Friday, March 2, 2018

Far leftists on country music board force former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee off because he opposed same sex marriage The far left’s hatred of anyone disagrees with same sex marriage continues at the expense of art and allowing kids to enjoy and create music as a country music board in Tennessee decided that Mr Huckabee who is pro-life and his views on marriage were such a danger that he had to be forced off because he had the wrong opinion that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Just because Mr Huckabee disagreed with same sex marriage and defended Kim Davis and religious freedom does not make him a bad person but of course the left never learns their lessons and has no respect for free speech at all hence their all out attempts to silence and bully conservatives or libertarians on this issue or even on guns for example where in this article lifesitenews highlights such a quote from a far leftist who uses the same old tired smear tactics by calling him racist and etc.. because he disagrees with same sex marriage. Political correctness is arguably the greatest form of fascism and tyranny and also one of the greatest assaults on freedom today and must be fought against at all costs if we want to preserve free speech in the western world