David Knight host of the real news on breaks down this despicable woman and her war crimes of torture and how Liz Cheney (the daughter Dick Cheney another neocon scumbag) attacked Rand Paul for opposing Ms Haspel as CIA director by calling him a terrorist sympathizer of all things because of his opposition to torture and how European human rights commission is working on a warrant for her arrest but nothing has been done on that front as of yet. I truly do not understand why the current administration wants a war criminal as head of the CIA it confuses me and she used this to push the illegal neocon war in Iraq as well and how she covered up her crimes as well is also broken down in this video and this woman also was behind the arrest of John Kiriakou the cia whistleblower who was exposing her and her disgusting crimes to again cover her own arse. This woman should be in jail not holding a cia director position
Update: Pro-publica had to retract one part of our story here since they claim she was not directly there at the time however I will correct the author of this article and say that waterboarding is torture and I don’t care if you think it is just uncomfortable any kind of torture is wrong but I digress but either way this pick and the other one do deserve criticism but I just wanted to help clarify this story but given how the CIA controls the media take this info with a grain of salt
Update #2: David Knight on twitter just said that he is interviewing CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou regarding this issue next week so we will see what his perspective is on this story and as always if any more information comes out regarding this story I will post it here and here is a tweet from Ed Snowden from the other day where he talked about how the US Senate reviewed all their files of the torture and concluded that torture does not work update 3: Here is Rand’s dad Ron Paul’s take on Pompeo, Haspel and the Neocons regarding these issues of Iran and torture update 4: here is David knight of the real news on interview with CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou talking about the haspel situation and setting some things about that straight