Tuesday, February 14, 2017

General Flynn forced to resign thanks to deep state actors and neocons over fake Russian election garbage


General Michael Flynn was forced to resign over because he had met with some Russian official back in December and we know how the MSM promoted the fake Russian hacking the election story for the reason war hawk and criminal Hillary lost but in reality it is because the military industrial complex the neocons and new-liberal whack a doos needed an excuse to try and undermine President Trump. Flynn was merely doing his job as a National Security adviser but that didn't matter in the long run and they claim he violated the Logan act which prohibits politicians from meeting with foreign powers in secret but funny how establishment politicians were never criticized for violating it while attending the secretive bilderberg conferences and the corrupt MSM never said a word and the article by Mr Paul Joesph Watson goes on to explain how these same globalist scum who gave the world all the illegal wars, the funding and arming of terrorists and all of this are so desperate to hold on to power that they are willing to do anything including forcing Flynn to resign because they are so backed in to a corner thanks to Trump winning the election and by purging the good people who wanted to push Trump's agenda we basically get the same corrupt people back in thus the swamp is being refilled and the other factor is the deep state lunatics in the CIA and NSA who were pissed that their puppet Hillary didn't get in http://www.infowars.com/anti-trump-intel-black-hats-responsible-for-fake-flynn-controversy/ this article originally from the Conservative tree exposes the black hats like Brennan and the CIA's best friend in the corrupt media the Washington Post in their role in the fake Flynn bullshit going around. So it seems that the establishment on both sides and the MIC and the deep state are really trying to undermine Trump by any means necessary and by using a fake story to do so no wonder no one trusts the corrupt MSM anymore