Tuesday, October 23, 2018

globalist puppet and tyrant in chief Trudeau imposing carbon tax on Saskatchewan,Ontario, Manitoba

https://thenectarine.ca/politics/trudeau-will-impose-ineffective-carbon-tax-on-saskatchewan-ontario-manitoba-and-new-brunswick/ Trudeau is going to impose the fraudulent carbon tax on the provinces of Ontario,Manitoba,Saskatchewan and New Brunswick despite the fact these provinces are against such this tax on everything you do and not to mention that Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant but an essential trace gas to life on this earth but the establishment does not care about those facts as long as they can bully us into paying more for heating, wood etc.. I sure hope the premiers in the provinces being unfairly punished will stand up against globalist trudeau and climate puppet Mckenna and get this tax stopped but my mum brought up a great point on maybe this is an excuse to pay for all the illegals coming into our country and you know it could very well be the case but either way this is a giant scam that will only line the elite pockets while taxing the rest of canadians into poverty and then our country will be a third world communist sharia state unless we kick trudeau and the globalists out in 2019