Monday, December 3, 2018

The establishment war on meat: 163% meat tax coming The establishment’s war on meat continues with the latest brain dead idea of taxing meat up to 163% in order to push their agenda of forcing veganism on the entire planet and not to mention how this only enriches the food state bureaucrats and punishes the poorest amongst and our cattle farmers. The solutions to this are to stop punishing people, allow better access for fresh produce so that low income individuals can have access to that along with meat as mentioned but the only solution I disagreed with was the GMO part because I see the benefits of using this technology for solving the nutritional deficiencies in the third world where issues like the lack of vitamin A is causing blindness in children and killing them but other than that it is a good article and has someone who has b12 issues, this type of thing really burns my ass because when I dont have protein I am very tired and I dont function as well so you can bet that I will be resisting this despicable agenda with everything I have and you should too so share the article with your friends and family so they are aware of the latest assaults on our freedoms