank rife of insiders including globalist minion Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, necon Michael Ledeen, Admiral Thomas Moorer, and others . It is funded in part by the billionaire heir to the Mellon family, Richard Scaife, who has very shady ties with the CIA. Zarate's organization also is connected to the Ford Foundation as infowars.com reporter Kurt Nimmo writes in this report and is pretty much a branch of the CIA
Also it should not be surprise to anyone that CBS-who have been key in the Operation Mockingbird which was the CIA's takeover of the corporate press more than 60 years ago- has trotted out their "anaylst" du jour warning of scary attacks on the homeland
Another mockingbird alphabet network known as ABC News, recently had on Ret. Gen. Peter Chiarelli who said "all Americans should be concerned" by ISIS in Iraq
On the "right" side of the establishment media, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers took to Fox News and warned America again about ISIS bad guys. "I guarantee you this: this is a problem that we will have to face and we're either going to face it in New York City or we're going to face it here"-he said in attempt to sound prophetic
"These are not monkey bar terrorists out in the desert somewhere planning some very low level attacks. These are sophisticated, command and controlled, seasoned combat veterans who understand the value of terrorism operations external to the region, meaning Europe and the United States. That is about as dangerous as a recipe you can put together"-he added
And the article features even more examples of this from CNN and etc...
Basically it boils down to this latest phase in the never ending manufactured war on terror is anything but "turbo-charged" and has been designed to level nations through "creative destruction" and to further the high tech police state at home
ISIS, as we know, were created by the CIA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey and was based on the same basis used in Afghanistan to take down the Soviet Union back in the 1980s
Even globalist operative Zbigniew Brezinski has even admitted. the Afghan Mujahideen became the Taliban and al-Qaeda over the last two years Al-Qaeda has become more ominous and dark menace operating strategically in the Middle East, Asia and Africa
ISIS, al-Shabaab, al-Nusra, Boko Haram and etc. are no formed terror groups. They are the troops for the globalist elite and the New World Order
Monday, June 2, 2014
Sgt. Bergdahl release arranged by CIA Terror Group and Was he endangered by Obama's CIA Blunder??
Missing in the storm over the Sgt. Berdahl prisoner swap is the fact the terror group that arranged the trade was closely aligned with the CIA.
The Haqqani network is the product of a collaboration between the CIA and Pakistan's ISI. Pakistan Army General Ashfaq Kayan referred to Haqqani as a "strategic asset". Collaborative efforts between the 2 intelligence agencies resulted in what is now the creation of the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
The Establishment media is portraying the Haqqani Group as the most dangerous and vicious terrorist groups in the world and in true fashion they leave out the fact that the Afghan mujahideen leader Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani was a direct asset of the CIA in 1986 as the agency was part of a covert war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan
Unlike other mujhaideen leaders who deal with Pakistani intelligence, Haqqani worked directly with the CIA. He was part of the intermediary in control of territory where Osama Bin Laden would command Afghan Arabs and other radical Islamists recruited by the CIA to fight the proxy war against the Soviets. Bin Laden once called Haqqani a "hero" and "one of the foremost leaders of the jihad against the Soviets"
"Haqqani travelled frequently to Peshwar to meet with a Pakistani and, separately with an American intelligence officer, and to pick up supplies"-writes author Steve Coll. So important was the work of Haqqani in Afghanistan, he allegedly visited the White House and met with then president Ronald Reagan who had inherited the covert war mess in Afghanistan from the Carter administration and the war's primary architect, national security advisor and the co-founder of the Tri-Lateral Commission Zbigniew Brzezinski. Haqqani would later join the Taliban, another important CIA asset, and work as a government minister with the group ruling Afghanistan with an iron fist and sharia law.
Like the Haqqani Group, as infowars.com reporter Kurt Nimmo reports in this article, the Taliban was Frankenstein monster created by the U.S. and Pakistani intelligence. Its creation was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA" according to Selig Harrison, who is an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The Taliban are not just recruits from madrassas(Mulsim theological schools) but are on the payroll of the ISI"
"There was always a question about whether Haqqani was really Taliban, because he hadn't come out of Kandahar"-Coll told PBS in 2006. "he wasn't part of the core group. And it was quite reasonable to believe after 9/11 that he could be flipped...[US officials] summoned him to Pakistan, and they had a series of meetings with him,the content of which is unknown"
The elder Haqqani and his sons would play a role in the extending and engineering of the war on terror. "Today [Haqqani] has turned his expertise on American and NATO forces" The NY Times reported in June 17, 2008. "From his base in northwestern Pakistan, the again Maulavi Haggani has maintained a decades-old association with Osama Bin Laden and other Arabs. Together with his son, Sirajuddin Haqqani, 34, he and these allies now share a common mission to again drive foreign forces from Afghanistan"
The Sgt. Bergdahl trade in which he was swapped for 5 "terrorists" will allow the damn neocons and their ideological supporters to ramp up the manufactured war on terror and claim high morality
"We do not negotiate with terrorists because in their willful targeting of the weak they embody evil, and because when you give in to evil, evil grows" writes Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a military affairs gellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a prominent neocon think thank linked to the AMerican Enterprise Institute and the Hudson Institute
In fact, as the hidden origins of international terrorism are revealed, the United States not only negotiates with terrorists but they have created most of the terror groups. Once again the establishment's arm for propaganda, the CIA's Might Wurlitzer , is in the very process of refurbishing the casus belli that has extended this fake war on terror for well over a decade and will continue to do so provided the historical ignorance and the political acquiescence of the American people.
and see here is the related story http://www.infowars.com/sft-bergdahl-an-intelligence-asset-endangered-obamas-cia... of this guy Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl who was a 5 year captive of the CIA created Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Afghanistan, may have very well blown an intelligence operative after the White House outed the CIA's top intelligence official in the Islamic country by mistake.
Bergdahl, who is my age 28. was found by the Islamist group in the Paktika province of Afghanistan on June 30, 2009 after apparently deserting his unite
But considering the Obama administration moved to secure his release barely a week after the White House accidentally revealed the head of the CIA operations in Afghanistan and other strange events and as Infowars.com reporters Kit Daniels and Staff SGT. Joe Biggs, who was vet in the military now works as a reporter for Infowars.com, show that Bergdahl may have actually been an embedded intelligence asset who allowed himself to be captured in order to infiltrate the CIA created Haqqani network, and endangered by the Obama administrations blunder
Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, said the administration had to move quickly to save Bergdahl's life but why in the hell would his life be in danger now more than his previous 5 years in captivity???
The Obama administration has also showed more hospitality towards the Bergdahl family than say the family of the late SEAL Team 6 member Michael Strange for example which would show that perhaps the White Hose and the Bergdahl's are close collaborators
And it is also interesting that the administration made this move to negotiate with terrorists by offering to release 5 CIA created Al-Qaeda linked fighters for one alleged army deserter, which effectively sets a price for any captured American service member in the Middle East. This exchange is eerily similar to a "spy swap" between the 2 countries
On top of all of this, Obama didn't even give Congress a 30 day prior notice before the release of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners as required by the law.
"My perception is he broke the law by not informing Congress 30 days before"Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif, told MSNBC
Also statements by Bergdahl's father-as well as his mannerisms, also suggest that Bergdahl was trained by an intelligence agency to penetrate the CIA created Haqqani networl deep under cover
For one thing, it is odd that Robert Bergdahl, the guy's father and an Idaho resident, can speak Pashto, which is one of the official languages in Afghanistan, considering the State Dept.'s Foreign Service Institute considers Pashto to be one of the most difficult languages to speak for an English speaking person, especially without immersion in a native environment.
Both the FSI and the Pentagon's Defense Language Institute are likely the best sources for Pashto course material for native English speakers and just this weekend a tweet sent from the account of Robert Bergdahl state a desire to see al Guantanamo Bay detainees released:
"Richard Grenell: The Taliban is listening to the President of the United States confirm they have successfully negotiated for 5 gitmo prisoners
Wendy Worden: @RichardGrenell bowes dad is working to free all girmo prisoners http://pic.twitter.com/BFLhs5ezgA
Robert Bergdahl: @ABalkhi I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!"
Also Robert Bergdahl got joyous and emotional when speaking about the Afghan people during press interviews.
So it is not entirely far-fetched that his statements and mannerisms are designed to give some credibility to his son's possible cover, and combined with the extreme political risk that Obama took to ensure the exchange, there's more to this story than what the US government has revealed so far.
But one thing for sure: the White House has used this to divert the media's attention from Obama's mishandling of the recent Veterans Affairs scandal...
Update June 4/2014: There are now reports that Bergdahl left a note declaring is intention to desert and renounced his citizenship the night he walked off http://www.infowars.com/new-reports-bergdahl-left-note-declaring-intention-to-desert.. The NY Times reported citing a former military official familiar with the investigation yesterday that Bergdahl, who was a private at the time of his disappearance near the Pakistan border, took a backpack, water, knives and a notebook. He also left behind his weapons-and his solider comrades risked their lives over 90 days and some even died as result
"Everything that we did in those days was to advance the search for Bergdahl" a former medic in Bergdahl's outfit, told the Times. "If we were doing some mission and there was a reliable report that Bergdahl was somewhere, our orders were that we were to quit that mission and follow that report"
Of course this being the NY Times, the report noted that the medic spoke in an interview "arranged by Republican strategists" but it does make it clear that Bergdahl was widely known to have just up and left instead of the story that he was kidnapped by the CIA created Taliban while on duty
And it is also clear that the Obama administration broke the law as I mentioned before he was lawfully required to alert Congress 30 days prior before any Guantanomo Bay prisoners were transfered and etc... so I just wanted to update you all on the latest here on that scandal...
Missing in the storm over the Sgt. Berdahl prisoner swap is the fact the terror group that arranged the trade was closely aligned with the CIA.
The Haqqani network is the product of a collaboration between the CIA and Pakistan's ISI. Pakistan Army General Ashfaq Kayan referred to Haqqani as a "strategic asset". Collaborative efforts between the 2 intelligence agencies resulted in what is now the creation of the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
The Establishment media is portraying the Haqqani Group as the most dangerous and vicious terrorist groups in the world and in true fashion they leave out the fact that the Afghan mujahideen leader Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani was a direct asset of the CIA in 1986 as the agency was part of a covert war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan
Unlike other mujhaideen leaders who deal with Pakistani intelligence, Haqqani worked directly with the CIA. He was part of the intermediary in control of territory where Osama Bin Laden would command Afghan Arabs and other radical Islamists recruited by the CIA to fight the proxy war against the Soviets. Bin Laden once called Haqqani a "hero" and "one of the foremost leaders of the jihad against the Soviets"
"Haqqani travelled frequently to Peshwar to meet with a Pakistani and, separately with an American intelligence officer, and to pick up supplies"-writes author Steve Coll. So important was the work of Haqqani in Afghanistan, he allegedly visited the White House and met with then president Ronald Reagan who had inherited the covert war mess in Afghanistan from the Carter administration and the war's primary architect, national security advisor and the co-founder of the Tri-Lateral Commission Zbigniew Brzezinski. Haqqani would later join the Taliban, another important CIA asset, and work as a government minister with the group ruling Afghanistan with an iron fist and sharia law.
Like the Haqqani Group, as infowars.com reporter Kurt Nimmo reports in this article, the Taliban was Frankenstein monster created by the U.S. and Pakistani intelligence. Its creation was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA" according to Selig Harrison, who is an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The Taliban are not just recruits from madrassas(Mulsim theological schools) but are on the payroll of the ISI"
"There was always a question about whether Haqqani was really Taliban, because he hadn't come out of Kandahar"-Coll told PBS in 2006. "he wasn't part of the core group. And it was quite reasonable to believe after 9/11 that he could be flipped...[US officials] summoned him to Pakistan, and they had a series of meetings with him,the content of which is unknown"
The elder Haqqani and his sons would play a role in the extending and engineering of the war on terror. "Today [Haqqani] has turned his expertise on American and NATO forces" The NY Times reported in June 17, 2008. "From his base in northwestern Pakistan, the again Maulavi Haggani has maintained a decades-old association with Osama Bin Laden and other Arabs. Together with his son, Sirajuddin Haqqani, 34, he and these allies now share a common mission to again drive foreign forces from Afghanistan"
The Sgt. Bergdahl trade in which he was swapped for 5 "terrorists" will allow the damn neocons and their ideological supporters to ramp up the manufactured war on terror and claim high morality
"We do not negotiate with terrorists because in their willful targeting of the weak they embody evil, and because when you give in to evil, evil grows" writes Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a military affairs gellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a prominent neocon think thank linked to the AMerican Enterprise Institute and the Hudson Institute
In fact, as the hidden origins of international terrorism are revealed, the United States not only negotiates with terrorists but they have created most of the terror groups. Once again the establishment's arm for propaganda, the CIA's Might Wurlitzer , is in the very process of refurbishing the casus belli that has extended this fake war on terror for well over a decade and will continue to do so provided the historical ignorance and the political acquiescence of the American people.
and see here is the related story http://www.infowars.com/sft-bergdahl-an-intelligence-asset-endangered-obamas-cia... of this guy Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl who was a 5 year captive of the CIA created Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Afghanistan, may have very well blown an intelligence operative after the White House outed the CIA's top intelligence official in the Islamic country by mistake.
Bergdahl, who is my age 28. was found by the Islamist group in the Paktika province of Afghanistan on June 30, 2009 after apparently deserting his unite
But considering the Obama administration moved to secure his release barely a week after the White House accidentally revealed the head of the CIA operations in Afghanistan and other strange events and as Infowars.com reporters Kit Daniels and Staff SGT. Joe Biggs, who was vet in the military now works as a reporter for Infowars.com, show that Bergdahl may have actually been an embedded intelligence asset who allowed himself to be captured in order to infiltrate the CIA created Haqqani network, and endangered by the Obama administrations blunder
Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, said the administration had to move quickly to save Bergdahl's life but why in the hell would his life be in danger now more than his previous 5 years in captivity???
The Obama administration has also showed more hospitality towards the Bergdahl family than say the family of the late SEAL Team 6 member Michael Strange for example which would show that perhaps the White Hose and the Bergdahl's are close collaborators
And it is also interesting that the administration made this move to negotiate with terrorists by offering to release 5 CIA created Al-Qaeda linked fighters for one alleged army deserter, which effectively sets a price for any captured American service member in the Middle East. This exchange is eerily similar to a "spy swap" between the 2 countries
On top of all of this, Obama didn't even give Congress a 30 day prior notice before the release of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners as required by the law.
"My perception is he broke the law by not informing Congress 30 days before"Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif, told MSNBC
Also statements by Bergdahl's father-as well as his mannerisms, also suggest that Bergdahl was trained by an intelligence agency to penetrate the CIA created Haqqani networl deep under cover
For one thing, it is odd that Robert Bergdahl, the guy's father and an Idaho resident, can speak Pashto, which is one of the official languages in Afghanistan, considering the State Dept.'s Foreign Service Institute considers Pashto to be one of the most difficult languages to speak for an English speaking person, especially without immersion in a native environment.
Both the FSI and the Pentagon's Defense Language Institute are likely the best sources for Pashto course material for native English speakers and just this weekend a tweet sent from the account of Robert Bergdahl state a desire to see al Guantanamo Bay detainees released:
"Richard Grenell: The Taliban is listening to the President of the United States confirm they have successfully negotiated for 5 gitmo prisoners
Wendy Worden: @RichardGrenell bowes dad is working to free all girmo prisoners http://pic.twitter.com/BFLhs5ezgA
Robert Bergdahl: @ABalkhi I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!"
Also Robert Bergdahl got joyous and emotional when speaking about the Afghan people during press interviews.
So it is not entirely far-fetched that his statements and mannerisms are designed to give some credibility to his son's possible cover, and combined with the extreme political risk that Obama took to ensure the exchange, there's more to this story than what the US government has revealed so far.
But one thing for sure: the White House has used this to divert the media's attention from Obama's mishandling of the recent Veterans Affairs scandal...
Update June 4/2014: There are now reports that Bergdahl left a note declaring is intention to desert and renounced his citizenship the night he walked off http://www.infowars.com/new-reports-bergdahl-left-note-declaring-intention-to-desert.. The NY Times reported citing a former military official familiar with the investigation yesterday that Bergdahl, who was a private at the time of his disappearance near the Pakistan border, took a backpack, water, knives and a notebook. He also left behind his weapons-and his solider comrades risked their lives over 90 days and some even died as result
"Everything that we did in those days was to advance the search for Bergdahl" a former medic in Bergdahl's outfit, told the Times. "If we were doing some mission and there was a reliable report that Bergdahl was somewhere, our orders were that we were to quit that mission and follow that report"
Of course this being the NY Times, the report noted that the medic spoke in an interview "arranged by Republican strategists" but it does make it clear that Bergdahl was widely known to have just up and left instead of the story that he was kidnapped by the CIA created Taliban while on duty
And it is also clear that the Obama administration broke the law as I mentioned before he was lawfully required to alert Congress 30 days prior before any Guantanomo Bay prisoners were transfered and etc... so I just wanted to update you all on the latest here on that scandal...
Friday, May 30, 2014
Bilderberg 2014: see the photos of the globalist elite and RAND and NYT hype new Domestic terror Threat
The ever publicity shy Bilderberg members were surprised to see Infowars journalists when they stepped outside for lunch at the site of their confab today with Google CEO Eric Schmidt , James Wolfensohn and Etienne Davignon all being caught on camera
Although the elite gathering got into full swing today with series of intensive meetings, numerous Bilderberg members took time to enjoy drinks and lunch on the patio of the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen
Given that taking photos of the Bilderberg members in their natural environment is somewhat like when you take pictures of animals at the zoo or like when I have taken pictures of my cats, the opportunity to take pictures of the globalist elite scum as they schmoozed on the terrace was a rare opportunity indeed
Having prevented press previously from entering the area immediately adjacent to the Marriot Hotel, photographers were allowed to peer through a metal fence as long as they didn't shout at the delegates
Also the organizers of Bilderberg also took time out to drink in the pleasant surroundings since it was a beautiful day in Copenhagen
As the delegates went back inside, two cops arrived to tape members of the press on the other side of the fence
And all the pictures are posted in the article and Infowars and others like Press For Truth are on the ground at Cophenagen and Infowars has live streaming on their website if you want to check that out for more coverage of Bilderberg 2014
The Rand Corporation working with the CIA, FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center and the Department of Homeland Security to hustle in the next phase of the perpetual war on manufactured terrorism- American born and bred terrorists, trained by Al-Nusra in Syria, returning home to wage jihad in the heartland
Officialdom in the United States is spotlighting a reported suicide truck bombing allegedly conducted by an unidentified American in the northern province of Idlib. Jihadists social media, according to the NY Times claim the young man went by the name of Abu Huraira al-Amriki.
It is important to note how the NY Times plats a role in this latest round of propaganda. The newspaper has served as the establishment's conduit for war and terror propaganda since Judith Miller collaborated with the Bush neocons to disseminate the "intelligence failures" that resulted in the murder of over 1 million Iraqis. Thanks to their history for facilitating warmongering and crimes, this latest news from the NY times should not be taken seriously and with a grain of salt here is a quote from the Times on Wednesday:
"Islamic extremist groups in Syria with ties to Al Qaeda(my note: created by the CIA) have been trying to identify, recruit, and train Americans and other Westerners who have traveled there to get them to carry out attacks when they return home, according to senior American intelligence and counterterrorism officials.
These efforts, which the officials say are in the early stages, are the latest challenge in the conflict in Syria has created, not just for Europe but the United States. The civil war has become a magnet for Westerners seeking to fight with the rebels against the Assad government"
This report of a mysterious American working with Al-Nusra-the archetypal Syrian terrorist group who are getting funded by the CIA and its Saudi and Qatari partners-is a "potential game changer" according to Seth Jones, a terrorism expert at the RAND Corporation
"It indicates that the Americans are honing their ability to conduct terrorist attacks"-Jones told the Times. He speculated this supposedly fine-tuned ability may be used soon within the United States
The RAND's corporation connection to the CIA and the War Machine is part of their latest effort by the national security state and its propaganda media to re-invigorate and extend the war on terror should not be dismissed lightly as Kurt Nimmo of infowars.com reports
RAND is the preeminent covert warfare strategy institution deeply embedded within the military, industrial and intelligence complex. "Covert foreign policy became the standard mode of operation after World War II, which was also when the Ford Foundation became a major player for the first time-writes Rene Wormser(Foundations: Their Power and Influence, p65-66). "The institute most involved in classified research was Rand Corporation, set up by the Air Force in 1948. The interlocks between the trustees at Rand, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations were so numerous that the Reece Committee listed them in its report(two each for Carnegi and Rockefeller, and three for Ford). Ford gave one million dollars to Rand in 1952 alone, at a time when the chairman of Rand was simultaneously the president of the Ford Foundation"
The Ford Foundation has long served as a CIA front. "The Ford Foundation's history of collaboration and interlock with the CIA in pursuit of U.S. world hegemony is now a well-documented fact"-writes James Petras
The connection of this shadowy and nameless American to terrorists indirectly supported by the CIA in Syria is a classic example of problem, reaction solution methodology.
The CIA and their partners in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey systematically created various Al-Qaeda like terror groups, inserted them inside Syria to overthrow the unfavorable government there
and be nurtured as an incubator of radical jihadist terror that will be used in the United States to magnify their domestic terror meme.
The National security state and its surveillance and police state apparatus, predicted on the vastly exaggerated threat of Islamic terror, requires actual terrorists actions in order to accomplish its goal of converting the United States into a mature electronic panopticon.
The entire purpose of this apparatus has nothing to do with discovering and preventing terror attacks but serves to conduct pervasive surveillance on the American people. As the Occupy Wall Street movement discovered, the national security state will now actively collaborate with its state and local partners in an effort to subvert any challenge
to the establishment.
This increasingly ruthless behavior- including using the military and killer drones on citizens-by the globalist elite in league with the international banks and a panoply of transnational corporations once again shows the lengths these bastards will go to to dominate and control institutions and government and suppress the political aspirations of the American people.
The ever publicity shy Bilderberg members were surprised to see Infowars journalists when they stepped outside for lunch at the site of their confab today with Google CEO Eric Schmidt , James Wolfensohn and Etienne Davignon all being caught on camera
Although the elite gathering got into full swing today with series of intensive meetings, numerous Bilderberg members took time to enjoy drinks and lunch on the patio of the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen
Given that taking photos of the Bilderberg members in their natural environment is somewhat like when you take pictures of animals at the zoo or like when I have taken pictures of my cats, the opportunity to take pictures of the globalist elite scum as they schmoozed on the terrace was a rare opportunity indeed
Having prevented press previously from entering the area immediately adjacent to the Marriot Hotel, photographers were allowed to peer through a metal fence as long as they didn't shout at the delegates
Also the organizers of Bilderberg also took time out to drink in the pleasant surroundings since it was a beautiful day in Copenhagen
As the delegates went back inside, two cops arrived to tape members of the press on the other side of the fence
And all the pictures are posted in the article and Infowars and others like Press For Truth are on the ground at Cophenagen and Infowars has live streaming on their website if you want to check that out for more coverage of Bilderberg 2014
The Rand Corporation working with the CIA, FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center and the Department of Homeland Security to hustle in the next phase of the perpetual war on manufactured terrorism- American born and bred terrorists, trained by Al-Nusra in Syria, returning home to wage jihad in the heartland
Officialdom in the United States is spotlighting a reported suicide truck bombing allegedly conducted by an unidentified American in the northern province of Idlib. Jihadists social media, according to the NY Times claim the young man went by the name of Abu Huraira al-Amriki.
It is important to note how the NY Times plats a role in this latest round of propaganda. The newspaper has served as the establishment's conduit for war and terror propaganda since Judith Miller collaborated with the Bush neocons to disseminate the "intelligence failures" that resulted in the murder of over 1 million Iraqis. Thanks to their history for facilitating warmongering and crimes, this latest news from the NY times should not be taken seriously and with a grain of salt here is a quote from the Times on Wednesday:
"Islamic extremist groups in Syria with ties to Al Qaeda(my note: created by the CIA) have been trying to identify, recruit, and train Americans and other Westerners who have traveled there to get them to carry out attacks when they return home, according to senior American intelligence and counterterrorism officials.
These efforts, which the officials say are in the early stages, are the latest challenge in the conflict in Syria has created, not just for Europe but the United States. The civil war has become a magnet for Westerners seeking to fight with the rebels against the Assad government"
This report of a mysterious American working with Al-Nusra-the archetypal Syrian terrorist group who are getting funded by the CIA and its Saudi and Qatari partners-is a "potential game changer" according to Seth Jones, a terrorism expert at the RAND Corporation
"It indicates that the Americans are honing their ability to conduct terrorist attacks"-Jones told the Times. He speculated this supposedly fine-tuned ability may be used soon within the United States
The RAND's corporation connection to the CIA and the War Machine is part of their latest effort by the national security state and its propaganda media to re-invigorate and extend the war on terror should not be dismissed lightly as Kurt Nimmo of infowars.com reports
RAND is the preeminent covert warfare strategy institution deeply embedded within the military, industrial and intelligence complex. "Covert foreign policy became the standard mode of operation after World War II, which was also when the Ford Foundation became a major player for the first time-writes Rene Wormser(Foundations: Their Power and Influence, p65-66). "The institute most involved in classified research was Rand Corporation, set up by the Air Force in 1948. The interlocks between the trustees at Rand, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations were so numerous that the Reece Committee listed them in its report(two each for Carnegi and Rockefeller, and three for Ford). Ford gave one million dollars to Rand in 1952 alone, at a time when the chairman of Rand was simultaneously the president of the Ford Foundation"
The Ford Foundation has long served as a CIA front. "The Ford Foundation's history of collaboration and interlock with the CIA in pursuit of U.S. world hegemony is now a well-documented fact"-writes James Petras
The connection of this shadowy and nameless American to terrorists indirectly supported by the CIA in Syria is a classic example of problem, reaction solution methodology.
The CIA and their partners in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey systematically created various Al-Qaeda like terror groups, inserted them inside Syria to overthrow the unfavorable government there
and be nurtured as an incubator of radical jihadist terror that will be used in the United States to magnify their domestic terror meme.
The National security state and its surveillance and police state apparatus, predicted on the vastly exaggerated threat of Islamic terror, requires actual terrorists actions in order to accomplish its goal of converting the United States into a mature electronic panopticon.
The entire purpose of this apparatus has nothing to do with discovering and preventing terror attacks but serves to conduct pervasive surveillance on the American people. As the Occupy Wall Street movement discovered, the national security state will now actively collaborate with its state and local partners in an effort to subvert any challenge
to the establishment.
This increasingly ruthless behavior- including using the military and killer drones on citizens-by the globalist elite in league with the international banks and a panoply of transnational corporations once again shows the lengths these bastards will go to to dominate and control institutions and government and suppress the political aspirations of the American people.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Bilderberg 2014: Reporters arrested as Cloak of Secrecy Descends
A cloak of secrecy has descended on Bilderberg 2014 conference in Copenhagen after 2 reporters were arrested inside the Marriott Hotel for refusing to delete their footage of Bilderberg organizers who were confronted about their role in planning the clandestine meeting.
Having checked in to the Marriott two days before the 120 of the world's most influential power brokers gather for their annual confab, it was made clear that security preparations were in full swing, as security staff working on behalf of Bilderberg made regular patrols around the both inside and outside the premises
People, as Paul Joesph Watson reports in this article since he is there on behalf of Infowars.com, with cameras whether snapping photos or not, were harassed and ordered not to take pictures, as Bilderberg organizers began to gather in the lobby of the Marriott.
Two independent reporters decided to take an opportunity to confront the organizers, who at first denied any knowledge of Bilderberg before becoming irate at being asked polite questions. Security staff arrived on the scene and demanded everyone within that area delete their footage
When they refused to delete their footage and asked to leave the hotel, security staff tried to physically detain them and called the police. Although police admitted that a judge's permit is required to delete footage, they were arrested for "acting suspiciously" and taken to jail before being released 1 hour later and there is video footage of this provided and one of the reporters was Luke Rudowski of We Are Change and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth and they were the ones arrested and according to their newsletter I just got in my email the reasons for arrest were at first "drugs" but that was not true then after public backlash it was later changed to "suspicious activity"
London Guardian reporter Charlie Skelton and Paul Joesph Watson were also ordered to leave the hotel on orders of the secret service despite having checked in for the night
The arrests highlight the fact there is such a paucity of mainstream coverage of Bilderberg that independent reporters have to risk going to jail for asking questions about a meeting, the security for which is being paid for by the taxpayers and that has huge impact on global affairs
Other security measures also show the paranoia which always seems to surround Bilderberg, including ice cream sellers a mile away from the hotel being told by the cops to watch out for "suspicious individuals". Large Barricades were being erected around the site of the Marriott this morning as the Bilderberg wall of secrecy began to descend
and more on the Bilderberg agenda is also provided in the article and highlights Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin being told by his sources that there are other topics up for discussion which were not on the official list including Iran nuclear diplomacy, the consequences of the recent gas deal between China and Russia which was worth $400 billion dollars and the question of Obama's foreign policy being doomed given his actions with regards to Syria and Ukraine
Also privacy regulations and continued efforts to censor free speech on the Internet under the guise of cybersecurity will also be covered and the myth of global warming which is a cover for further destroying our industrial base and introducing "carbon" taxes on the individuals but you all know carbon is one of the 4 building blocks of life and CO2 is essential to all plant life and life in general but if the establishment can tax one of these 4 building blocks of life CO2 then they basically control the entire planet based on the false idea that these 2 life builders are pollutants in order to tax the hell out of everyone and if you were to put this carbon tax on the entire world, it would be a genocide worse than the genocides under the dictatorships of Hitler, Mao and Stalin to name a couple example
Also there are video reports about Bilderberg and their agenda as well provided in the article if you want to check them out as well
A cloak of secrecy has descended on Bilderberg 2014 conference in Copenhagen after 2 reporters were arrested inside the Marriott Hotel for refusing to delete their footage of Bilderberg organizers who were confronted about their role in planning the clandestine meeting.
Having checked in to the Marriott two days before the 120 of the world's most influential power brokers gather for their annual confab, it was made clear that security preparations were in full swing, as security staff working on behalf of Bilderberg made regular patrols around the both inside and outside the premises
People, as Paul Joesph Watson reports in this article since he is there on behalf of Infowars.com, with cameras whether snapping photos or not, were harassed and ordered not to take pictures, as Bilderberg organizers began to gather in the lobby of the Marriott.
Two independent reporters decided to take an opportunity to confront the organizers, who at first denied any knowledge of Bilderberg before becoming irate at being asked polite questions. Security staff arrived on the scene and demanded everyone within that area delete their footage
When they refused to delete their footage and asked to leave the hotel, security staff tried to physically detain them and called the police. Although police admitted that a judge's permit is required to delete footage, they were arrested for "acting suspiciously" and taken to jail before being released 1 hour later and there is video footage of this provided and one of the reporters was Luke Rudowski of We Are Change and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth and they were the ones arrested and according to their newsletter I just got in my email the reasons for arrest were at first "drugs" but that was not true then after public backlash it was later changed to "suspicious activity"
London Guardian reporter Charlie Skelton and Paul Joesph Watson were also ordered to leave the hotel on orders of the secret service despite having checked in for the night
The arrests highlight the fact there is such a paucity of mainstream coverage of Bilderberg that independent reporters have to risk going to jail for asking questions about a meeting, the security for which is being paid for by the taxpayers and that has huge impact on global affairs
Other security measures also show the paranoia which always seems to surround Bilderberg, including ice cream sellers a mile away from the hotel being told by the cops to watch out for "suspicious individuals". Large Barricades were being erected around the site of the Marriott this morning as the Bilderberg wall of secrecy began to descend
and more on the Bilderberg agenda is also provided in the article and highlights Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin being told by his sources that there are other topics up for discussion which were not on the official list including Iran nuclear diplomacy, the consequences of the recent gas deal between China and Russia which was worth $400 billion dollars and the question of Obama's foreign policy being doomed given his actions with regards to Syria and Ukraine
Also privacy regulations and continued efforts to censor free speech on the Internet under the guise of cybersecurity will also be covered and the myth of global warming which is a cover for further destroying our industrial base and introducing "carbon" taxes on the individuals but you all know carbon is one of the 4 building blocks of life and CO2 is essential to all plant life and life in general but if the establishment can tax one of these 4 building blocks of life CO2 then they basically control the entire planet based on the false idea that these 2 life builders are pollutants in order to tax the hell out of everyone and if you were to put this carbon tax on the entire world, it would be a genocide worse than the genocides under the dictatorships of Hitler, Mao and Stalin to name a couple example
Also there are video reports about Bilderberg and their agenda as well provided in the article if you want to check them out as well
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
BREAKING NEWS: Bilderberg 2014 in Denmark membership list revealed and their agenda has been revealed too
The list for the membership of Bilderberg 2014 in Denmark has been released and includes some Canadians including Edmund Clark of TD Bank, Brian Ferguson who is the President and CEO of Cenovus Energy, Jason T. Kenney the Minister of Employment and Social Development, Heather Munroe-Blum Professor of Medicine and Principal Emerita(President) McGill Univeristy which is located in Montreal, Quebec, Stephen Poloz Governor of the Bank of Canada and Heather Reisman Chair and CEO of Indigo Books and Music who own Chapters Bookstore
And their agenda is also posted in the article but I am going to link to the original article right here:
The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Cophenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of fear for many of the 120 globalist scumbags set to attend the secretive confab with Russia's intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe is a huge threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg has spent well over 60 years trying to build
Inside sources told Infowars that the elite conference, taking place Thursday onwards at the five star Marriott Hotel, will center on how to derail the world wide political awakening that threatens Bilderberg's agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP) which will no doubt be a central topic to their discussions at this year's meeting
The TTIP represents the one of the parts of Bilderberg's attempts to rescue their vision of a unipolar world by creating a "world company", initially a free trade area, which would link the United States with Europe. Just like how the European Union started out as a so called mere free trade area and was eventually transformed into the political federation it is today and controls nearly 50% of its members states' laws and regulations and have no regard for national sovereignty and democracy. TTIP is designed to accomplish the same goal but on a bigger scale
This deal is being spearheaded by Obama's U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, a Wall Street insider and a member of their sister organization the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR). Froman is also trying to help build another block of this global government, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is another project involving Asian countries
Given that Bilderberg schemed to create the EU single currency as far back as 1955(Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon bragged about how the single Euro currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg Group in a 2009 interview), the results of the European elections are sure to have created a an alarm amongst the Bilderberg globalist elite who are aghast that their planned European Union superstate is being destroyed as a result of a populist resistance mainly centered around animosity towards uncontrolled immigration policies
In Denmark, the buzz is around Morten Messerschmidt and the Danish People's party, which won 27% of the vote in the Euro elections and increased their number of MEPs. Although some are wary of Messerschmidt's far right inclinations, his success reflects a general sentiment not only in Denmark but across Europe towards immigration and the welfare state, concerns the EU has exasperated
In France, Marine Le Pen is carving out a role as the face of the conservative movement that "threatens to break up one united Europe" with her European election win being described as an "earthquake" that has rattled the political heart of Europe
Voters in the UK also have delivered their own rejection of the EU and in turn Bilderberg with the success of Nigel Farage and UKIP, a Euroskeptic triumph some are calling the "most extraordinary" election result for 100 years.
Along with the TTIP and the fallout from the European Elections being a disaster for them, Bilderberg is also going to tackle like their continued effort to centralize economic power under different guises including a "carbon tax" to be paid to the United Nations, with finanical hits being taken by individuals but large companies would be granted special "waivers" that would allow them to "pollute"
The crisis in the Ukraine and the relationship between Russia and NATO will also be one of focus for Bilderberg 2014 and the globalists now consider Vladmir Putin to have ostracized Russia from the New World Order because he dared "challenge the international system" as Skull and Bones John Kerry put it
Also Bilderberg will discuss fears that Putin is hell bent on constructing an alternative world order based around the BRICS countries, a "multi-polar" system that would devastate the dollar as the world reserve currency and also heavily dilute the current US-EU-NATO power axis
Infowars is sending their reportes to cover Bilderberg 2014 in Cophenhagen, Denmark and as always I will keep you all posted with the latest news from Bilderberg 2014
The list for the membership of Bilderberg 2014 in Denmark has been released and includes some Canadians including Edmund Clark of TD Bank, Brian Ferguson who is the President and CEO of Cenovus Energy, Jason T. Kenney the Minister of Employment and Social Development, Heather Munroe-Blum Professor of Medicine and Principal Emerita(President) McGill Univeristy which is located in Montreal, Quebec, Stephen Poloz Governor of the Bank of Canada and Heather Reisman Chair and CEO of Indigo Books and Music who own Chapters Bookstore
And their agenda is also posted in the article but I am going to link to the original article right here:
The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Cophenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of fear for many of the 120 globalist scumbags set to attend the secretive confab with Russia's intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe is a huge threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg has spent well over 60 years trying to build
Inside sources told Infowars that the elite conference, taking place Thursday onwards at the five star Marriott Hotel, will center on how to derail the world wide political awakening that threatens Bilderberg's agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP) which will no doubt be a central topic to their discussions at this year's meeting
The TTIP represents the one of the parts of Bilderberg's attempts to rescue their vision of a unipolar world by creating a "world company", initially a free trade area, which would link the United States with Europe. Just like how the European Union started out as a so called mere free trade area and was eventually transformed into the political federation it is today and controls nearly 50% of its members states' laws and regulations and have no regard for national sovereignty and democracy. TTIP is designed to accomplish the same goal but on a bigger scale
This deal is being spearheaded by Obama's U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, a Wall Street insider and a member of their sister organization the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR). Froman is also trying to help build another block of this global government, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is another project involving Asian countries
Given that Bilderberg schemed to create the EU single currency as far back as 1955(Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon bragged about how the single Euro currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg Group in a 2009 interview), the results of the European elections are sure to have created a an alarm amongst the Bilderberg globalist elite who are aghast that their planned European Union superstate is being destroyed as a result of a populist resistance mainly centered around animosity towards uncontrolled immigration policies
In Denmark, the buzz is around Morten Messerschmidt and the Danish People's party, which won 27% of the vote in the Euro elections and increased their number of MEPs. Although some are wary of Messerschmidt's far right inclinations, his success reflects a general sentiment not only in Denmark but across Europe towards immigration and the welfare state, concerns the EU has exasperated
In France, Marine Le Pen is carving out a role as the face of the conservative movement that "threatens to break up one united Europe" with her European election win being described as an "earthquake" that has rattled the political heart of Europe
Voters in the UK also have delivered their own rejection of the EU and in turn Bilderberg with the success of Nigel Farage and UKIP, a Euroskeptic triumph some are calling the "most extraordinary" election result for 100 years.
Along with the TTIP and the fallout from the European Elections being a disaster for them, Bilderberg is also going to tackle like their continued effort to centralize economic power under different guises including a "carbon tax" to be paid to the United Nations, with finanical hits being taken by individuals but large companies would be granted special "waivers" that would allow them to "pollute"
The crisis in the Ukraine and the relationship between Russia and NATO will also be one of focus for Bilderberg 2014 and the globalists now consider Vladmir Putin to have ostracized Russia from the New World Order because he dared "challenge the international system" as Skull and Bones John Kerry put it
Also Bilderberg will discuss fears that Putin is hell bent on constructing an alternative world order based around the BRICS countries, a "multi-polar" system that would devastate the dollar as the world reserve currency and also heavily dilute the current US-EU-NATO power axis
Infowars is sending their reportes to cover Bilderberg 2014 in Cophenhagen, Denmark and as always I will keep you all posted with the latest news from Bilderberg 2014
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