Monday, July 22, 2013

Actor James Woods takes Obama to task over racist opportunism and Italy with 80% of the public support to ban GMOs

The chattering classes have yet to demonize James Woods for his politically incorrect remarks regarding Obama and the late Trayvon Marting. Following Obama's ridiculous "I am Trayvon" bullshit on friday, the actor took Obama to task following his insane stunt and noted there are millions of teenage boys in America who do not get their names mentioned by the globalist puppet president Obama by saying on Twitter: "Just curious. Does the President of the United States have any advice for other teenage boys in America? Wounded warriors, for example..."

He also disputed the claim by the usual political race baiters led by the likes of Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that America is mired in some irremediable racism and hatred. "Though I only have anecdotal evidence, I have personally watched the diversity flourish in this country in my 66 years" as he responded to tweets regarding the Trayvon Marting controversy. "For Sharpton et al, racial disharmony is in part a business. They thrive on discord, while we diverse Americans thrive on harmony" and how Government is doing its self any favors about righting "historical wrongs" as they rob Americans of their hard earned tax dollars through fraud and confiscating the wealth of the nations the globalist banksters have bragged they have conquered more from Woods: "The only reason people lock their doors when Obama walks by is they are afraid he'll tax them to death..."

Following a huge backlash, Alexandra Le Tellier, who bills herself as a brain cancer survivor took to the LA times op-ed piece to deflect so called right wing opposition of Obama. She said those who accuse Obama of shameless race baiting are "in the way" of government as it bolsters victimhood for political gain.

She wrote on friday: "Some accuse Obama of race baiting and stoking racial tensions. But that's not fair, and it's not what he did. What the president did was make himself relatable, and then he used his position of power to suggest a path forward for a 'more perfect union'. "The people who object Obama saying we need to 'bolster and reinforce our African American boys' are just in the way"

She did not say all American boys just ones with the darker skin tones and the white kids of course according the cultural Marxist and Rosseuvian mulicultural crowd who are allowed space on the LA times and the NY times, do not rate consideration because of so called"white privilege"  an insane theory produced by "whiteness studies" and the academic discipline known as "critical race theory" claiming white racism is "engrained in the fabric and the system of the American society" as the UCLA describes it

The pushback by actors like James Wood is bloody refreshing and thank god not all actors are drinking out of the Marxist-Rosseuvian collectivist bullshit and trumpeting to heaven the piousness of Saint Trayvon Marting

The elites who run the universities, the LA times and other propaganda arms, don't care about supposed white privilege and other post modern crap. Racial politics is just another tool to control all of us regardless of our color, gender, religion, disabilities and etc.. It is really just another divide and conquer to keep us distracted from the corruption and fraud of these scumbags and their minions in government

First India gives Monsanto a run for their dirty disgusting money by refusing their patent applications and now Italy, with the help of 3 Italian ministers, will try and undo Monsanto. A decree was signed which will ban Monsanto's MON810 maize, one of the two genetically modified crops currently legally grown in Europe and sold commercially. The decree is not yet binding as it has to be published officially in the gazette, but the public stands behind the 3 italian ministers who put forth this document with a resounding 80% against GMO as evident in a public survey.

The agricultural ministry rightfully addressed one of many problems with Monsanto's GMO crops stating they have a "negative impact on biodiversity"  and the 3 ministers notified the European Commission and other States in the EU about this move to get Monsanto out of the food supply control that they are trying to shove down the throats of the world

Hopefully the Commission will approve this and Italy will kick Monsanto and all GMO crops out of the country going forward..