Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Globalist pig Trudeau introduces carbon tax that will kill economy and lead to untold deaths



Yes the carbon tax was introduced by globalist scum Trudeau and is forcing provinces* to accept a national price on a life giving gas that is not a pollution and has little to no effect on earth's climate (the Sun is the main driver of climate but don't tell that to the Eco-fascists tyrants) and of course he is doing this to please his globalist masters at the UN which is despicable.(note*: unless provinces put in their own plan to clarify)

This is not about the environment as I have mentioned many times, this is about control and power and not to mention this will lead to untold deaths showing the eugenics death cult associated with the radical anti-human and anti-freedom environmentalist lunatics but they don't care as long as they can steal our money and put into the hands of the wealthy globalist elite but thankfully we have time since it is being introduced in 2018 so we must work to expose this for the total con job that it is and educate others that man made climate change is a fraud that this bullshit policy is being based on

Update: The rebel media have a petition you can sign http://www.stopthecarbontax.com I signed it and I urge all of you to do the same and share it as well