Sunday, October 23, 2016

World is Greening thanks to life giving gas CO2 but don't tell Eco-fascists

Greening is a bigger effect than warming....

Great article by Matt Ridley the Rational Optimist showing how CO2(the gas the radical left environmentalists and corrupt politicians have demonized as poison but really is the staff of life) has increased crops and forests over 14% over the last 30 years thanks to our use of this wonderful life giving gas and we really should be celebrating this instead we have the establishment forces conning our kids and the globe into believing the staff of life CO2 is pollution this lie is a slap in the face to life and science but with articles like this we can lift the veil of this deception which is being used to tax everything we do such as the job killing carbon taxes/cap and trade policies in Ontario and across this country and hopefully cooler heads, common sense will rule the day but I will hold on that anyway enjoy the article