Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bilderberg 2014: Reporters arrested as Cloak of Secrecy Descends

A cloak of secrecy has descended on Bilderberg 2014 conference in Copenhagen after 2 reporters were  arrested inside the Marriott Hotel for refusing to delete their footage of Bilderberg organizers who were confronted about their role in planning the clandestine meeting.

Having checked in to the Marriott two days before the 120 of the world's most influential power brokers gather for their annual confab, it was made clear that security preparations were in full swing, as security staff working on behalf of Bilderberg made regular patrols around the both inside and outside the premises

People, as Paul Joesph Watson reports in this article since he is there on behalf of, with cameras whether snapping photos or not, were harassed and ordered not to take pictures, as Bilderberg organizers began to gather in the lobby of the Marriott.

Two independent reporters decided to take an opportunity to confront the organizers, who at first denied any knowledge of Bilderberg before becoming irate at being asked polite questions. Security staff arrived on the scene and demanded everyone within that area delete their footage

When they refused to delete their footage and asked to leave the hotel, security staff tried to physically detain them and called the police. Although police admitted that a judge's permit is required to delete footage, they were arrested for "acting suspiciously" and taken to jail before being released 1 hour later and there is video footage of this provided and one of the reporters was Luke Rudowski of We Are Change and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth and they were the ones arrested and according to their newsletter I just got in my email the reasons for arrest were at first "drugs" but that was not true then after public backlash it was later changed to "suspicious activity"

London Guardian reporter Charlie Skelton and Paul Joesph Watson were also ordered to leave the hotel on orders of the secret service despite having checked in for the night

The arrests highlight the fact there is such a paucity of mainstream coverage of Bilderberg that independent reporters have to risk going to jail for asking questions about a meeting, the security for which is being paid for by the taxpayers and that has huge impact on global affairs

Other security measures also show the paranoia which always seems to surround Bilderberg, including ice cream sellers a mile away from the hotel being told by the cops to watch out for "suspicious individuals". Large Barricades were being erected around the site of the Marriott this morning as the Bilderberg wall of secrecy began to descend

and more on the Bilderberg agenda is also provided in the article and highlights Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin being told by his sources that there are other topics up for discussion which were not on the official list including Iran nuclear diplomacy, the consequences of the recent gas deal between China and Russia which was worth $400 billion dollars and the question of Obama's foreign policy being doomed given his actions with regards to Syria and Ukraine

Also privacy regulations and continued efforts to censor free speech on the Internet under the guise of cybersecurity will also be covered and the myth of global warming which is a cover for further destroying our industrial base and introducing "carbon" taxes on the individuals but you all know carbon is one of the 4 building blocks of life and CO2 is essential to all plant life and life in general but if the establishment can tax one of these 4 building blocks of life CO2 then they basically control the entire planet based on the false idea that these 2 life builders are pollutants in order to tax the hell out of everyone and if you were to put this carbon tax on the entire world, it would be a genocide worse than the  genocides under the dictatorships of Hitler, Mao and Stalin to name a couple example

Also there are video reports about Bilderberg and their agenda as well provided in the article if you want to check them out as well