Friday, September 21, 2018

Federal leftists want to go after your firewood and fireplaces The left now wants to go after your firewood and fireplace under the guise of saving the planet from non pollutant CO2(which is a life giving gas but those facts don’t matter to the establishment left in the federal government) and basically are looking at how to line their pockets off our backs and Sheila Gunn Reid of the rebel media does a great job of exposing this latest power grab on an important neccisity because after all this is Canada and we have been known for freezing temperatures and epic blizzards and recently it has snowed in alberta and there is more forecasted there this weekend. It is almost like they forget about that fireplaces can save lives especially if during electricity losses because of such blizzards as they can keep you warm so and I know where I live close to to Thunder Bay last year we had some harsh cold snaps in which we ended up using a lot of wood to keep the house warm but then again this is part of the globalist agenda in partnership with the UN to inventory and control everything under a world tyrannical government a fake environmental issue to do it while ignoring real ones such as raw sewage being dumped in Canada’s waterways