For many concerned about GMOs you are probably wondering how government agencies could ignore facts about GMO dangers. There was a lawsuit filed on March 12th 2014 by the Center for Food Safety(CFS) demanding that federal documents be released which could incriminate the United States Department of Agriculture over findings that showed that there were issues with GMOs, while withholding this information from the public and this was filed at the US District Court for the District of Columbia you can view this in the link posted
The lawsuit claims that political pressure was asserted on the FDA to approve genetically engineered alfalfa. It seeks 1179 documents from the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service(APHIS) which explain the agency's reversal of a decision to deny GMOs, more specifically Roundup Ready alfalfa, being promoted by Monsanto
According to CFS director Andrew Kimball:
"USDA determined Monsanto's Roundup Ready alfalfa posed significant envrionmental and economic harms and initially proposed placing restrictions on it. Yet the agency went ahead and granted full unrestricted approval one month later. Did the White House intervene? Did Monsanto pressure the agency? The fact is we don't know, and unless the court orders the USDA to hand over these documents we may never know"
In 2005, APHIS gave Monsanto free reign to sell their gm alfalfa under the Roundup Ready name and the next year, CFS, along with a group of farmers, challenged this approval. And even though Monsanto did its damnedest to intervene, the courts sided with the Center for Food Safety. APHIS was ordered to complete a thorough analysis of the GMO crops' impact on farmers and the environment before making a decision.
Monsanto did get their way after they appealed to the Supreme Court even though APHIS showed significant damage to agronomics and the environment at large and the report even said that it should be restricted
I should note back in 2011 APHIS reversed their decision in favor of Monsanto ignoring all their own data showing this crop was bad for the environment. They said they also didn't have a choice.
So very interesting indeed and will be something to watch over the next while
Well a few weeks ago and I totally forgot to talk about this but according to Wolfgang Halbig, a former educator, US customs agent and Florida state trooper, has reached over 10 months of investigation that Sandy Hook was a giant fraud and that no one actually died and even after having disputes with federal, state and school authorities
Halbig says that he is convinced that the deluge of inconsistencies and discrepancies prove the whole scenario was a scripted event
In an interview he did with the American Free Press said: ".. I suspect, in my professional opinion as a consultant and doing this for a long,long time, I think it's a scripted event that took place. I think it was in planning for maybe, two, two and a half years" there is also a video of an interview he did as well if you want to check it out
Halbig is not your average "conspiracy theorist" in fact he is not one at all. His job is to help schools prevent incidents like the one that happened in Newtown. In order to do that, he needs to know what exactly happened at Sandy Hook which makes sense clearly. He said in a frustrated tone: "How do I tell people how to make their school safer when we don't have the truth about Sandy Hook""See, there is a nexus, I do this for a living"
But school, state and federal officials aren't making his job easy and even the state has threatened him for meddling in their affairs
"They were in plain clothes-Halbig recalled-describing a visit he got from Lake County homicide investigators. "They introduced themselves, they showed me their identification, their badges and and they basically said "We need to have a conversation and I said" Well come on, sit down, make yourself comfortable" and then they read off my resume. I mean they did a lot of homework... Basically the next thing they said was if I don't stop, the Connecticut state police were going to file charges and recommended that I hire an attorney"
The retired principal, however, affirms he is in the right. "I said there is no way in the world I'm going to hire an attorney, because I'm following the procedures of the Connecticut state Freedom of Information Act. I mean, if anybody ought to be arrested, I said you tell those guys they ought to be arrested for failing to comply with the law of Connecticut"
He also said they treated him in a threatening manner stating: "If I don't comply that bad things are going to happen to me" Anyhow, Halbig says, like any homicide investigation, Sandy Hook is a giant puzzle but one which the public has not been given all the pieces to solve.
"[T]his crime that was committed is a puzzle and no one can show me the pieces to put together to finish this puzzle. They don't fit no matter how hard you try.. your listeners will not be able to put this puzzle together"-Halbig attested to host David Gahary
There are a lot of unanswered questions for Halbig for instance why in the aftermath of the shootings were no medical helicopters summoned?
"Think about it: you have 20 children, 6 staff members who were supposed to have been shot. They're seriously injured. Where's the trauma helicopters? those are the quickest and the best medical services that any child or any school staff member can receive, and no trauma helicopters were ever requested?"
Halbig even called LifeStar emergency services who confirmed they were never called that morning to go: [T]hey said 'Mr Halbig were never requested on that morning. We were shocked and surprised, we were ready, we thought we were going to Sandy Hook' They had helicopters ready to go, but they were never asked.. Here's my premise... there wasn't anybody to be treated"
Halbig also questions why EMT and firefighters , who were minutes away from the scene. were prevented from entering the school and possibly saving lives, and additionally,he wants to know how, within the first 11 minutes America was already given a death toll
"Who declared all those 26 people dead within the first 11 minutes? Connecticut law states that only a doctor can declare them legally dead"
More interesting Halbig says that the FBI classifying this school shooting report is something he has never seen in his entire career. "I can tell you [out of] all the school shootings, never has an FBI agency ever classified an investigative report on a school shooting"
Also what is baffling to not only Halbig but myself included is why was Sandy Hook bulldozed? Even the shootings in Columbine, whose crime scene Halbig assisted with in which he testified as a key witness, the school was cleaned up, but was never torn down
Also according to Halbig, no one could tell him which environmental company cleaned up the bloody mess, or who installed the school's security system, all things his job would require him to know
He has other interesting questions such as: Why was there a registered nurse found in the building four hours after the shooting? Why was there a sign flashing"Everyone must sign in?" Why were there port-a-potties on site within three hours? Why were children surrounded by officers and sent back into rooms supposedly covered in dead bodies? How did someone who some say had Asperger's(which is where I am diagnosed on the autism spectrum but will note that autistics are more likely to be victims of crime than to actually commit them but any how and it is believed he was on brain altering drugs that on record can cause violent outbursts amongst other things) carry the large amount of ammunitions Lanza supposedly carried? Why did no parents file a lawsuit against the school, when in every other school shooting there have been lawsuits filed? Also why did the state threaten Halbig?? also I will add Why haven't Lanza's autopsy reports have been released?? ( also see this
"The things [we're] talking about... they should never offend any parent.. These are simple questions that we as homicide investigators, we need to know and we should know"
Altogether, from the evidence collected by him and the analysis of it, Halbig concludes that this was a massive coverup
"Absolutely... It is... when you refuse to respond to simple requests, something is not right"
The next step legally, Halbig says, would be to hire attorneys and depose the key players of the investigation because "The only way you're going to get the truth is by getting them to raise their right hands""[I]f you lie in a deposition and if you're caught in that lie, there's a lot of things that you can lose, you can go to jail, you can lose your retirement..." warns the safety consultant
When he was asked if he feels his life could be at risk if the cover up goes all the way to the White House, Halbig says he is not fearful because he's led a rich life, but that for him, people showing up and knocking on his door was the final straw.
"Here is the problem and this was got me fired up even more, is when they start bringing people to my house"
Halbig said that he was going to travel to Newtown, Conn and scope out the crime scene and wants to plan a Sandy Hook event in Orlando, Flordia and says he won't stop until he gets answers
also provided is an interview he did with reporter David Knight and I will post a new updated video in which he was interviewed a couple days ago on Friday by Alex Jones, the founder of and
As for me, based on my own research and covering the story I would have to agree with Mr. Halbig's findings that clearly there is a massive coverup on Sandy Hook and the questions raised leave me to suspect that there is a lot more to this story that we are not being told and Mr Halbig's findings are also very disturbing and need further investigation if we are ever going to find out what really happened at Sandy Hook as it has been used to go after law-abiding gun owners to confiscate their guns as I and others documented after the incident happened