Hackers in the CIA used Samsung Tvs into listening devices thanks to the Wikileaks dump that were revealed on Tuesday showing just the level of illegal spying by the government that has been going since 9/11 and this weeping angel malware they talk about was created in 2014 that even if the Tvs were off they could still listen to your conversations but in a 2012 wired article they admitted that they could even use your dishwasher to spy on you as well so it just proves that others who were exposing all of this were dead right about illegal government spying and violating the 4th amendment in doing so and even a former congressman Dennis Kucinch talked about how the vault 7 reveals showed just how dangerous America was sliding towards totalitarianism and he also blasted the CIA for their own role in this as well for allowing back doors so that hackers could take advantage of and exploit
I am not surprised by these reveals since it is something I have posted about on here from time to time but again it just shows once again that independent media sources like Infowars and others were right the whole time and to those who dismissed their claims are sure eating crow now