Monday, February 13, 2017

Nanny State NDP elitist bureaucrats In Alberta go after off highway vehicle owners the nanny state strikes again this time in Alberta. Sheil Gunn Reid of the Rebel Media exposes the latest war on freedom targeting Off Highway Vehicle owners in where they want to ban them from Castle Provicinal Park near Crowsnest Pass in the southern part of Alberta. The previous government the Progessive Conservatives in 2014 wanted to build a new park in that area and one of the things promised is that people could use their off road vehicles on designated trails but fast forward to January 20th and all of sudden they want all of that phased out in 3 years even though most were fine having those vehicles there and the economic benefits were enormous but if it is banned the province would lose money and even in the towns where they benefited from people visiting. Folks this is UN Agenda 21 and the anti-human aspects of it where they want to keep people out of places like parks because again it is all about shackling and controlling humanity so if you are if you are concerned about this latest assault on freedom sign the petition in the link provided