Sunday, May 15, 2011

global warming scam: the climategate scandal

Back in November 2009, emails from this climate research unit in the UK were hacked and it was found out that these scientists deliberately falsified the data as I mentioned in an earlier post that the earth's temperature was ACTUALLY COOLING!!!!!  and they did this because it was an excuse to get more funding... using lies to get money... sound familiar???

I want to give a brief history of this scam:

These emails actually go back to 1996(I have seen the excerpts of these emails) that they could not account for the lack of warming and using tricks to hide the decline of the earth's temperature but of course they played the numbers and said that humans were causing the climate to change thus the excuse to shove taxes down our throats through the cap and trade system that they want to impose on all of us so they can get our money and control our lives... I discovered that in 1995 ,when the IPCC(the Intergovernmental panel on climate change, a branch of the UN) had their second assesement report on climate change, that the report was DOCTORED by a guy named Dr. Ben Santer(who was in cahoots with Maurice Strong, a canadian official who worked at the UN for close to 30 years  but left because of the oil for food corruption scandal and you will see mentioned in the conspiracy theory episode about this subject) deleting the real science that said humans were not the cause of climate change in 5 different places and also the summary at the end was dropped.. his excuse was because they wanted to be "consistent" with the other chapters and the chilling part when I saw that was he didn't even DENY doing it.. so what does that tell you?? and as for the emails, they admitted they were REAL according the associated press at the time(I have read the article myself just from my own research) 

I will leave you with that but I suggest you do your own research like I have to see what these damn crooks have gotten away with in the name of lies... 

Stay Classy


PS: just found a great video on this called Climate Chains and the global warming fraud just type in the name global warming scam and if you see this title above watch it