and the pentagon, the official line says that flight 77 hit it well that is a load of garbage because I saw demonstrated on jesse ventura's conspiracy theory on the pentagon(which you can find on youtube by typing in conspiracy theory 9/11-pentagon) that for a plane to create a hole like that is next to impossible.. you would have seen wing marks, fuel spillage, seats, victims but where was that??? any of the camera footage I have seen... you don't see it... one witness he interviewed said it sounded like a bomb went off.. others have said it was missile...
I personally believe that the 9/11 commission was LIED TO.. I heard they only got 3-4 million to do the investigation and they only had a certain amount time.. now something like this you would think the Government would have put more money into it to get a proper investigation.. which never happened...
I don't know if we will ever get the real truth but there is a movement called 9/11 truth (their website is they include architects, physicists, scholars you name it who want the real truth and question the official line
and one other thing.. I heard that NORAD was told to STAND DOWN... think about that why the hell would the government order a stand down if the country was under attack??? makes one wonder
Stay Classy
*Update: you know I how I mentioned the bombs and the bomb sniffing dogs??? well I was on and they had a write up from Washington's Blog about how bomb sniffing dogs were not allowed on certain floors of the WTC buildings.. it is a very interesting piece and suggest you go and read it on the link I have provided and you just scroll down and when you see the 9/11 section and you see Washington's Blog.. just click on it.. and the article is right there...