Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Green Left caught lying about fires in the amazon in order to justify their communist power grabs

www.spiked-online.com/2019/08/27/the-myth-of-ecocide/ The green left is stopping at nothing to hold on to the man made climate change myth and they are using the fires in Brazil in the amazon region as an excuse to power grab and push propaganda onto the masses this article from spiked online exposes their lies and fraud I will present some highlights: "So now we know: the idea that the Amazon rainforest is burning on an unprecedented scale and that these fires will rob humanity of one of its key sources of oxygen is fake news. It is hard to think of any other global event this year that has been as awash with misinformation as the rainforest fires. We’ve been told these fires are a calamity, an act of ‘ecocide’; they’re proof of humanity’s contempt for the environment; they will blacken and possibly even destroy ‘the lungs of the world’, as the rainforests are referred to, given they produce 20 per cent of the world’s oxygen. It’s all untrue. We are being misled.Everything – from the photos of fires being shared by heartbroken celebs to the wild claims about these fires harming the whole of humanity – is false. Some of the photos of the fires being tearfully shared on social media are 10 or 20 years old. Many are not pictures of the Amazon at all. Some are from south Brazil, others from India and Sweden. The idea that millions of glorious, oxygen-producing trees are been burnt to a cinder by evil humans is nonsense, too. To the extent that there has been an increase in fires in the Amazon – and this itself is a deceptive claim – many of this year’s new fires are of dry It is untrue that the fires are historically huge or unprecedented. NASA says the Amazon fires are ‘slightly below average this year’. Many are pointing out that we are witnessing the highest number of fires in the Amazon for seven years. But as meteorologist Jesse Ferrell reports, prior to 2012 there were many years in which the Amazon had worse fires than this year’s: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010. "my note: and here is another article from the washington times that debunks further claims https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/aug/26/amazon-fires-normal-agriculture-despite-internatio/ so it is clear from these articles that the green left and their hollywood elite and even polticians like Justin Trudeau have been caught lying once again in order to usurp our freedoms under the guise that CO2 which is greening the earth is going kill us all unless we give up our freedoms to the globalist United Nations these people are disgusting