"a foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth"-Albert Einstein
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Dakota Pipeline Co. Sues Eco-fascists mafia crime syndicates like Greenpeace under RICO act for conspiracy to halt the project
https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/26760-dakota-pipeline-co-sues-greenpeace-earth-first-under-rico-for-conspiracy-to-halt-construction Well the Eco-fascists are finally being held accountable for their crimes as the company behind the Dakota Pipeline Energy Transfer partners are suing the radical left environmental organizations like greenpeace, earth first under the RICO act(which was designed to go after organized crime like the mafia for example back in the 1970s) in the 231 page lawsuit they say that they planted radical Eco-terrorists amongst the peaceful ones there and they accused greenpeace of running a campaign based on outright lies and solicited money under false claims about the pipeline such as it running on tribal lands and etc.. And they are seeking about 300 million dollars in damages though this will be tied up in the courts however though it will shine a light on just how dirty and corrupt these radical environmentalist organizations like Greenpeace are and whose real goal is to shut down and to withhold cheap reliable energy and throw the west back into the stone ages and the Black Plague and prevent much needed life saving development with cheap reliable energy for the poorer parts of Africa and Southeast Asia all because of the greatest lie in history that carbon dioxide is going to kill us all and we have to give up our freedoms and liberty to do so when in reality carbon dioxide is life and without it life on earth would not exist but these facts don't matter to these radical environmentalists on the estbalishment left
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Trump and Afghanistan and the war on drugs
https://youtu.be/2dapr5evj_g Infowars.com interviewed Steve Piezcnek about trump's speech on Afghanistan as perhaps sending more troops there and how he might be falling victim to the necons like McMaster and etc.. And then they break down how the US protected the opium fields http://www.globalresearch.ca/drug-war-american-troops-are-protecting-afghan-opium-u-s-occupation-leads-to-all-time-high-heroin-production/5358053 and of course the CIA and NATO are guilty of it as wellhttps://www.newsbud.com/2017/08/21/newsbud-exclusive-nato-cia-pentagon-junction-of-the-real-druglords-warlords_/ as you will see in this article from former FBI whistleblower and newsbud founder Sibel Edmonds that the CIA's drug trafficking goes back to the Korean War and also highlights the Iran Contra scandal that is tied to this where the US government supported the contras against the Sandinsta government in Nicuraga and then the CIA illegally gave arms to Iran and used the cash to fund the contras and cameback with cocaine from the country of Columbia
and the video breaks down yet again how the CIA and their criminal friends created AL-Qaeda and what we see now as ISIS http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/737430/CIA-ISIS-Wikileaks-Carter-Cables-III-Julian-Assange https://medium.com/@An0nKn0wledge/history-of-cia-attempted-coups-in-syria-and-how-they-created-isis-1256d3e880d6
My feeling is this could blow up in Trump's face if he is not careful and I am afraid he is being tricked by those pesky neocons that seemed to have infested in there but we shall see
and we all know this goes back to the false flag that was 9/11 and how it was used to prop up the excuses for these wars based on lies and deception https://youtu.be/xqqelDq4P48 the 16 th anniversary of that awful day is coming soon kind of hard to believe I was just a 15 year old high schooler at the time and I thought the official story was true until I did my own digging a few years ago and stumbled upon the aricthects and engineers for 911 truth and others that the story given to America and the world was bullshit and made my realize that the so called investigation as well was done poorly and half assed and not to mention all the cover ups surrounding that day as well
Update: another good interview by infowars.com's David Knight on his new show real news interviewing Steve Piezcenik on Afghanistan and other topics https://youtu.be/5J7D2cl-8FQ
and the video breaks down yet again how the CIA and their criminal friends created AL-Qaeda and what we see now as ISIS http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/737430/CIA-ISIS-Wikileaks-Carter-Cables-III-Julian-Assange https://medium.com/@An0nKn0wledge/history-of-cia-attempted-coups-in-syria-and-how-they-created-isis-1256d3e880d6
My feeling is this could blow up in Trump's face if he is not careful and I am afraid he is being tricked by those pesky neocons that seemed to have infested in there but we shall see
and we all know this goes back to the false flag that was 9/11 and how it was used to prop up the excuses for these wars based on lies and deception https://youtu.be/xqqelDq4P48 the 16 th anniversary of that awful day is coming soon kind of hard to believe I was just a 15 year old high schooler at the time and I thought the official story was true until I did my own digging a few years ago and stumbled upon the aricthects and engineers for 911 truth and others that the story given to America and the world was bullshit and made my realize that the so called investigation as well was done poorly and half assed and not to mention all the cover ups surrounding that day as well
Update: another good interview by infowars.com's David Knight on his new show real news interviewing Steve Piezcenik on Afghanistan and other topics https://youtu.be/5J7D2cl-8FQ
Monday, August 21, 2017
globalist And radical feminist/eugenicsist Canadian PM Trudeau thinks that abortions up until birth is a human right
http://www.lifenews.com/2017/08/21/canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeau-calls-unlimited-abortions-up-to-birth-a-human-right/ AS if our globalist prime minister could not get any more fucking dense he seems to think that abortion up until birth is a right when in reality abortion is not a right since it is illegal for us to murder each other why is killing babies ok?? I know because the radical left are nothing more than death loving eugenicists who seem to think this is ok but accuses pro-lifers of hate when Apple donated money to the disgustingly corrupt southern Poverty law Center who hate anyone who is pro-life http://www.lifenews.com/2017/08/21/apple-will-donate-1-million-to-pro-abortion-group/
This is truly sickening for sure
This is truly sickening for sure
Friday, August 18, 2017
Globalist necon Condi Rice smears patriots as racists when it is completely false and iceland's killing of down's children
https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/26727-after-charlottesville-globalist-rice-smears-patriots-as-racists Not after the horrible riots of charolettesville did Globalist neocon trash Condi Rice get on her pretend moral high horse and condemned those of us who are constitutional supporters regardless of colour and etc.. of being racist alongside KKK and etc.. when it could not be further from the truth. I condemned as you all know the violence from ALL sides on this very blog and I condemned all forms of supremacy as well but it is also hypocritical of her when she had supported the illegal wars in the Middle East that killed many innocent people over there and the ongoing slaughter of the Christians over there and as you will see in this article by Alex Newman of the new American he provides numerous examples of how the John Birch Society has combatted racism and nazism over the years and while she rightfully condemned KKK and Nazis somehow the violence of the radical left gets no condmentation
But either way this was very gross on her part and truly sickening
And CBS applauded Icleand for getting rid of children with Down's syndrome http://www.lifenews.com/2017/08/18/shame-on-cbs-for-applauding-iceland-for-eliminating-down-syndrome-by-aborting-babies-who-have-it/ this is so gross and so eugenic just because a child has a disability of some kind should never mean that their life is not worth it and that their life has no value in truth Human life has value regardless of disability or not and if they can target children especially with down's then they can target the rest of us and as someone who has mild disabilities herself I find this disturbing it is clear we have not learned anything from the eugenics of the past whether it was in nazi Germany, the US or Britian and it also shows me just how anti-human our society has become
But either way this was very gross on her part and truly sickening
And CBS applauded Icleand for getting rid of children with Down's syndrome http://www.lifenews.com/2017/08/18/shame-on-cbs-for-applauding-iceland-for-eliminating-down-syndrome-by-aborting-babies-who-have-it/ this is so gross and so eugenic just because a child has a disability of some kind should never mean that their life is not worth it and that their life has no value in truth Human life has value regardless of disability or not and if they can target children especially with down's then they can target the rest of us and as someone who has mild disabilities herself I find this disturbing it is clear we have not learned anything from the eugenics of the past whether it was in nazi Germany, the US or Britian and it also shows me just how anti-human our society has become
Monday, August 14, 2017
Deep State orchestrated Charolttesville Riots
https://www.infowars.com/what-theyre-not-telling-you-about-the-charlottesville-race-riots/ BY now I am sure you have all heard about the riots on Saturday and how the cops were told to stand down https://www.infowars.com/police-stand-down-fueled-fire-of-violence-in-virginia/ now what happened was a so called alt-right group was going to have some sort of rally and then the city tried pulling the permits but they got it back but then Antifa and others were bussed in and we all know the establishment figures like Soros have funded these things before in order to get a race war going and cause further division and then there was the horrific attack of the guy who mowed down people with his car and he has been arrested https://pilotonline.com/news/nation-world/virginia/alleged-driver-of-car-that-plowed-into-charlottesville-crowd-was/article_ede00bde-d8fb-5785-8f10-5aa958419ca7.html and one woman was killed she was 32 and this guy is 20.
I condemn the violence that took place on Saturday it was cruel and down right sickening to see and I also condemn all forms of supremacy whether it is white, black and etc.. Both gross and also I condemn Nazism, communism fascism and all forms of tyranny
Now while this white nationalist alt right group had a permit and they were going to peacefully rally and they had a first amendment right to do so https://youtu.be/r9mpQO9PbZY (jay Fayza breaking down why we need to listen to bad ideas to replace with good ones) I don't agree with their views but as long as violence is not incited then it is ok but violence was in sighted so therefore both sides the alt-right and the alt-left antifas and black lives matter were all wrong in this instance and I supported Mr Trump's rightful condmentation in his recent pressers https://youtu.be/00RAteYexNA and here is another great video from the rebel this time from Faith Goldy as she was there when all this bad stuff happened and and another video from Fox News with popular YouTube stars and very ardent trump supporters Diamond and Silk breaking down what happened and it is also a good video https://youtu.be/hsbcYid1x4Q
We are all one human race people regardless of colour, creed, religion etc.. And we should be judging each other on the content of our character and not our skin colour. This type of division is what the elitists scum want in order to get their horrible agenda in for a one world government and they don;t want us to unite in fighting these pieces of shit elite but let's unite in spite of these people and really come together to defeat these scum
I condemn the violence that took place on Saturday it was cruel and down right sickening to see and I also condemn all forms of supremacy whether it is white, black and etc.. Both gross and also I condemn Nazism, communism fascism and all forms of tyranny
Now while this white nationalist alt right group had a permit and they were going to peacefully rally and they had a first amendment right to do so https://youtu.be/r9mpQO9PbZY (jay Fayza breaking down why we need to listen to bad ideas to replace with good ones) I don't agree with their views but as long as violence is not incited then it is ok but violence was in sighted so therefore both sides the alt-right and the alt-left antifas and black lives matter were all wrong in this instance and I supported Mr Trump's rightful condmentation in his recent pressers https://youtu.be/00RAteYexNA and here is another great video from the rebel this time from Faith Goldy as she was there when all this bad stuff happened and and another video from Fox News with popular YouTube stars and very ardent trump supporters Diamond and Silk breaking down what happened and it is also a good video https://youtu.be/hsbcYid1x4Q
We are all one human race people regardless of colour, creed, religion etc.. And we should be judging each other on the content of our character and not our skin colour. This type of division is what the elitists scum want in order to get their horrible agenda in for a one world government and they don;t want us to unite in fighting these pieces of shit elite but let's unite in spite of these people and really come together to defeat these scum
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Canada's manufactured illegal immigrant crisis set up by George Soros and Trudeau
https://youtu.be/tjrXIqYE_DI Dan Dicks of Press For truth breaks down how illegals that the US was kicking out are coming into our country some with criminal records through the southern part of the province of Quebec as part of our globalist puppet Prime minister Trudeau's agenda to turn us into Europe where countries like Sweden have seen horrific increases in rapes and the whole 9 yards this is part of the elite agenda to destroy our country from the inside out and Montreal declared itself a hellhole for illegals known as a sanctuary cityhttp://www.torontosun.com/2017/08/04/canadas-getting-its-very-own-sanctuary-city-crisis and how these "refugees" were fast tracked as well http://www.torontosun.com/2017/06/20/trudeaus-fast-tracked-refugees-missed-overseas-orientation-session-docs and how this has caused a huge backlog in the private sector of sponsoring refugees http://www.torontosun.com/2017/06/13/trudeau-policy-causes-major-backlog-of-private-refugee-sponsorships so we are in trouble here folks and it will only get worse I think because Trudeau could give to shits about this country going to hell as long as he can take is taxpayer funded vacations and selfies and the whole 9 yards and here is a video that infowars.com's Owen Shroyer did featuring the rebel media's Faith Goldy also breaking this border problem down and it is a worth the watch as well https://www.therebel.media/talking_canada_s_border_crisis_on_infowars
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Fake news idiot Brian William admits agenda to scare people about North Korea
Establisment hack Brian Williams said in one of his programs the other night regarding the tensions with North Korea and Trump exchanging fiery commentary and with the NK's having nukes thanks to neo-liberal alleged rapist Bill Clinton and the rest of the neo-liberal warmongering scum(video provided in article) but it shows just how the MSM likes to cheer for war by ramping up fears in order for the government to take away more civil liberties in the process and by the corrupt msm cheerleading the neocons thirst for warmongering and pushing pro-war propganada only allows the deep state military industrial complex to brainwash the public into supporting another war using their tax dollars to do so and the fact that North Korea is basically a communist third world hell hole and don;t really have the tech know and can't even maintain and electrical grid https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/26672-what-does-u-s-north-korean-war-of-words-really-mean so I don't view them as threat but what this article shows is how the threat is not from North Korea itself but the Washington Neocons and Pyeonchang possibly orchestrating another Korean War and I have a feeling that the deep state neocons might try to start up a false flag al a northwoods to get it going http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2017/august/09/only-morons-believe-what-the-us-government-says-about-north-korea/
Update: Steve Piezcenik was on infowars.com today breaking down how this whole North Korea situation is really a psy-op to distract from China/India having their own conflict and how he talked it about it before so the plot thickens and stay tuned https://youtu.be/2VOmpWkkST8
Establisment hack Brian Williams said in one of his programs the other night regarding the tensions with North Korea and Trump exchanging fiery commentary and with the NK's having nukes thanks to neo-liberal alleged rapist Bill Clinton and the rest of the neo-liberal warmongering scum(video provided in article) but it shows just how the MSM likes to cheer for war by ramping up fears in order for the government to take away more civil liberties in the process and by the corrupt msm cheerleading the neocons thirst for warmongering and pushing pro-war propganada only allows the deep state military industrial complex to brainwash the public into supporting another war using their tax dollars to do so and the fact that North Korea is basically a communist third world hell hole and don;t really have the tech know and can't even maintain and electrical grid https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/26672-what-does-u-s-north-korean-war-of-words-really-mean so I don't view them as threat but what this article shows is how the threat is not from North Korea itself but the Washington Neocons and Pyeonchang possibly orchestrating another Korean War and I have a feeling that the deep state neocons might try to start up a false flag al a northwoods to get it going http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2017/august/09/only-morons-believe-what-the-us-government-says-about-north-korea/
Update: Steve Piezcenik was on infowars.com today breaking down how this whole North Korea situation is really a psy-op to distract from China/India having their own conflict and how he talked it about it before so the plot thickens and stay tuned https://youtu.be/2VOmpWkkST8
Social justice warrior insanity claims another victim Google's James Demore for merely exposing their Bullshit
https://youtu.be/sGBM47Bg3Nc a google employee was fired for merely exposing the radical left's social justice warrior nonsense by pointing out that there are differences between men and women https://www.infowars.com/google-fires-diversity-manifesto-author-james-damore-for-wrongthink/ and the radical establishment left went crazy and he even mentioned there are others who agreed with him on what he was criticizing but are too afraid because of the fake intolerant left's need to shut down free speech with anyone who disagrees with their bullshit https://thefederalist.com/2017/08/08/read-the-google-diversity-memo-that-that-everyone-is-freaking-out-about/ https://thefederalist.com/2017/08/08/media-outlets-blatantly-lying-google-memo/ and of course the corrupt MSM all lied about the memo and here is that article above and it will make your head shake and quite possibly laugh at how insane this all is and the article exposes such lies as he said that women didn't belong in tech and a whole host of other propaganda the corrupt establishment mouthpiece media was spewing from the Washington post and others
it is a crazy world we live in folks
it is a crazy world we live in folks
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