New Soros-linked agitprop is cringeworthy garbage...
Hollywood Marxists funded by George Soros out out a video demanding Congress ban Trump and using the tactics that made them lose they used the same smear tactics by calling Trump and his supporters homophobes, racists, Xenophobes and the whole 9 yards even though Mr Trump is not against LGBT people and did support same sex marriage and then they called him anti-Semite even though he stood up for Israel when the UN globalists and their puppet Obama declared their settlements on the West Bank illegal it is like they never learn anything and just keep using the same arguments that made them lose and not to mention their support for a war hawking, wall st globalist whore Corrupt Hillary Clinton. So really this is just more garbage from the sore loser radical Marxist left who hated and ignored the fact that people were sick and tired of the corrupt garbage from both sides of the establishment and wanted to get rid of that and that is why Trump won so get over it leftist trash