As if our provincial government can't get anymore Marxist and anti-family, they have bill out pretending to protect kids but actually makes it easier for the state to grab your kids from you if you don't enforce their insane gender ideology agenda in your home since it adds "gender identity" and "gender expression" and it removes religious faith from it as well and if this bill 89 passes it would repeal our current laws regarding children and families and this bill also empowers the state to intrude in your life for example if your kid's teacher says that your kid is having gender identity issues and they can claim they are not being supported and it is going after Christians who want to adopt children if you disagree with Sam sex marriage or this gender crap they are shoving down our throats and of course our Marxist lesbian Preimer thinks that the state should control your kids instead of you this is straight of communism since the elite goal is to abolish the family and we must stand up against this draconian piece of legislative bullshit
And it gets worse since President Trump is defunding international planned parenthood our federal globalist government may join Europe in bailing out the genocdial freaks using our TAX DOLLARS to fund the further killing of innocent babies and preying on vulnerable women as well but I think this will backfire hopefully if enough of us tax payers speak out against this insanity