Monday, October 17, 2016

UN thugs ban The Rebel media from their conference in Marakesh

The UN and their thugs banned 3 Rebel Reporters including Sheila Gunn Reid amongst them from reporting on their Eco-fascist conference telling the poor they can't touch their oil,coal and gas while they eat from expensive plates and drive and fly in fossil fueled transportation all based on a lie that CO2 a life giving gas that is odourless,tasteless and colourless and studies show that thanks to this crops and forests have increased but don't tell these authoratarian Eco-tyrant scum these factsThis is an example of the Stalin like tactics to crush dissent of anyone who disagrees with their Eco-fascist religious eugenics death cult This is disgraceful and an assault on free speech which is already under attack clearly this is something we must defend because without it we have nothing. is the petition they launched and you will see the documents from PEN Canada and others asking why the UN is doing this which is nice to see some organizations still care about free speech and a free press

Oh yeah here is a study these people don't want you to see either

New papers have come out demonstrating once again the SUN not Us people control climate and are linked to the natural warming/cooling cycles of the planet as it as for the past 4.6 billion years but none of this matters but good news is people are waking up and are growing wise to this scam  Update: as you know the UN banned 3 rebel reporters from the Morroco conference but the real reason is UN thug Nick Nutall said they had the "wrong opinion" and that they weren't "helpful" given they don't buy into the man made climate change myth and even our state run broadcaster even was not having any of this man's excuses and there is a link to the special report and believe me you will want to watch it and the clip of the bizarre music video with this wingnut is priceless