Wednesday, April 3, 2013

IMF Urges economic death blow by Gasoline Carbon Taxes and More

Following the IMF, The EU and European Central Banks criminal scam to steal billions from depositors in Cyprus, the banksters are at it again this time to steal trillions, level the economic field and force millions into poverty.

Under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving natural gas that is not a pollutant and pay for programs for the social good to help victims of our carbon emission sins, the IMF wants the US to pay an extra $1.40 for GAS in taxes!!!

"The time has come for subsidy reform and carbon taxation"-declared the IMF's deputy director, David Lipton last week. "The IMF will draw attention to the issue and help those who want to go forward"

The IMF says by making us all poor through draconian taxation that we will reduce traffic jams and the like. Gas right now in the US is between $3.26 and $4.00 a gallon for gas and if the IMF rams this through, it would further destroy the economy

Rep. Fred Upton who is a republican from Michigan and chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee slammed this in the following quote: "Good Grief! Higher gas prices hit those who can least afford it as American families are forced to pay a larger percentage of their income on higher energy prices. Drivers across the country are already struggling to pay up to $4.00 a gallon for gas, and further price increases at the pump could be devastating to low and middle-class families and disastrous to our economic recovery. Instead of finding way to make gas more expensive, our focus needs to be on finding solutions to keep energy prices affordable"

Truly disgusting..

Where to begin with this province and their criminal gang?
Metrolinx has table 11 "suggestions" that would destroy Toronto's tourism industry, housing basically any industry that would want to set up shop down there. The end game is to have prison like cities where you're travel is restricted and be forced to bike to work and it is expensive to live there too.

Gas Taxes, extra licensing fees, huge parking fees and the rest of it and now Metrolinx wants these taxes to be even HIGHER here is a list of some them:

'Development charges
Employer payroll tax
Fuel tax
High Occupancy tolls
Highway Tolls
Land Value Capture
Parking Space Levy, including pay-for-parking transit stations
Property tax
Sales tax
Transit fare increase
Vehicle kilometres travelled fee"

Folks this is UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 21 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT!!!!!! The greatest scam in history under the guise of saving the planet from a fake environmental crisis that is man made climate change to usher in their real plan which is a one world government, all these taxes and fees you see above are all part of this power grab/land grab and what we will face if these sociopathic bastards get their way and most evil of all: genocide of 90% of the world's population