Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Are friends of the earth true enemies of humanity??


Another radical environmentalist group that want nothing more than humans to suffer everywhere with their anti-cheap energy stance and is well documented where they want to drive us back to the stone age where energy costs to much and all our industries are shut down and we live like slaves under Agenda 21.

The article shows a daily mail article (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2351759/Dirty-tricks-the-anti-fracking...stop-Britain-mining-3trillion-shale-gas--lights-141-years.html ) exposing the anti-fracking eco-fascists like Friends of the Earth who like Josh Fox in both gas land movies he made have spread horrific propaganda about shale gas and the extraction of it even though the EPA admitted there was no danger to water in the areas like Dimock, PA because of all the regulations these companies have to go through and are only trying to hold back us developing our own resources and not relying on countries that stone their women and other human rights abuses and this article shows the dirty tricks these lying pieces of shit are using to stop Britain from having the lights on for 141 years!!!!

If you want more information go to fracknation.com and buy the movie there because they expose Josh Fox for the lying idiot he is and the radical environmentalists who are backing him up and tell the real truth about fracking..