It seems we have reached 100 days of protest over what originally started out as opposition to government tuition hikes and you recall the Quebec government's response to this was bill 78 which ends our right to assemble and to express ourselves freely and over 500 people were arrested in Montreal,Quebec as a result of this and over 176 people in Quebec city were also "detained under the new law" and also because of this absolutely draconian bill, they can fine student associations or even student unions if they protest against the government. It has been reported students have been boycotting their classes because they argue that tuition hikes would led to dropout rates and of course more debt. Similar thing has happened in the US, where they basically accepted higher graduation "debts than Canadians"best part of article is right here: "The real danger here is that this Canadian protest becomes absorbed into and sterilized by the Occupy Movement's and their class warfare mantra embodied in the "99% vs the 1%. From the global elite standpoint, if Canada's Maple Spring became an intelligent movement, it could focus on the country's central banking establishment and the government's cynical use of social entitlements to entrap its citizens into complying with a loss of inherent constitutional right and freedoms-a real and disturbing trend" which we all know has been felt in the US, Europe and Australia.. This also highlights the growing police state here in Canada that is slowly becoming more recognized and must be aware of the tactics used by the elite to usher in all of this.
Rand Paul introduces legislation to end FDA Armed raids on farmers: yes Natural News reported yesterday that Senator Paul offered an amendment to tell the FDA to stop its armed raids against innocent raw milk farmers and reign in the FDA's power which is out of control and so on.. I think this good news because even if it does not pass, This shows that there are still good people in government who are willing to stop this tyranny against American Farmers and the american people in general.
Also see this article which is posted on but written by Natural News about how not one Democrat voted in favor of ending FDA tyranny on raw milk farmers: it is clear that they don't want people knowing what is in their food and going to farmers to get fresh healthy food and destroying these people's lively hoods and also it is clear that Not only is the US slowly becoming a dictatorship(as we are up in Canada), this just goes to show how power and control is the most dangerous threat to liberty.
Paul Ehrlich's "population bomb" is now dead: Birth rates are dropping around the world even in some countries below replacement of the average 2.1 children per woman, I know Japan is only 1.2 and Poland is about the same but the American fertility rate is actually where it should be at 2.1 and immigration is another reason the US is not in decline.. Of course this is something to celebrate because it can yield power and more influence but the UN also has a report out that projects the world population to decline at a rate of 3-4 billion by 2300 from the 7 billion we have today and given the information also that we will peak at 9 billion towards the middle of this century but will lose a billion every 20 years, I would say is right on demographic target but again the population control freaks will never acknowledge these facts because this is a religion of death that we must stop. But the article itself is a good read..
Chicago Skeptic Climate Conference video from Sun News Ezra Levant interviewing Dr. Don Easterbrook, who is a geologist here is the link to the video which I think you might enjoy:
Australians face big fines if they speak out against the "Carbon" tax: Australia is set to impose fines up 1 million dollars if business owners dare speak out against this ridiculous nonsense. According one report out of the Daily Telegraph "shops and restaurants could face fines up to $1.1 million if waiters or staff wrongly blame the carbon tax" for huge increases in price. This is absolute tyranny and is also an example of how free speech and dissent is being slowly taken away. The entire carbon tax was nothing but a scam from the word go and has nothing to do with the environment at all but more about controlling our lives through fraud( article is from 2009 but still relevant) and as I mentioned before in my article about the UN hypocrisy, where Ugandans and Hondurans where forced off their land and in some cases even brutally murdered under the guise of saving the planet from an evil life giving natural gas CO2 so they could take their land.