Wednesday, April 17, 2013

More Boston Bombing news, new study showing further proof of Svenmarks' cosmoclimatology

a caller who phoned into the Alex Jones Show pointed to audio of police responding to multiple devices discovered on during the bombing on Monday April 15th.

"There's devices... definitely devices here" a voice in the background in the audio which you will hear at 17-25 seconds into the video posted in the article.

"Get off the radio, I want the clear channel" another voice at 30 seconds despite the fact that yesterday Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and an official saying there were no additional explosives...

folks the official story is now falling apart...

Thanks to internet sleuths finding images from surveillance cameras members from members of the crowd at the Boston Marathon identify Navy SEALs.

For comparison there is a photo of the late Chris Kyle and note the logos on his hat, pants and boots and then look at the photos

which clearly show this

now throw in the fact the Boston Police commission tells us that they had "no specific intelligence" that there was a drill despite a UM coach and marathon runner Stevenson stating the numerous announcements of drills going on and to say calm

IF they were aware, why didn't they do anything like cancel the races rather than tell everyone to say calm???

the plot thickens...

A lecture by professor Hiroko Miyhara of the University of Tokyo provides more support for the Svenmark theory of cosmoclimatology finding that solar geo-magnetic activity and the polarity of the geo-magnetic activity have significant impacts on cosmic rays and the formation of clouds. The polarity of the geo-magnetic activity flips with a 22 year cycle with periods of negative polarity(such as the current solar cycle) having a huge effect on cosmic rays and clouds. The authors found interestingly the incredible co-relation between solar rotational signals, cloud height and the Madden-Julian Oscilliation which is another mechanism along with small changes in solar activity that drive the earth's climate along with other factors such as ocean cycles, the tilt of the earth, earth's orbit around the sun and etc..

but of course the eco-fascist marxist rosseauvian collectivists don't want you knowing this because they thrive on propaganda and pseudo-science such as a life giving gas CO2 killing the planet as an excuse to tax the living shit out of the middle class and poor and to fund their tyrannical world government