Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Rand Paul warns Trump about not letting the neocons run the state department


Rand Paul warned Mr Trump about not letting neocons run the state department since Rex Tillerson wanted Elliot Abrams who is an absolute neocon but also a criminal as he withheld information from Congress whenever the whole Iran-Contra scandal blew up in the 1980s with covert government operations in El-Salvador and Nicuragua but George HW Bush pardoned him of courseand he was also part of the attempted coup of Hugo Chavez in 2002 in Venezuala since he approved thatand of course Abrams hates Trump as well so I agree with Rand Paul that this piece of trash should not be anywhere near government and to me belongs in a jail cell. Iran Contra was when the US government gave the rebels in Nicuargua money in exchange for giving Iran arms http://www.infowars.com/iran-contras-lost-chapter/ and this article here breaks it in better detail of that whole entire affair and is very interesting and also the CIA played a role in it as well