Wednesday, May 18, 2011

how the sun is ignored by the human causes of global warming alarmists

I just read a great article from that scientists in europe discovered how cosmic rays from the sun contribute to the formation of clouds which we all know is because when the sun hits the surface it brings up water vapour which in turn forms clouds. 

It also mentions how sunspots play a role in whether temperatures on earth are gonna be warm or cool... I saw in the global warming swindle how a scientist and his team used sun spots to forecast the weather based on the sun's spots.. more spots equals warmer temperatures and less sunspots equals cooler temperatures and when they did this they actually were ACCURATE in their forecasts

 so basically the driver of our climate is NOT HUMANS AND CO2 and other life giving greenhouse gases but THE SUN!!!!!!!!! 

but these idiots would rather you believe this fallacy of humans controlling our climate when really we have no control over it whatsoever.. it is the sun and will always be the sun...

Stay Classy
