Saturday, November 2, 2013

Obama signs dictatorial executive order imposing fraudulent climate change garbage policies and Media continues flip scripting regarding LAX shooting yesterday

The Obama administration who are really nothing more than globalist minions showed yet again their disrespect for the United States Constitution by signing an executive order that bypasses Congress and the American people

This move clearly ignores a decision by Congress back in 2009 to not establish a "cap and trade" system that would have reduced "greenhouse" gas emissions. The Waxman-Markey Bill passed the House but the Senate defeated it outright. At the time the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress

This latest violation of the Constitution establishes a task force of state and local officials to "advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires,droughts and other potential impacts of climate change" according to a Fox News report.

The EO lumps all forms of bad weather under the discredited, fraud of man made climate change/co2 burning the earth myth as it will mandate new federal building codes under Agenda 21's so called sustainability and promises to "address climate impacts and infrastructure needs" and of course this was praised by the out of control EPA and their administrator Gina McCarthy, who said it serves as a "roadmap for agency work" and forces the nation to face it deems are so called climate related challenges

Also the EO will hold back any money expropriated by the federal government from states if they don't want to sign onto this ridiculous scam. It will bring "sweeping new changes to land use and resource policies" "refocus of climate change data and use it to push a new agenda into every priority of the federal government" and importantly, make policies immune to challenge by establishing "a new internal organization for coordination efforts during a government sequestration and possible future shutdowns"

A study last year debunked Al Gore's "hockey stick graph" on warming showing basically the statistical outcomes by the IPCC were "wrong" and never mind the fact that 2 Canadians McKitrick(sp?) and McIntyre exposed the hockey stick graph as a fraud showing them covering up the medieval warm period and the little ice age

Also Data from the NASA Langley Research Center, wrote Ethan Huff of natural news, reveals that "all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating the planet are actually cooling it"

And it violates Article 1 Section one of the United States Constitution that states that Congress, not the executive, has legislative power. An executive order is not lawful legislation

"An Executive Order is a policy or procedure issued by the President that is a regulation that applies only to employees of the Executive Branch of government"-notes the Tenth Amendment Center-"When a president issues an unconstitutional Executive Order and Congress allows the order to stand they are violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution"

In the Words of John Coleman: "It is the greatest scam in history"

In a scenario you could almost see coming upon hearing about the TSA shooting incident at LAX yesterday, the media is reporting now that  23 year old man suspected had motives consist of being pissed off at the TSA for their invasive security screenings and it also said that he had a note in his bag that mentioned NWO(new world order)

Originally CBS and others began reporting that the shooter was an off duty TSA agent, indicating the motive may have been personal in targeting colleagues. This of course went straight into the memory hole however and now we are presented with that he was not a TSA agent.

First we heard that he may have had "strong anti-government views" and had "anti-government materials" on his person this turned out to be the hand written note stating that he was a "pissed off patriot" who wished to "kill TSA and pigs"

The Note also mentioned former Homeland Security Security head Janet Napolitano, adding that constitutional rights were being violated by TSA searches. Now the shooter, 23 year old Paul Ciancia, is also said to have sent a "suicide text" to members of his family, as well as scrawling NWO at the ned of the note found in his bag

ABC news is quoted:

"The note found at the scene is ended with the letters "NWO", according to law enforcement sources, which is believed to stand for "New World Order". Law enforcement also said a large number of .223 caliber rounds were found at the airport"

While reports suggested the shooter was killed was quickly changed to "neutralized" and then changed to "taken into custody", indicating Ciancia was alive and it is a scenario we all knew was going to happen and parroted upon hearing about the incident as Paul Joseph Watson tweeted: "Report TSA agent shot in leg at LAX. Hope they don't try and pin this on liberty lovers" and a tweet from Disco Jim : "A Hand written note saying "I want to kill #TSA and pigs" is like finding a Saudi national passport after 9/11...#falseflag #LAX"

Another thing is why would Ciancia be asking plain clothed people if they were TSA agents when TSA agents are easily identifiable by their blue uniforms. This feels like an attempt to artificially create a narrative around the shooting. Already there have been calls for tighter security at airports and this may lead to calls to arm TSA agents, a plan that has been in the works for awhile and as reported yesterday when I posted about the shooting

Also this is also a typical move by the establishment press to attempt link the liberty movement to shootings/bombings and it won't be the last time they target those of us who are part of it... As you all know none of us condone what happened yesterday but as I illustrated yesterday these things are always exploited for political agendas and disrespect the victims of these tragedies when  they  do  this .......