Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chris Christie uses 9/11 to attack libertarians and Rand Paul


Rep. King of New York criticized Paul for defending NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, while Christie attacked libertarian Republicans for attempting to protect the Constitution from the abuses of the NSA and the national security surveillance state.

King was quoted: "I thought it was absolutely disgraceful that so many Republicans voted to defund the NSA program, which a done so much to protect our country(note: from phantom terrorists when really it is to spy on law abiding citizens illegally) "This isolation streak that's in our party. It goes against the party of Eisnhower, and Reagan, Bush. I mean, we are a party of national defence. We're a party who did so much to protect the country over the last 12 years" this hilarious all they have done is start illegal wars based on lies regarding 9/11 which has been used to not protect anyone from so called terrorists but to eviscerate not only the United States Constitution but the Constitutions of Canada and elsewhere so for King and Christie to sit there and trash those who defend the United States Constitution is not surprising and their exploitation of the false flag that was clearly 9/11 and the victims of that day is disgusting and appalling and not to mention the number of innocent people overseas and soliders who have been killed as result of all of this nonsense is staggering...

So the only reason establishment people like King and Christie are doing this is because they know people are waking up to government corruption and therefore will attack anyone who dares expose them..

PS just started new website thevanityfreexone.blogspot.com and hope you will check it out