Tuesday, July 15, 2014

IS energy starvation from the movie Planet of the Apes the kind of future the "green" movement wants??

(disclaimer: sorry for the long break I needed it and plus I had relatives come visit this past week but I am back in action now)


For those who haven't seen the latest movie "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" it portrays a future of a small colony of humans fighting to survive against an earth ruled by monkeys, guerillas and other simians

What mankind needs to live and survive is of course electricity and without it we have no way to travel except walk, no computers, no heat, no stoves and etc.. and the apes in the movie want to keep humans poor, disoriented and in hopeless state

But the turning point is when humans return electric power through a damn and the city lights up again which now we wonder if the movie is really a metaphor for what the globalist elite want for us and their eco-fascists tyrants want in our real lives is a future without cheap reliable energy

Is this where the radical green movement is guiding us with rolling brownouts in and even complete blackouts in the years ahead thanks to the Sierra Club, billionaire Tom Steyer and the Obama administrations war on coal and hell even here in Ontario where our own government who the sheep voted back in the criminals again have shut down at least 11 of our 19 coal plants including west of Thunder Bay, Ontario where I reside

The whole man made climate change myth had nothing to do with the weather or the environment and ignores real problems we have like smog, toxic waste dumping in the ocean for example no it is about control and sending us all back in the stone age

And this article shows what is going on state side with the out of control EPA and their draconian policies on this evil life giving gas known as CO2 and the existing rules according to Mike Duncan of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity has estimated that existing regulations are "closing about 20% of the coal plants" and he estimated that there could be "an addition of 20% coal plants"getting shutdown

the Article also highlights how Colorado passed draconian renewable energy standards for power production, keeping coal plants alive will prevent brownouts on hot days and during winter storms

California has experienced this all thanks to them getting on board with the green energy scam and will get worse as tighter regulations take hold like wildfire

However America has been in a natural gas boom and has become another cheap reliable source of energy and have better more efficient ways of drilling it with the newer technologies but of course the eco-fascists are  going around spreading fear mongering and lies about natural gas because they hate it and if you want more information a great documentary called Fracknation is now available on amazon or you can download it off Itunes where it exposes their lies about fracking and presents the real truth about fracking and it has been featured on Sun News here in Canada as well

So in essence the eco-fascists are against all forms of energy including nuclear power as the article shows and are against dams because of god damn snail darters and other fish!!! all thanks to making power more expensive which is a sure way to hurt the poor and kill our economies through Agenda 21 of course

And this is not science fiction folks this is reality and it is not good at all which is why it is important to expose the man made climate change myth for what it is a total fraud and a huge scam

I also want you to read this very good article by Paul Driessen of CFACT exposing the Big Green's lethal agenda in where they want to limit energy and reduce our standards of living and keep the world's poor still poor http://www.cfact.org/2014/07/11/big-greens-lethal-agenda/ and was a speech he did at the International Conference on Climate Change the 9th one in Las Vegas, Nevada where they expose the eco-fascists lies about the climate and also exposes their anti-human agenda as well

It is well worth the read folks