Friday, August 23, 2019

Bad news about Ontario Sex Ed program but there is a solution no one talks about The Ford Government didn’t repeal the lunatic sex ed program of the wynne era but did bring in an opt out but according to the campaign life coalition it is a farce and the article goes one to explain all of what happen including how the consultations were rigged and so on and so forth. There is a solution here that no one talks about and that is kicking the state out of the education system and putting it into the hands of local boards and parents or force public schools to compete by allowing more options for parents to send their kids to the school of their choice or even homeschool and have that money follow that student but people continue to think that government can fix this when in reality they cant and wont so really it is up to us the people to protect kids from the radical sex ed program by pulling kids out of the government brainwashing centers known as public schools and the first point I talked about kicking the state out

Anyway spread this article around to your friends and family stay tuned