A team of environmental "scientists" have published a new study in. U.S government linked journal claiming that Communist China's one child policy will not save the world from "overpopulation" According tomAustralian researchers even with massive reductions in population via war would not be enough to save Earth from humans. To deal with their "crisis" the authors propose encouraging- more like brainwashing and coercion- women into having less babies while rationing resources for humans who escape the population control regime. Thankfully for us, the fringe movement of population controllers who are really eugenicists lurking behind this bogus study and have made ridiculous claims since the days of Malthus in the 1700s have been proven to be wrong on every level possible. Indeed the latest editor of this paper is no other than Paul Ehrlich himself, an Eco fascist nutcase and crackpot for eugenics is widely ridiculed for good reasons. Despite him and his fellow merry band wagoners he has been an advocate of barbaric draconian population controls to stave off this non existent fake crisis. The paper entitled "Human population reduction is not quick fix for environmental problems" examines various scenarios and potential "interventions" surrounding human population numbers- including mass death and drastically reducing birth rates. It's conclusions:" no matter what population controllers do to slash populations, there will still be too many people" so of course you have to control the global economy: "even one child policies imposed worldwide and catastrophic mortality events would still likely result in 5-10 billion by 2100" the summary assumes that 5-10 billion is too much. "Because this demographic momentum, there are no easy ways to change the broad trends of human population size this century" Badically these authors are arguing that population growth "is rapidly eroding Earth's life support system" as they claim there are "frequent calls" to address the issue by calling for steeper declines in newer humans being allowed to exist and it goes on with this doomsday bullshit illustrated by their claims that even killing 2 billion over 5 yrs. would leave 8.5 billion and of course targets Africa and Asian countries and etc.. This "study" was published on Oct. 27 on the heels of the Obama administration and the UN population control freaks coming out of the woodwork. For example Obama's ebola czarist in 2008 said that " growing population" in Africa of course was a "leadership issue" not tyranny, genocide, poverty, disease and etc.. But the number of people and we cannot forget John Holdren, who is. Obama's "science" czarist proposed in the past for things like forced ablutions and forced sterilizations through these water supply via a "planetary regime" with a "global police force" but again these preachers have been discredited Meanwhile the UN has unveiled a plot to further slash populations in Africa with a report calling for global abortion and demand more population control and ,measures to promote so called sustainability
radical-abortion-agenda which involves central power controlling humanity, the environment and resources and the UN has been at the forefront for pushing to reduce human population in recent years the UN's population control agency, UNFPA, was exposed for unlawfully using American taxpayer dollars to help the communist Chinese enforce its own brutal genocidal one child policy through forced abortions and sterilizations. The latest call to reduce population like so many others are based on false assumptions and premises. The 800 lb gorilla is the lack of understanding of economics 101 for example if a non renewable resource was becoming scarce, the laws of supply and de,and would jack up the price and that would lead to increased reliance on substitutes as consumers reduced the quantity they demand. If a a no good substitute exists, higher and higher prices for dwindling recourse would d&r I've investment towards discovering or recovering previously used by recycling market forces that would be at work barring government would stay out. These "peak oil" people and the so called environmental scientists and ecologists never consider these things if rarely and perhaps they should be taught this when taking their courses. Ehrlich who worked at Stamford University has put out kooky forecasts sucks as the article shows from the UK being a small group of impoverished islands by the year 2000 back in 1971 to when he, his wife Ann and Holdren wrote their cookbook for genocide Ec-science back in 1977 and was part of the global cooling fraud
The authors of this study Professors Corey Bradshaw and Barry Broom at the university of Adelaide in Australia are merely continuing this totally discredited fraud of "overpopulation" being a threat to "Mother Earth" shows what a death cult this is and despite no warming for 18 years, record sea ice and failure of UN computer models involved in promoting the man made climate change myth and the hysteria along with the myth and this is a favourite tool of these sick people. In reality we face too few people giving our rapidly aging populations and experts have warned what too few births will do and not what Ehrlich and his merry followers imagine. Human numbers are expected to decline based on current trends and the current population could live on a land mass the size do the state of Texas(not saying move there) with each family having a home and a yard and the world produces more food to sustain mankind the reasons for hunger are tyranny and corrupt and oppressive government not lack of resources. Though theses pseudo scientist criminals and crackpot Malthusians have been discredited they have a great deal of powd in government and international organizations across the world considering their horrifying proposals and embarrassing track record these people should be kicked out and fired from their jobs as their genocidal policies have caused untold human rights abuses and suffering and the endless butchery of women in places like China