Saturday, May 12, 2012

the green energy scam,0_

great article by Lawrence Solomon of the Financial Post exposing the green energy scam that is affecting electricity ratepayers in not just Canada but the UK and elsewhere. The greatest example of this is in Ontario(where I live), we pay ridiculous prices for energy in this province thanks to the Liberals of this province, they dismantled our coal-fired plants(even one west of Thunder Bay) under the guise of becoming a "green" energy leader and guess what happened, they build renewable energy plants which were economic destroyers and now we are paying 80 times the rate  so now we can expect prices to increase at least 46% over 5 years(this is mentioned in the article). As I have mentioned before, this is not about the enivronment this is about destroying any industrialized nation (courtesy of one of the lunatics promoting this fraud, Maurice Strong of the UN in 1992) and holding back third world development.. all under the guise of the fraud of life giving gas CO2 boiling the planet..