Friday, July 26, 2013

Wynne, Bentley and others involved in gas plant email coverup

More revelations showing yet again just how bad the Ontario provincial government is. It has been revealed that Kathleen Wynne, Ontario's premier knew about the emails regarding the cancelled gas plant but SHE was a part of the CONSPIRACY to cover it up!!! and yet she expects the people of Ontario to listen to her and believe what she says??? when the Government has lost so much of its public trust that the majority of Ontarians are calling for the arrest of these people.

As a letter surfaced on Wednesday according to the Toronto Sun by request by the gas plant committee to dig deeper into where the missing emails where Kevin Constante who is deputy minister of government Services confirmed to the Standing Committee on Justic Policy that magically all 3,226 emails have been found for 13 liberal politicians and staffers and of those 1,223 emails Wynne had at least one to 2 dozen on each tape!!!

It never fails to amaze me how people can just keep voting in these criminals who are not working for us but for the mega-corporations and private foreign/domestic banks controlled by the globalist elite and the United Nations through Agenda 21 which is exactly what this whole thing is about. it is truly disgusting.. Wake up Ontario and Canada