First of all my heart goes out to 3000 people who died that day and their families. I was 15 years old when this happened on that Tuesday morning. Through the years based on my research I know we were lied to about 9/11 and that the three buildings that fell that morning were due to thermite explosives and that there was no way a plane hit the pentagon given the fact the hole was too small and if there was a plane that hit it, we would have seen debris everywhere, luggage all over the place, wings broken, fuel spillage on the lawn but we did not see that at all. Both Bush and Obama regimes have carpet bombed Muslims in 7 countries and none has anything to do with 9/11. As a result of 9/11 we have seen the rise of the police state, the NSA illegally spying on not only Americans but Canadians and Europeans and also we have seen many first responders die because the EPA lied and said that the air quality was good when it was not and therefore some of them ended up with rare cancers and other respitorary diseases. The article I linked to which was written by Paul Craig Roberts shows how the whitehouse waited a year to meet the 9/11 families demand for an investigation and finally politicians got together and others to get this all written down but the chairman, vice chairman and other members of the 9/11 commission have said that information was withheld and it was "set up to fail" and hence the birth of the police state as Washington passed that draconian PATRIOT act which basically destroyed the United Stares Constitution and Bill of Rights. As we know Osama Bin Laden, who was a cia asset dying from kidney failure, was blamed despite him saying he had nothing to do with it and was the perfect bogeyman that allowed the US to go and kill all these Muslims and on May 2 2011 Obama claimed he was killed by SEAL Team 6 in Pakistan and bin laden became the first person to survivor dialysis for ten years and there was no dialysis machine in the so called hiding place he was in and the numerous death notices went down the drain and weeks later the SEAL team died in a mysterious helicopter crash in Afghanistan and the thousands of sailors on an aircraft carrier from which Bin Laden was said to have been dumped in the Indian Ocean for burial never happened and so hence the fairy tale of Bin Laden's murder was born and the article goes into great detail of this and more. There is no doubt there was a massive coverup that day and this allowed the neocons to further drive for endless war and innocent people in not only America paid the price but people in the Middle East have paid for a crime they never committed and this why we need a new investigation so we can bring the real conspirators to justice for their heinous and disgusting acts of genocide and also bring the people who helped in the cover up to justice for their heinous and despicable acts