Friday, June 3, 2011

the amazing claims from the believers of the man made global warming fairytale: the celebrities who make up such laughable claims

this article comes from Noel Sheppard of I almost died laughing reading the abusrdness of this woman's claim.. I will post the link to the article right here:

enjoy.. if you are having a bad day, this might just brighten it

another absurd claim coming from the Vancouver Sun June 3rd of last week: is the Internet Killing the planet.. I mean really?? these global warming cultists have really gone to crazy land for sure

another claim: Cows are killing the planet, this was from the london telegraph from march 2010 (courtesy: because their gas is lethal and gonna kill us all.. my god but we know that is totally bogus but it is hilarious at best.. quite laughable and thus this is the reason they want to tax cows if it weren't so awful because the demonization of livestock is keeping the third world starving along with the biofuels scam(which I have covered)