Tuesday, January 31, 2017

UN entitled spoiled brat Marxist boss demands Youth shove the draconian UN Agenda 2030 so called "Master Plan" on Humanity


The UN demands that brainwashed youth impose their draconian Agenda 2030 on humanity under the guise of so called sustainable development and this is being praised even by mass murdering dictators. There are about 17 things in it including world poverty and etc. But in reality it is really about enslavment, carbon taxes based on the lie that CO2 is pollution (it is a life giving gas that does not have any influence on temperatures more the fact that temperatures drive it but don't tell them that) and even worse population control via Chinese style anti-family policies however this article does mention that the new administration and congress are banding about a bill to defund the UN and if so it would be a really good thing but don't expect that here in Canada given our own globalist Prime Minister and his minions in Alberta and Ontario who are implementing this very thing on to us in order to appease their UN globalist masters and to shut down our economy unless in the next couple elections in 2018 and 2019 we actually have someone who is anti-globalist and anti-UN but we shall see