Wednesday, March 14, 2018

CBC caught pushing fake news regarding the Colton Bouhsie case and why they should be defunded Sheila Gunn Reid of the Rebel media breaks down how CBC got caught pushing fake news regarding the case surrounding the death of a 22 year old man in Saskatchewan in 2016 when after getting drunk with his girlfriend and other friends attempted to steal from this farmer Gerald Stanley and threaten the guys family including the fact they roughed up the poor man’s wife and so Mr Stanley got his gun and fired shots off and one of them killed Colton Boushie and this went to court and thankfully the farmer was found not guilty but of course this was not good enough for the social justice warriors in our government who seem to forget how the legal system works and made disgusting comments regarding the case that they were not involved in but the CBC in this case pushed this nonsense that the RCMP was racist by saying their investigation was not done properly and then accused them of allowing Mr Stanley to return to his residence without a statement and etc.. but turns out they LIED about the whole thing in order to push their race baiting divide and conquer bullshit

This alone and countless other examples are why the CBC should be defunded as they are nothing more than marxist globalist propaganda and nothing more than government mouthpieces