Friday, October 12, 2018

Climate fear mongers temperature data was filled with errors and incomplete giving the UN’s IPCC fake warnings that we are all doomed in 12 years if we don’t pay al gore and the rest of the elites our Money and give up our national sovereignty and destroy economies, A researcher from Australia has exposed the UN’s data as really nothing more than garbage and he also exposes how they cooked their own books in order to keep up their insidious climate con job that really does it not only hurt those of us in western nations like Canada where we have lunatics like Mckenna and Trudeau bullying Ontario, Manitoba and others like PEI into accepting their carbon tax scam that these provinces are coming against but also hurts the poor in the underdeveloped parts of Africa and Asia based on the nonsense that a life giving gas is pollution even though CO2 is a crucial to plant growth on this planet. Credit goes to the New American who reported on this very important and crucial story in our fight against the globalists and the radical environmentalists especially