The thin veil of authoritarianism bent of the left has reared its ugly head with a twisted demented rant by Gawker's Adma Weinstein who called for thought criminals who question the fraud of man made global warming/man made climate change to be arrested and thrown in prison
"We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people's deaths. It's time to punish the climate-change liars" blathers this eco-lunatic Weinstein before claiming that "man made climate change" kills 150,000 people a year
Wienstien sites the 6 seismologists in Italy who were convicted of manslaughter in 2009 after they failed to connect a series of tremors that led to the tragic earthquake that killed 309 people, arguing public figures who dare question the scientific establishment should face similar punishment
"Those denialists should face jail. They should face fines. They should face lawsuits from the classes of people whose lives and livelihoods are most threatened by denialists tactics" barks Weinstein
Demanding that, "malcontents must be punished and stopped", Weinstein asserts that disagreeing with the content of the establishment scientific journals who over and over gain have been caught data rigging and continue to promote the myth of man made climate change is not covered by the First Amendment, arguing skeptics be "punished for your self serving malice"
What is next?? People who oppose Obamacare are the cause of illness and death for people who are poor and cannot afford medical insurance. I guess they should be thrown in jail too for questioning their Dear Leader???
Weinstein's screed emerged days before the UN IPCC report released today which warns of the typical dooms day crap if humanity does not sacrifice our freedoms, prosperity and happiness which the greatest liberator of man kind CO2 based energy has given us and something that should be celebrated not demonized like the PR stunt that is Earth Hour which celebrates holding back the 3rd world from life saving development using their cheap reliable sources of energy like coal, oil and gas
But despite having been caught data rigging like I mentioned, this has not stopped them from spewing their nonsense and has not stopped them from doubling down on their complete insanity
Today marked the point where "global warming" alarmism went truly nuts with headlines like in the UK Independent titled "The Apocalypse is Coming: War, famine and disease are on way-and Britain isn't immune"
Last week Professor Richard Tol demanded his name be removed from the IPCC report when he complained that the "sky is falling" tone made it sound like the "four horseman of the apocalypse"
However commentators have reacted to Weinstein's propaganda hit piece by exposing its undemocratic and fascistic tone
"It's good to have that one record with such a popular website. Liberals who are that soaked in the ideology of catastrophic man-caused global warming are fascists"-wrote Jim Lakely, adding: "Our fascist overlords are clever, and will probably set up work camps in which the undesirables will work as Obamacare facilitators. No thanks. I'm an old school dissident. I choose breaking rocks"
PJ Media's Rick Moran labeled Wienstein as an "authoritarian douche bag" and a "sneering elitist" noting: "People with ideas like Weinstein's are the reason other people are buying guns. This should not be seen in any way as a direct personal threat against Weinstein. But he has to understand that when liberals talk like this, they are the ones threatening others. They are the ones who would take away what the Constitution guarantees. They are the ones that many people think they need protecting from"
So while the eco-fascists control freaks like Weinstein continue to spew out doomsday garbage and propaganda regarding the myth of man made climate change, in reality the global overall temperature's have dropped for close to 17 plus years and therefore we have not seen any warming since then. Despite the eco-fascists claims that warming is bad, in reality cooling is the enemy of life since you cannot grow anything in ice whereas warming is beneficial because you can grow food and have the rainy seasons you need for a longer growing season and CO2 is not our enemy but best friend since it helps plants grow but don't tell that to the control freaks who are trying to silence anyone who opposes their gaia worshipping death cult religion