The associated press and the star tribune(which is the local newspaper of Minneapolis-St Paul, linked through above) are reporting tonight that over dozens of raw milk supporters showed up outside the Hennepin County courthouse to support farmer Alvin Schlangen, the guy who was supplying raw milk to over 100 customers in the Twin Cities area. Minnesota allows farmers to sell raw milk after it is produced so he was not violating any law here but this is an example of corruption within the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and other bureaucracies that have done similar raids on farmers like in California and Michigan that have harassed innocent farmers over complete nonsense..
Papers Showing Sun Main Driver of Climate Change:
This paper was done by a team of scientists from China and Australia led by Keliang Zhao of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Peking. They studied sediment profiles from the Taklaman Desert (which is 2nd largest on the planet) where they constructed the climate of the last 4,000 years and their results where published in March of this year 2012 also they used pollen data to reconstruct the density of vegetation and moisture and so on. Very interesting article based on REAL facts and not hysterical fear mongering nonsense and likely you won't see this being reported on any major news outlet.
Henry Kissinger(known war criminal) groped by TSA:
yes you read that right.. I couldn't believe it myself but it is true.. Nice to see these globalists operatives get a taste of their own medicine.. and he also wrote the famous National Security Study Memorandum 200 which called for the use of famine and war to reduce third world population.. It was de-classified in 1990 and was originally issued in 1974 when he worked under Nixon. In the book Merchants of Despair on page 163, Robert Zubrin breaks this down rather well and exposes it for the piece of nonsense that it is.