Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the biofuels scam part of the global warming hoax

The fear mongering environmental evangelists behind the  promotion of the man made global warming hoax.. they are telling us to use Biofuels from things like corn and soybeans will reduce CO2 ... here is the problem: these are government sponsored scams because what this is doing is creating food shortages in certain parts of the world and thus causing OUR FOOD PRICES TO GO UP!!!  and I just heard on the news that it is because of climate change(really a disguise for global warming) but really that is not the case at all as you know.. I have read there have been food riots in countries like Haiti because of inflation of food prices with this scam but of course mainstream media could give a damn less about telling the REAL TRUTH but  instead focus on the lie that it is man made global warming doing this.. so basically what this is about is CONTROLLING resources and to hell with the people who have the right to food and the farmers who produce food because as I have said before this whole man made global warming /CO2 hoax and this biofuels excuse is about POWER, MONEY and CONTROL and the fact that at least 1/3rd of these crops are going to biofuels projects around the world including the US.. I think this whole thing if we look back lets say 30 years this will be one of the greatest scams ever shoved down the throats of you and I and a complete farce to science.. But WE can stop these CONTROLLING   bastards by educating ourselves by doing the research into this hoax and telling people about it... believe me you will be enraged and disgusted by what these people are doing... 

Stay Classy
