Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Company Wants to eat your favorite celebrity(this is not a joke) and UK Hospitals caught using dead babies for power(you read that right)

A company wants to take advantage of the mindless celebrity worship culture to feed fanatics their favorite celebrities. Hundreds of people have been petitioning celebrities to donate their tissue samples to this lab called a company that claims it will make "artisanal salami" from celebrity tissue samples for human consumption

In a promo Bite Labs asks the question: "How do you connect with celebrities. Over the internet? At Concerts? BiteLabs gets you so much closer. We take celebrity cells, grow them into muscles, making robust, flavorful, healthy, eco-friendly artisanal salami. We bring you celebrity meat"

The LA Times reported: "Here is how it will work. A tissue sample containing myosatellite cells(the type of cells that help repair and re-grow damaged muscle) will be taken from a person during a biopsy. Those cells are multiplied in a lab using a medium that acts as an artificial blood to grow muscle"

The company has a few famous folks in line from James Franco, Jennifer Lawrence, Kanye West and Ellen Degeneres, and even recipes they believe compliment their personalities"

The end result, BiteLabs testifies is a "high quality, luxury protein, in a sustainable manner that eliminates the environmental and ethical concerns associated with traditional livestock production"

There is a video posted of their promo and while eating human flesh sounds rather cannablistic, Bite Labs claims its meat will be free of "animal cruelty, waste and from the environmental impacts of industrial farming" and is the next step in food evolution

"In 1931, Winston Churchill predicted a future in which all the world's meat would be grown in labs; what, he asked, was the sense in raising a whole chicken merely for the sake of its wings or breast meant?... Today In Vitro meat production is close to becoming a reality"

This idea is insane, wrong and totally disgusting but using horrific ingredients to produce these foods is even more nauseating. Last month, scientists in Spain found "The trick to making sausage healthier maybe baby poop" Live Science reported: " Bacteria from baby poop can help make delicious sausages, which could transform them into health foods much like probiotic yogurt, according to new research"

And remember in 2011 when Japanese scientists announced their success in creating burgers out of human shit???

"According to latest reports, some people who actually ate the "turd burger" have said it tastes like beef" The International Business times reported

Clearly we have a brave new world of food coming at us, but thank god we have people who are resisting eating people and shit that comes out of your ass and I know I don't want to part of this either and would rather eat broccoli over the celebrity salami and sausages made out of baby shit or the shit burger. This is just beyond words of how nuts these people are and how science is being abused by the powers that be...

In an even more horrific story, Hospitals in the UK were caught using aborted and miscarried babies by burning their remains as "clinical waste" with some being used to power hospitals in the UK, a policy that has been defended by the radical environmentalists trendies as "sustainable recycling"

The London Telegraph reported: "Ten NHS trusts have admitted burning foetal remains alongside other rubbish while two others used the bodies in 'waste-to-energy' plants which generate power for heat" The revelations emerged as a result of a Channel 4 Dispatches program that was broadcast on Monday which found 15,000 babies were incinerated.

The program exposed the fact parents who lost their babies were being treated without compassion and were not even told what would happen to the remains of their dead children.

Following this horrible practice, The Department of Health put an instant ban on this policy with Health minister Dr. Dan Poulter labeling it "totally unacceptable"

This story represents the lunacy of the anti-life crowd and the pushers of the man made global warming/climate change myth with some taking to twitter to announce their SUPPORT FOR THIS "practice" saying it was an "efficient and effective" means of recycling(and there is a screen shot of the tweet in the article)

Another respondent to the Telegraph story remarked" If the unwanted remains can be used for a worth-wile purpose, such as heat generators. then they should be. That's the very essence of sustainability"characterizing the dead babies as "unwanted medical waste"

Another repondent to this Infowars story asserted: "I don't get what the problem is; it's recycling and more economical than using, say, nuclear power or electricity"

Also many other respondents to the Telegraph story made the point that burning these children is not surprising given the practice of abortion is treated with reckless abandon. "Once people decide that unborn children are less than human what do you expect" said one

This revelation bolsters the argument that the NHS should be privatized. Many folks in Britain have defended government run health care with almost a religious like fervor, unaware it is no free and costs around 1000 british pounds(around $1700) in taxes every year

AS for the burning of these children, as the proud aunt of 3 boys it just makes me sick to my stomach that can treat dead babies like that and only illustrates the anti-human culture that has infected our society and also shows how the pure sociopathic nature of these globalist elite and radical environmentalists