Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The real agenda behind the man made climate fraud: to control population and our lives

https://www.infowars.com/for-climate-interventionists-new-taxes-are-only-the-beginning/ the article was originally posted on Mises.org where it talks about how the real agenda behind the man made climate fraud/scam is really to not only bring in new taxes to rip us all off but to control our lives from the number of kids we can have for example and many other examples that are provided. The malthusian anti-human green left has really shown their hatred for humanity and are so open about it it is easy to show. In fact the CBC here in canada had a chart last year promoting population control in this great piece by toronto sun and truth north initiative founder Candice Malcolm published on the post millennial here https://www.thepostmillennial.com/malcolm-the-cbc-should-stay-out-of-the-bedrooms-of-the-nation/ as a way to reduce those “carbon” emitters even though carbon and CO2 are one of the basics of life on this planet and CO2 is an essential life giving gas that helps plants grow through the process of photosynthesis but dont tell elitists like Mckenna, or David Attenborough the eugencist trash who in the past has promoted such garbage. SO the real goal of the elite with this lie is to reduce the population of the west and bring in immigrants to replace us hence the open borders nonsense coming from them lately.The solution to globalist deopopulation is to tell them to stay out of our bedrooms and we should be encouraging pro-family polices that give incentive for people to have more kids to boost our low fertility numbers which are around 1.5 or 1.6 give or take I know I read somewhere that Italy was giving free land to people to encourage them to have more kids and that is something we should consider but the second article points out that many want to have kids but thanks to a tanking economy know thanks to the elites and the left teaming together to destroy our energy industry and promoting high taxes including the carbon tax are causing people to not have kids. So if we ever get our country back we should do everything we can to reduce taxes and get our economy going again so people can be encouraged to have children in the future barring medical issues but still these articles should give pause and remember to be skeptical of the promoters of the overpopulation myth because we all know what happens when they win just look at China